13 #include <geometry/dbobjects/GeoMaterialProperty.h>
Represent an optical finish of a surface.
int m_model
model for the surface
void setValue(double value)
set value for the surface condition
void setFinish(int finish)
set finish of the surface
void setModel(int model)
set model for the surface
int getFinish() const
get finish of the surface
const std::string & getName() const
get name of the optical surface
std::vector< GeoMaterialProperty > m_properties
properties of this material
int m_type
type of the surface
GeoOpticalSurface(const std::string &name, int model, int finish, int type, double value)
real constructor
void setName(const std::string &name)
set name of the optical surface
void addProperty(const GeoMaterialProperty &property)
add a property to the material
int m_finish
finish of the surface
double getValue() const
get value for the surface condition
const std::vector< GeoMaterialProperty > & getProperties() const
get all properties
int getType() const
get type of the surface
bool hasProperties() const
check if the material has at least one property
empty constructor for ROOT
int getModel() const
get model for the surface
std::string m_name
name of the optical surface
ClassDef(GeoOpticalSurface, 1)
Add ROOT reflection info.
double m_value
value for the surface condition
void setType(int type)
set type of the surface
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.