12 #include <simulation/dataobjects/SimHitBase.h>
49 MicrotpcRecoTrack(
int detNb,
int pixnb,
float chi2,
float theta,
float phi,
float esum,
int totsum,
float trl,
int time_range,
50 const float parFit[5],
const float parFit_err[5],
const float cov[25],
const float impact_x[4],
const float impact_y[4],
51 const int side[16],
const int partID[6]):
55 std::copy(parFit, parFit + 5,
58 std::copy(cov, cov + 25,
62 std::copy(side, side + 16,
63 std::copy(partID, partID + 6,
ClassMicrotpcRecoTrack - fit tracks after the digitization.
float m_chi2
chi^2 of the fit
float m_esum
total ionization energy
float getchi2() const
Return the chi^2.
const float * getimpact_x() const
Return impact parameter x.
int gettime_range() const
Return trigger/time length.
float gettheta() const
Return the polar angle in degrees.
float getphi() const
Return the azimuthal angle in degrees.
const float * getimpact_y() const
Return impact parameter y.
const float * getparFit_err() const
Return the fit parameter errors.
float m_phi
Azimuthal angle phi in degrees.
int m_partID[6]
Raw particle ID.
const int * getpartID() const
Return raw part ID.
float m_impact_y[4]
Impact parameter y.
int getdetNb() const
Return detector number.
int m_detNb
detector number
float m_cov[25]
Covariant errors.
default constructor for ROOT
int m_side[16]
Which side was/were hit.
int gettotsum() const
Return tot sum.
int m_time_range
Trigger/time length.
float getesum() const
Return total ionization energy.
float m_parFit_err[5]
Fit paramteter errors.
float m_parFit[5]
Fit parameters.
MicrotpcRecoTrack(int detNb, int pixnb, float chi2, float theta, float phi, float esum, int totsum, float trl, int time_range, const float parFit[5], const float parFit_err[5], const float cov[25], const float impact_x[4], const float impact_y[4], const int side[16], const int partID[6])
Standard constructor.
float m_impact_x[4]
Impact parameter x.
const int * getside() const
Return which side was/were hit.
int getpixnb() const
Return pixel number.
const float * getcov() const
Return covariant.
const float * getparFit() const
Return the fit parameters.
float gettrl() const
Return track length.
float m_theta
Polar angle theta in degrees.
ClassDef(RelationsInterface, 0)
defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Class SimHitBase - A common base for subdetector SimHits.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.