Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/display/HitColorMapping.h>
9 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/display/Colors.h>
11 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/mclookup/CDCMCHitLookUp.h>
12 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/hits/CDCWireHit.h>
13 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/utilities/VectorRange.h>
15 #include <cdc/dataobjects/CDCHit.h>
16 #include <cdc/dataobjects/CDCSimHit.h>
17 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
19 #include <set>
20 #include <sstream>
22 using namespace Belle2;
23 using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
26 const std::string c_bkgHitColor = "orange";
29 const std::string c_missingPDGColor = "lime";
32 const std::map<int, std::string> c_colorByPDGCode = {
33  { -999, "orange"},
34  {11, "blue"},
35  { -11, "blue"},
36  {13, "turquoise"},
37  { -13, "turquoise"},
38  {15, "cyan"},
39  { -15, "cyan"},
40  {22, "violet"},
41  {211, "green"},
42  { -211, "green"},
43  {321, "olive"},
44  { -321, "olive"},
45  {2212, "red"},
46  { -2212, "red"},
47 };
49 std::string ZeroDriftLengthColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
50 {
51  CDCWireHit wirehit(&hit);
52  if (wirehit.getRefDriftLength() == 0) {
53  return "red";
54  } else {
55  return c_bkgHitColor;
56  }
57 }
59 std::string ZeroDriftLengthStrokeWidthMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
60 {
61  CDCWireHit wirehit(&hit, nullptr);
62  if (wirehit.getRefDriftLength() == 0) {
63  return "1";
64  } else {
65  return "0.2";
66  }
67 }
70 {
71  if (not m_storedWireHits) {
72  B2WARNING("CDCWireHitVector could not be found on the DataStore. Cannot plot the taken flags.");
73  }
74 }
76 std::string TakenFlagColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
77 {
78  if (m_storedWireHits) {
79  const std::vector<CDCWireHit>& wireHits = *m_storedWireHits;
80  ConstVectorRange<CDCWireHit> wireHitRange{std::equal_range(wireHits.begin(), wireHits.end(), hit)};
82  if (not wireHitRange.empty()) {
83  const CDCWireHit& wireHit = wireHitRange.front();
84  if (wireHit.getAutomatonCell().hasTakenFlag()) {
85  return "red";
86  }
87  }
88  }
89  return c_bkgHitColor;
90 }
92 std::string RLColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
93 {
94  const CDCMCHitLookUp& mcHitLookUp = mcHitLookUp.getInstance();
95  short int rlInfo = mcHitLookUp.getRLInfo(&hit);
96  if (rlInfo == 1) {
97  return ("green");
98  } else if (rlInfo == -1) {
99  return ("red");
100  } else {
101  return (c_bkgHitColor);
102  }
103 }
105 std::string RLColorMap::info()
106 {
107  return "Local right left passage variable: green <-> right, red <-> left, orange <-> not determinable.\n";
108 }
110 std::string PosFlagColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
111 {
112  CDCSimHit* simHit = hit.getRelated<CDCSimHit>("CDCSimHits");
113  int posFlag = simHit->getPosFlag();
114  if (posFlag == 0) {
115  return ("green"); // right
116  } else if (posFlag == 1) {
117  return ("red"); // left
118  } else {
119  return (c_bkgHitColor);
120  }
121 }
124 {
125  return "PosFlag variable of the related CDCSimHit: green <-> 0 (Right), red <-> 1 (Left), orange <-> determinable.\n";
126 }
128 std::string BackgroundTagColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
129 {
130  CDCSimHit* cdcSimHit = hit.getRelated<CDCSimHit>("CDCSimHits");
131  short backgroundtag = cdcSimHit->getBackgroundTag();
132  switch (backgroundtag) {
133  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_none: return "orange";
134  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_Coulomb_LER: return "red";
135  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_Coulomb_HER: return "darkred";
136  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_RBB_LER: return "blue";
137  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_RBB_HER: return "darkblue";
138  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_Touschek_LER: return "green";
