11 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
12 #include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
13 #include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
14 #include <mdst/dataobjects/KLMCluster.h>
15 #include <mdst/dataobjects/HitPatternCDC.h>
16 #include <mdst/dataobjects/PIDLikelihood.h>
17 #include <mdst/dataobjects/EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo.h>
19 #include <genfit/Track.h>
21 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
22 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
23 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
24 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
25 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
26 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
28 #include <reconstruction/dataobjects/CDCDedxTrack.h>
29 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxScaleFactor.h>
30 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxWireGain.h>
31 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxRunGain.h>
32 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxCosineCor.h>
33 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxInjectionTime.h>
34 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedx2DCell.h>
35 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedx1DCell.h>
36 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxInjectionTime.h>
37 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxADCNonLinearity.h>
38 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxCosineEdge.h>
39 #include <reconstruction/dbobjects/CDCDedxHadronCor.h>
40 #include <reconstruction/dataobjects/DedxConstants.h>
42 #include <analysis/dataobjects/ParticleList.h>
43 #include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
44 #include <analysis/utility/ReferenceFrame.h>
79 virtual void event()
96 double GetCorrection(
int& adc,
int layer,
int wireID,
double doca,
double enta,
double costheta,
double ring,
double time)
106 double D2I(
const double cosTheta,
const double D)
111 double I2D(
const double cosTheta,
const double I)
120 void calculateMeans(
double* mean,
double* truncatedMean,
double* truncatedMeanErr,
const std::vector<double>& dedx)
Debug output for CDCDedxPID module.
static const unsigned int c_SetSize
Number of elements (for use in array bounds etc.)
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Extracts dE/dx information for calibration testing.
double h_ndoca[kMaxHits]
normalized distance of closest approach
double h_driftD[kMaxHits]
drift distance
double h_onedCor[kMaxHits]
calibration 1D cleanup correction
int l_nhits
the total number of layer hits for this Track
double m_cosEdgeCor
calibration cosine edge correction
double m_presk
pred reso for kaon hypothesis
double m_phi0
Angle of the transverse momentum in the r-phi plane.
double m_d0
Signed distance to the POCA in the r-phi plane.
double m_presp
pred reso for proton hypothesis
double D2I(const double cosTheta, const double D) const
hadron saturation parameterization part 2
int l_wirelongesthit[kMaxHits]
the wire number of longest hit in this layer
double m_ioasym
asymmetry in increasing vs decreasing layer numbers per track
StoreObjPtr< EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo > m_TTDInfo
Store Object Ptr: EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo.
std::vector< double > m_hadronpars
hadron saturation parameters
double m_p
momentum from tracking
double m_e9_21
ratio of energies of the central 3x3 crystal vs 5x5 crystals
int m_trackID
ID number of the Track.
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxRunGain > m_DBRunGain
Run gain DB object.
double m_vx0
X coordinate of track POCA to origin.
virtual ~HitLevelInfoWriterModule()
StoreArray< KLMCluster > m_klmClusters
Required array of input KLMClusters.
double m_pmeand
pred mean for deuteron hypothesis
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxHadronCor > m_DBHadronCor
hadron saturation parameters
double h_enta[kMaxHits]
entrance angle
double m_chipOld
chi value for proton hypothesis
std::string m_strOutputBaseName
Base name for the output ROOT files.
virtual void event() override
This method is called for each event.
double h_WeightKaonHypo[kMaxHits]
weight for kaon hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxCosineEdge > m_DBCosEdgeCor
cosine edge calibration
Default constructor.
double m_pmeanp
pred mean for proton hypothesis
double I2D(const double cosTheta, const double I) const
hadron saturation parameterization part 1
double h_WeightProtonHypo[kMaxHits]
weight for proton hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
double m_chid
modified chi value for deuteron hypothesis
double m_chikOld
chi value for kaon hypothesis
double m_dz
vertex or POCA in case of tracks z in respect to IPs
bool m_isHitLevel
Flag to switch on/off hit level info.
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxADCNonLinearity > m_DBNonlADC
hadron saturation non linearity
double m_pmeank
pred mean for kaon hypothesis
double h_facnladc[kMaxHits]
calibration hit gain
DBObjPtr< CDCDedx1DCell > m_DB1DCell
1D correction DB object
void saveChiValue(double(&chi)[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize], CDCDedxTrack *dedxTrack, double dedx) const
for all particles, save chi values into 'chi' chi array of chi values to be modified
StoreArray< TrackFitResult > m_trackFitResults
Required array of input TrackFitResults.
int h_nhits
the number of good hits for this Track
std::vector< std::string > m_filename
full names of the output ROOT files
virtual void terminate() override
End of the event processing.
double h_adccorr[kMaxHits]
charge per hit corr by nonlinear ADC
std::vector< TTree * > m_tree
output ROOT trees
double m_presmu
pred reso for muon hypothesis
double m_cosCor
calibration cosine correction
double m_tanlambda
Slope of the track in the r-z plane.
int h_layer[kMaxHits]
layer number
double h_adcraw[kMaxHits]
charge per hit
int m_expID
experiment in which this Track was found
void fillTrack(const TrackFitResult *fitResult)
Fill the TTree with the information from the track fit.
