125 static bool isFSP(
int pdg);
181 const std::vector<const MCParticle*>& genParts);
196 const std::vector<int>& daughterPDG);
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Functions to perform Monte Carlo matching for reconstructed Particles.
static int countMissingParticle(const Belle2::Particle *particle, const Belle2::MCParticle *mcParticle, const std::vector< int > &daughterPDG)
Count the number of missing daughters of the 'particle'.
static std::string explainFlags(unsigned int flags)
Return string with all human-readable flags, e.g.
Flags that describe different reconstruction errors.
@ c_MissMassiveParticle
A generated massive FSP is missing (not reconstructed).
@ c_MissFSR
A Final State Radiation (FSR) photon is not reconstructed (based on MCParticle::c_IsFSRPhoton).
@ c_AddedWrongParticle
A non-FSP Particle has wrong PDG code, meaning one of the daughters (or their daughters) belongs to a...
@ c_MissNeutrino
A neutrino is missing (not reconstructed).
@ c_Correct
This Particle and all its daughters are perfectly reconstructed.
@ c_DecayInFlight
A Particle was reconstructed from the secondary decay product of the actual particle.
@ c_InternalError
There was an error in MC matching.
@ c_MissingResonance
The associated MCParticle decay contained additional non-final-state particles (e....
@ c_MissPHOTOS
A photon created by PHOTOS was not reconstructed (based on MCParticle::c_IsPHOTOSPhoton)
@ c_MissGamma
A photon (not FSR) is missing (not reconstructed).
@ c_MisID
One of the charged final state particles is mis-identified, i.e.
@ c_MissKlong
A Klong is missing (not reconstructed).
@ c_AddedRecoBremsPhoton
A photon added with the bremsstrahlung recovery tools (correctBrems or correctBremsBelle) has no MC p...
static bool isRadiativePhoton(const Belle2::MCParticle *p)
Returns true if given MCParticle is a radiative photon.
static int makeDaughterAcceptMask(int daughterProperty)
Returns the daughter mask from given daughterProperty.
static int getNumberOfDaughtersWithoutNeutrinos(const MCParticle *mcParticle)
Determines the number of daughter particles which are not neutrinos.
static int getFlagsOfBremsPhotonDaughter(const Particle *daughter, const MCParticle *mcParticle, const std::vector< const MCParticle * > &genParts)
Returns flags of given daughter which is a brems photon.
static bool setMCTruth(const Belle2::Particle *particle)
This is the main function of MC matching algorithm.
static int getFlagsOfFSP(const Particle *particle, const MCParticle *mcParticle)
Returns flags of given Final State Particle.
static int getMCErrors(const Belle2::Particle *particle, const Belle2::MCParticle *mcParticle=nullptr)
Returns quality indicator of the match as a bit pattern where the individual bits indicate the the ty...
static int getFlagsOfDaughters(const Particle *daughter, const MCParticle *mcParticle)
Returns flags of daughters of given particle.
static bool isFSR(const Belle2::MCParticle *p)
Returns true if given MCParticle is a final state radiation (FSR) photon based on MCParticle::c_IsFSR...
static bool isFSRLegacy(const Belle2::MCParticle *p)
Returns true if given MCParticle is a final state radiation (FSR) photon.
static void fillGenMothers(const Belle2::MCParticle *mcP, std::vector< int > &genMCPMothers)
Fills vector with array (1-based) indices of all generator ancestors of given MCParticle.
static int setMCErrorsExtraInfo(Belle2::Particle *particle, const Belle2::MCParticle *mcParticle)
Sets error flags in extra-info (also returns it).
static int getFlagsIgnoredByProperty(const Belle2::Particle *particle)
Returns the flags ignored by PropertyFlags of given particle.
static int getMissingParticleFlags(const Belle2::Particle *particle, const Belle2::MCParticle *mcParticle)
Determines which daughters of 'mcParticle' are not reconstructed by any daughter of 'particle'.
static bool isFSP(int pdg)
Returns true if given PDG code indicates a FSP.
static const std::string c_extraInfoMCErrors
Name of extra-info field stored in Particle.
static int findCommonMother(const Belle2::MCParticle *mcP, const std::vector< int > &firstMothers, int lastMother)
Finds a mother of mcP that is in firstMothers, from [lastMother, end].