139  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_Touschek_HER: return "darkgreen";
140  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_twoPhoton: return "violet";
141  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_RBB_gamma: return "skyblue";
142  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_RBB_LER_far: return "turquoise";
143  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_RBB_HER_far: return "darkturquoise";
144  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_Touschek_LER_far: return "olivergreen";
145  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_Touschek_HER_far: return "darkolivegreen";
146  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_SynchRad_LER: return "goldenrod";
147  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_SynchRad_HER: return "darkgoldenrod";
148  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_BHWide_LER: return "cyan";
149  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_BHWide_HER: return "darkcyan";
150  case BackgroundMetaData::BG_TAG::bg_other: return "orange";
151  default:
152  B2INFO("Background tag " << backgroundtag << " not associated with a color.\n");
153  return ("orange");
154  }
155 }
158 {
159  return ("Background tag color coding is:\n"
160  "bg_Coulomb_HER: darkred\n"
161  "bg_Coulomb_LER: red\n"
162  "bg_RBB_HER: darkblue\n"
163  "bg_RBB_HER_far: darkturquoise\n"
164  "bg_RBB_LER: blue\n"
165  "bg_RBB_LER_far: turquoise\n"
166  "bg_SynchRad_HER: darkgoldenrod\n"
167  "bg_SynchRad_LER: goldenrod\n"
168  "bg_Touschek_HER: darkgreen\n"
169  "bg_Touschek_HER_far: darkolivegreen\n"
170  "bg_Touschek_LER: green\n"
171  "bg_Touschek_LER_far: olivergreen\n"
172  "bg_RBB_gamma: skyblue\n"
173  "bg_none: orange\n"
174  "bg_other: orange\n"
175  "bg_twoPhoton: violet\n"
176  );
177 }
179 std::string MCSegmentIdColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
180 {
182  mcHitLookUp.getInstance();
183  TrackFindingCDC::Index inTrackiSegment = mcHitLookUp.getInTrackSegmentId(&hit);
185  if (inTrackiSegment < 0) {
186  return (c_bkgHitColor);
187  } else {
188  // values are all fractions of their respective scale
189  double hue = 50 * inTrackiSegment % 360 / 360.0;
190  double saturation = 0.75, lightness = 0.5;
191  std::array<double, 3> rgb = Colors::hlsToRgb(hue, lightness, saturation);
192  std::ostringstream oss;
193  std::string color;
194  oss << "rgb(" << rgb[0] * 100 << "%, " << rgb[1] * 100 << "%, " << rgb[2] * 100 << "%)";
195  color = oss.str();
196  return color;
197  }
198 }
200 std::string TOFColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
201 {
202  CDCSimHit* simHit = hit.getRelated<CDCSimHit>("CDCSimHits");
203  double timeOfFlight = simHit->getFlightTime();
204  return timeOfFlightToColor(timeOfFlight);
205 }
207 std::string TOFColorMap::timeOfFlightToColor(const double timeOfFlight)
208 {
209  //values are all fractions of their respective scale
211  //Full color circle in 3 nanoseconds
212  double hue = fmod(360 / 3.0 * timeOfFlight, 360) / 360;
213  double saturation = 0.75, lightness = 0.5;
214  std::array<double, 3> rgb = Colors::hlsToRgb(hue, lightness, saturation);
215  std::ostringstream oss;
216  std::string color;
217  oss << "rgb(" << rgb[0] * 100 << "%, " << rgb[1] * 100 << "%, " << rgb[2] * 100 << "%)";
218  color = oss.str();
219  return color;
220 }
222 std::string ReassignedSecondaryMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
223 {
224  RelationVector<MCParticle> relatedMCParticles =
225  hit.getRelationsWith<MCParticle>("MCParticles");
226  if (relatedMCParticles.size() == 0) {
227  return c_bkgHitColor;
228  } else {
229  double mcRelationWeight = relatedMCParticles.weight(0);
230  if (mcRelationWeight > 0) {
231  return "green";
232  } else {
233  return "red";
234  }
235  }
236 }
239  : m_colors(Colors::getList())
240  , m_iColor(0)
241  , m_usedColors()
242 {
243 }
246 {
247  std::ostringstream oss;