double h_path[kMaxHits]
path length in cell
double m_chimu
modified chi value for muon hypothesis
double m_phi
phi for the track
double m_vy0
Y coordinate of track POCA to origin.
double m_chik
modified chi value for kaon hypothesis
double m_chi2
chi^2 from track fit
void HadronCorrection(double costheta, double &dedx) const
Function to apply the hadron correction.
void calculateMeans(double *mean, double *truncatedMean, double *truncatedMeanErr, const std::vector< double > &dedx) const
Save arithmetic and truncated mean for the 'dedx' values.
double h_wireGain[kMaxHits]
calibration hit gain
double m_theta
cos(theta) for the track
double h_twodCor[kMaxHits]
calibration 2D correction
double m_chie
modified chi value for electron hypothesis
DBObjPtr< CDCDedx2DCell > m_DB2DCell
2D correction DB object
double m_runGain
calibration run gain
int m_eventID
event in which this Track was found
double m_timeGain
calibration injection time gain
void bookOutput(std::string filename)
Create the output TFiles and TTrees.
double m_chidOld
chi value for deuteron hypothesis
bool m_isExtraVar
Flag to switch on/off extra level info and some available w/ release/5 only.
void clearEntries()
Clear the arrays before filling an event.
std::vector< TFile * > m_file
output ROOT files
double m_dr
track d0 relative to IP
double m_prese
pred reso for electron hypothesis
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxCosineCor > m_DBCosineCor
Electron saturation correction DB object.
int h_foundByTrackFinder[kMaxHits]
the 'found by track finder' flag for the given hit
double m_timeReso
calibration injection time reso
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
Required array of input Tracks.
double l_dedx[kMaxHits]
dE/dx for this layer
double l_path[kMaxHits]
distance travelled in this layer
int l_layer[kMaxHits]
layer number
double m_chipiOld
chi value for pion hypothesis
double m_chip
modified chi value for proton hypothesis
bool m_isCorrection
Flag to switch on/off corrections.
double m_pmeane
pred mean for electron hypothesis
double m_cosTheta
cos(theta) for the track
int l_nhitsused
the total number of layer hits used for this Track
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusters
Required array of input ECLClusters.
double h_dedx[kMaxHits]
charge per path length
double m_chieOld
chi value for electron hypothesis
double h_driftT[kMaxHits]
drift time
double m_dphi
POCA in degrees in respect to IP.
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxWireGain > m_DBWireGains
Wire gain DB object.
double m_eop
energy over momentum in the calorimeter
bool m_isDeadwire
write only active wires
double m_presd
pred reso for deuteron hypothesis
double m_scale
calibration scale factor
double m_klmLayers
number of klm layers with hits
int l_nhitscombined[kMaxHits]
the number of hits combined this layer
double m_error
standard deviation of the truncated mean
double m_pCDC
momentum valid in CDC
double m_truncNoSat
dE/dx averaged, truncated mean, with corrections (not hadron)
double m_length
total path length of the Track
double m_injring
HER injection status.
double m_nCDChits
Number of CDC hits associated to the track.
static const int kMaxHits
default hit level index
double h_ndocaRS[kMaxHits]
normalized +RS distance of closest approach
double m_vz0
Z coordinate of track POCA to origin.
double m_trunc
dE/dx averaged, truncated mean, with corrections
double GetCorrection(int &adc, int layer, int wireID, double doca, double enta, double costheta, double ring, double time) const
Function to get the correction factor.
int m_inCDC
frack is CDC acceptance or not
double h_doca[kMaxHits]
distance of closest approach
double m_chimuOld
chi value for muon hypothesis
double m_z0
z coordinate of the POCA
int m_charge
the charge for this Track
double h_WeightPionHypo[kMaxHits]
weight for pion hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
int m_runID
run in which this Track was found
double m_e
energy in the calorimeter
StoreArray< CDCDedxTrack > m_dedxTracks
Required array of CDCDedxTracks.
double m_injtime
time since last injection in micro seconds
double m_pmeanmu
pred mean for muon hypothesis
double h_entaRS[kMaxHits]
normalized + RS distance of entrance angle
bool m_isRelative
Flag to switch on/off relative constants.
double m_prespi
pred reso for pion hypothesis
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxInjectionTime > m_DBInjectTime
time gain/reso DB object
int h_wire[kMaxHits]
sense wire ID
DBObjPtr< CDCDedxScaleFactor > m_DBScaleFactor
Scale factor to make electrons ~1.
double m_mean
dE/dx averaged
int h_lwire[kMaxHits]
sense wire within layer
double m_chipi
modified chi value for pion hypothesis
std::vector< std::string > m_strParticleList
Vector of ParticleLists to write out.
double m_pt
transverse momentum from tracking
void recalculateDedx(CDCDedxTrack *dedxTrack, std::map< int, std::vector< double >> &l_var, double(&cdcChi)[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize])
Function to recalculate the dedx with latest constants.
double m_pmeanpi
pred mean for pion hypothesis
void fillDedx(CDCDedxTrack *dedxTrack)
Fill the TTree with the information from a CDCDedxTrack object.
double m_e1_9
ratio of energies of the central 1 crystal vs 3x3 crystals
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.