13 #include <simulation/dataobjects/SimHitBase.h>
43 const std::string& Volname
Class for saving raw hit data of the IR.
void setdepEnergy(float depEnergy)
Set PDF code.
float getdepEnergy()
return PDG code
void setmomOut(TVector3 momOut)
Set position at end point.
std::string getVolname()
return deposited energy
void setposIn(TVector3 posIn)
The method to set.
std::string m_Volname
Volume name.
void setmomIn(TVector3 momIn)
Set position at start point.
TVector3 getposIn()
Set volume name.
int getPDGcode()
return momentum at end point
TVector3 getmomIn()
return position at start point
void setPDGcode(int PDGcode)
Set momentum at end point.
TVector3 m_posOut
End point of energy deposition in local coordinates.
void setVolname(const std::string &Volname)
Set deposited energy.
int m_PDGcode
PDG code of the particle producing hit.
float m_depEnergy
Deposited energy.
TVector3 m_momOut
Momentum of particle at end of energy deposition.
void setposOut(TVector3 posOut)
Set momentum at start point.
TVector3 m_momIn
Momentum of particle at start of energy deposition.
ClassDef(IRSimHit, 1)
ROOT Macro.
TVector3 m_posIn
return volume name
IRSimHit(TVector3 posIn, TVector3 momIn, TVector3 posOut, TVector3 momOut, int PDGcode, float depEnergy, const std::string &Volname)
Full Constructor.
Empty constructor for ROOT IO.
TVector3 getmomOut()
return position at end point
TVector3 getposOut()
return momentum at start point
Class SimHitBase - A common base for subdetector SimHits.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.