248  for (const std::pair<int, std::string> colorForMCParticleID : m_usedColors) {
249  oss << "MCParticle " << colorForMCParticleID.first << " -> " << colorForMCParticleID.second << "\n";
250  }
251  return oss.str();
252 }
254 std::string MCParticleColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
255 {
256  MCParticle* mcParticle = hit.getRelated<MCParticle>("MCParticles");
257  if (mcParticle != nullptr) {
258  int mcParticleId = mcParticle->getArrayIndex();
259  if (m_usedColors.count(mcParticleId) == 1) {
260  return m_usedColors[mcParticleId];
261  } else {
262  ++m_iColor;
263  std::string color = m_colors[m_iColor % m_colors.size()];
264  m_usedColors.emplace(mcParticleId, color);
265  return color;
266  }
267  } else {
268  return c_bkgHitColor;
269  }
270 }
272 std::string MCPDGCodeColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
273 {
274  MCParticle* mcParticle = hit.getRelated<MCParticle>("MCParticles");
275  int pdgCode = mcParticle != nullptr ? mcParticle->getPDG() : -999;
277  auto itFound = c_colorByPDGCode.find(pdgCode);
278  if (itFound != c_colorByPDGCode.end()) {
279  return itFound->second;
280  } else {
281  B2WARNING("Unknown PDG code " << pdgCode);
282  return c_missingPDGColor;
283  }
284 }
287 {
288  std::ostringstream oss;
289  oss << "\nLegend:";
291  std::map<std::string, std::set<int>> pdgCodeByColor;
293  for (auto item : c_colorByPDGCode) {
294  pdgCodeByColor[item.second].insert(item.first);
295  }
297  for (auto item : pdgCodeByColor) {
298  oss << '\n' << item.first << "->[";
299  oss << join(", ", item.second);
300  oss << ']';
301  }
302  oss << '\n';
303  return oss.str();
304 }
306 std::string MCPrimaryColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
307 {
308  MCParticle* mcParticle = hit.getRelated<MCParticle>("MCParticles");
309  if (mcParticle != nullptr) {
310  unsigned short int primaryFlag = 1;
311  bool isPrimary = mcParticle->hasStatus(primaryFlag);
312  int secondaryProcess = mcParticle->getSecondaryPhysicsProcess();
314  if (isPrimary) {
315  return "blue";
316  } else if (secondaryProcess > 200) {
317  return "green"; // decay in flight
318  } else {
319  return "red";
320  }
321  } else {
322  return c_bkgHitColor;
323  }
324 }
327 {
328  return "Legend:\n"
329  "blue->primary\n"
330  "green->secondary decay in flight\n"
331  "orange->beam background\n";
332 }
334 std::string SimHitPDGCodeColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
335 {
336  CDCSimHit* simHit = hit.getRelated<CDCSimHit>("CDCSimHits");
337  int pdgCode = simHit != nullptr ? simHit->getPDGCode() : -999;
338  auto itFound = c_colorByPDGCode.find(pdgCode);
339  if (itFound != c_colorByPDGCode.end()) {
340  return itFound->second;
341  } else {
342  B2WARNING("Unknown PDG code " << pdgCode);
343  return c_missingPDGColor;
344  }
345 }
348 {
349  std::ostringstream oss;
350  oss << "\nLegend:";
352  std::map<std::string, std::set<int>> pdgCodeByColor;
354  for (auto item : c_colorByPDGCode) {
355  pdgCodeByColor[item.second].insert(item.first);
356  }
358  for (auto item : pdgCodeByColor) {
359  oss << '\n' << item.first << "->[";
360  oss << join(", ", item.second);
361  oss << ']';
362  }
363  oss << '\n';
364  return oss.str();
365 }
367 std::string SimHitIsBkgColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
368 {
369  CDCSimHit* simHit = hit.getRelated<CDCSimHit>("CDCSimHits");
370  bool bkgTag = simHit->getBackgroundTag();
371  if (bkgTag) {
372  return "gray";
373  } else {
374  return "red";
375  }
376 }
378 std::string NLoopsColorMap::map(int index __attribute__((unused)), const CDCHit& hit)
379 {
380  const CDCMCHitLookUp& mcHitLookUp = mcHitLookUp.getInstance();
382  int nLoops = mcHitLookUp.getNLoops(&hit);
384  if (nLoops < 0) {
385  return c_bkgHitColor;
386  }
387  return Colors::getWheelColor(70 * nLoops);
388 }
Class containing the result of the unpacker in raw data and the result of the digitizer in simulation...
