Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <alignment/GlobalLabel.h>
11 #include <iostream>
13 using namespace std;
15 using namespace Belle2;
17 std::set<unsigned short> GlobalLabel::m_components = {};
19 GlobalLabel::GlobalLabel(GlobalLabel::gidTYPE globalLabel) :
20  gid(0), eid(0), pid(0), tid(0), tif(0)
21 {
22  if (globalLabel > maxLabel)
23  return;
24  gid = globalLabel;
25  tif = gid / tifOffset;
26  pid = gid % eidOffest / pidOffset;
28  if (!tif) {
29  eid = gid % tifOffset / eidOffest;
30  } else {
31  // Time-dep label
32  gidTYPE teid = gid % tidOffset / teidOffset;
33  gidTYPE teidpid = makeTEIDPID(teid, pid);
34  gidTYPE eidpid = 0;
35  auto& dict = GlobalLabel::getDictionary();
36  auto it = dict.find(teidpid);
37  if (it != dict.end())
38  eidpid = it->second;
40  eid = eidpid / eidOffest;
41  tid = gid % tifOffset / tidOffset;
42  }
43 }
47 {
48  auto& dict = GlobalLabel::getDictionary();
49  auto& ints = GlobalLabel::getTimeIntervals();
50  tif = 1;
51  tid = start;
52  gidTYPE eidpid = makeEIDPID(eid, pid);
54  auto it = ints.find(eidpid);
55  if (it == ints.end()) {
56  // Not found, insert new record
57  gidTYPE teidpid = makeTEIDPID(dict.size() + 1, pid);
58  dict.insert(make_pair(teidpid, eidpid));
59  ints.insert(make_pair(eidpid, TimeInterval(teidpid, start, end)));
60  } else {
61  // Found, add time interval
62  it->second.set(start, end);
63  }
64 }
67 {
70 }
73 {
74  if (!getUniqueId() or paramId > maxPID) {
75  return label();
76  }
77  construct(getUniqueId(), getElementId(), paramId);
78  return label();
79 }
82  GlobalLabel::gidTYPE paramId)
83 {
84  if (elementId > maxEID || paramId > maxPID)
85  return;
86  pid = paramId;
87  eid = elementId;
89  gidTYPE eidpid = makeEIDPID(eid, pid);
90  gidTYPE teidpid = 0;
91  auto& ints = GlobalLabel::getTimeIntervals();
92  auto it = ints.find(eidpid);
93  if (it != ints.end())
94  teidpid = it->second.teidpid();
96  if (teidpid)
97  tif = 1;
98  else
99  tif = 0;
101  if (!tif)
102  gid = (tif * tifOffset + eid * eidOffest + pid * pidOffset);
103  else {
104  tid = it->second.get(GlobalLabel::getCurrentTimeIntervalRef());
105  gid = (tif * tifOffset + tid * tidOffset + teidpid);
106  }
107  /*
108  if (!teidpid) {
109  // time indep.
110  tif = 0;
111  gid = (tif * tifOffset + eid * eidOffest + pid * pidOffset);
112  }
113  else {
114  tid = it->second.get(GlobalLabel::getCurrentTimeIntervalRef());
115  if (tid == 0) {
116  // actually the first instance of time dep. parameter -> def with orginal time. indep. label
117  //FIXME: code copied from above!
118  tif = 0;
119  gid = (tif * tifOffset + eid * eidOffest + pid * pidOffset);
120  } else {
121  tif = 1;
122  gid = (tif * tifOffset + tid * tidOffset + teidpid);
123  }
124  }
125  */
126 }
128 void GlobalLabel::dump(int level) const
129 {
130  cout << "GlobalLabel: gid=" << gid << endl;
131  cout << " eid=" << eid << endl;
132  cout << " pid=" << pid << endl;
133  cout << " tid=" << tid << endl;
134  cout << " tif=" << tif << endl;
135  if (level == 0)
136  return;
137  cout << " Time-dependent map:" << endl;
138  cout << " [EIDPID : TEIDPID] (registered time intervals)" << endl;
139  for (auto& it : getTimeIntervals()) {
140  cout << " " << it.first << " : " << it.second.teidpid() << endl;
141  cout << " ";
142  if (level > 1) {
143  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= GlobalLabel::maxTID; i++) {
144  cout << it.second.get(i) << " ";
145  if ((i + 1) % 40 == 0)
146  cout << endl << " ";
147  }
148  cout << endl;
149  }
150  cout << endl;
151  }
152  cout << endl;
153 }
static const gidTYPE tidOffset
Offset of time slice id = 1.000.000.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:55
int label()
Returns encoded Pede label.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:142
static void clearTimeDependentParamaters()
Forget all previously registered time dependent parameters.
static std::map< gidTYPE, gidTYPE > & getDictionary()
Reference to dictionary/map TEIDPID -> EIDPID.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:283
gidTYPE tid
time id
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:306
static const gidTYPE maxEID
max 9.999.999 detector elements 1..9999999 (NOT time-dep-)
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:47
gidTYPE setParameterId(gidTYPE paramId)
Usefull setter to quickly change only the parameter id and return back the encoded label (for use in ...
static const gidTYPE eidOffest
Offset of detector element id = 100.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:52
gidTYPE gid
global id
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:297
gidTYPE getUniqueId() const
Returns the global id identifing DB object for constantwith this label.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:157
void dump(int level=0) const
Dumps the label to std::cout.
static const gidTYPE teidOffset
Offset of time dependent element(detector+parameter) = 100.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:54
static const gidTYPE maxPID
max 99 parameter types 1..99
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:46
unsigned int gidTYPE
shortcut for main data type (unsigned int)
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:45
gidTYPE getElementId() const
Returns the element id (like VxdID for silicon sensors) to identify sets of parameters in DB objects.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:162
static const gidTYPE maxTID
max time slices for a parameter 1..999
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:50
static GlobalLabel construct(gidTYPE element, gidTYPE param)
Construct label for given DB object (template argument) and its element and parameter.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:81
static unsigned int & getCurrentTimeIntervalRef()
Returns reference to current time id.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:200
void registerTimeDependent(gidTYPE start, gidTYPE end=maxTID)
Register this Detector element and parameter as time dependent with instance starting at "start" time...
gidTYPE makeEIDPID(gidTYPE eid_, gidTYPE pid_)
Helper to compose elemnt id & param id.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:291
static const gidTYPE pidOffset
parameter number are the last 2 decimal digits
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:51
gidTYPE makeTEIDPID(gidTYPE teid_, gidTYPE pid_)
Helper to compose time elemnt id & param id.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:294
gidTYPE tif
time identification flag
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:309
static const gidTYPE tifOffset
Offset of time flag =
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:53
gidTYPE eid
element id
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:300
static const gidTYPE maxLabel
Label and internal id ("gid") are the same numbers (label is signed but 0 and <0 values are invalid t...
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:58
static std::map< gidTYPE, TimeInterval > & getTimeIntervals()
Reference to map EIDPID -> (TEIDPID, time intervals)
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:275
gidTYPE pid
parameter id
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:303
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Struct to hold intervals of validity.
Definition: GlobalLabel.h:231