Definition: CDCHit.h:40
Example Detector.
Definition: CDCSimHit.h:21
int getPDGCode() const
The method to get PDG code.
Definition: CDCSimHit.h:178
double getFlightTime() const
The method to get flight time.
Definition: CDCSimHit.h:184
int getPosFlag() const
The method to get old left/right info.
Definition: CDCSimHit.h:223
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
bool hasStatus(unsigned short int bitmask) const
Return if specific status bit is set.
Definition: MCParticle.h:129
int getArrayIndex() const
Get 0-based index of the particle in the corresponding MCParticle list.
Definition: MCParticle.h:244
int getPDG() const
Return PDG code of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:112
int getSecondaryPhysicsProcess() const
Returns the physics process type of a secondary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:297
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
size_t size() const
Get number of relations.
float weight(int index) const
Get weight with index.
virtual unsigned short getBackgroundTag() const
Get background tag.
Definition: SimHitBase.h:46
bool hasTakenFlag() const
Gets the current state of the taken marker flag.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string info() override
Informal string summarizing the translation from CDCSimHit::getBackgroundTag.
Interface class to the Monte Carlo information for individual hits.
Index getInTrackSegmentId(const CDCHit *ptrHit) const
Returns the id of the segment in the track.
Index getNLoops(const CDCHit *ptrHit) const
Returns the number of loops the track traversed until this hit.
static const CDCMCHitLookUp & getInstance()
Getter for the singletone instance.
ERightLeft getRLInfo(const CDCHit *ptrHit) const
Returns the true right left passage information.
Class representing a hit wire in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCWireHit.h:55
double getRefDriftLength() const
Getter for the drift length at the reference position of the wire.
Definition: CDCWireHit.h:224
AutomatonCell & getAutomatonCell() const
Mutable getter for the automaton cell.
Definition: CDCWireHit.h:286
Utility functions related to colors.
Definition: Colors.h:22
static std::string getWheelColor(int degree)
Get a color from the wheel of colors.
static std::array< double, 3 > hlsToRgb(double h, double l, double s)
Transforms a Color given in the HLS System to RGB.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string info() override
Informal string summarizing the translation from pdg codes to colors.
int m_iColor
Index of the color to be used next.
std::map< int, std::string > m_usedColors
Mapping of the already used colors by the MCParticle::getArrayId to map later CDCHits to the same col...
std::vector< std::string > m_colors
List of colors to be cycled.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string info() override
Informal string summarizing the translation from CDCSimHit::getBackgroundTag.
Constructor setting up a Monte Carlo id to color map which is continously filled as new during the ev...
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string info() override
Informal string summarizing the translation from seconday process codes to colors.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map a segments object from the local finder to a color.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string info() override
Informal string summarizing the translation from CDCSimHit::getPosFlag variable to colors.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string info() override
Informal string summarizing the translation from right left passage variable to colors.
A pair of iterators usable with the range base for loop.
Definition: Range.h:25
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string info() override
Informal string summarizing the translation from pdg codes to colors.
std::string timeOfFlightToColor(const double timeOfFlight)
Translates the given floating point time of flight to a color.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
Constructor checking if the CDCWireHits caring the taken flag are accessable.
StoreWrappedObjPtr< std::vector< CDCWireHit > > m_storedWireHits
Memory of the handle to the CDCWireHits on the DataStore.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a color.
std::string map(int index, const CDCHit &hit) override
Function call to map the CDCHit id and object to a stroke width.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.