10 #include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
11 #include <tracking/dataobjects/hitXP.h>
13 #include <tracking/trackFindingVXD/sectorMapTools/NoKickCuts.h>
113 bool globalCut(
const std::vector<hitXP>& track8);
122 m_momSel =
new TH1F(
"m_momSel", 100, 0, 4);
123 m_momCut =
new TH1F(
"m_momCut", 100, 0, 4);
124 m_momEff =
new TH1F(
"m_momEff", 100, 0, 4);
126 m_PDGIDSel =
new TH1F(
"m_PDGIDSel", 6000, -3000, 3000);
127 m_PDGIDCut =
new TH1F(
"m_PDGIDCut", 6000, -3000, 3000);
128 m_PDGIDEff =
new TH1F(
"m_PDGIDEff", 6000, -3000, 3000);
130 m_nCutHit =
new TH1F(
"m_nCutHit", 30, 0, 30);
This class is an auxiliary class that implement methods to access to a single cut,...
enum for parameters name
This class implement some methods useful for the application of cuts evaluated in NoKickCutsEval modu...
TFile * m_noKickOutputTFile
validartion output TFile
int m_numberOfCuts
number of catastrophic interaction for each track
NoKickCuts m_trackCuts
auxiliary member to apply the cuts
double m_pmax
range analyzed with cuts
std::vector< hitXP > m_8hitTrack
vector of selected hit
NoKickRTSel(const std::string &fileName, bool outputHisto)
Constructor with input file for use specific cuts file and allows validation.
int m_Ncuts
number of times the cut is applied on a particle
ClassDef(NoKickRTSel, 1)
Making this class a ROOT class.
void initHistoNoKick(bool outHisto)
This metod initialize some validation histograms of the Training Sample Selection.
TH1F * m_momEff
histogram for efficiency
void hitXPBuilder(const RecoTrack &track)
this method build a vector of hitXP from a track.
TTree * m_noKickTree
TTree to which the information is written.
void initNoKickRTSel()
Inizialize the class cleaning the member vectors.
histogram for PDGID of cutted track
histogram for PDGID of selected track
bool globalCut(const std::vector< hitXP > &track8)
This method make some global cuts on the tracks (layer 3 and 6 required, d0 and z0 inside beam pipe).
Empty Constructor that uses the defaults cuts file.
double m_pMag
momentum magnitut
histogram for efficiency for each PDGID
TH1F * m_momCut
histrogram of cutted tracks
std::set< hitXP, hitXP::timeCompare > m_setHitXP
set of hit to order the hit in time
bool trackSelector(const RecoTrack &track)
This method return true if every segment (see segmentSelector) of the input track respects the cuts c...
bool segmentSelector(hitXP hit1, hitXP hit2, std::vector< double > selCut, NoKickCuts::EParameters par, bool is0=false)
This method return true if a couple of hits resects the cuts constraints.
void produceHistoNoKick()
This method produce the validation histograms (to be used the endrun combined with the filling in tra...
bool m_isCutted
Indicator if cut is applied.
bool m_outputFlag
true=produce validation output
TH1F * m_nCutHit
histogram for number of cutted hist per track
std::vector< hitXP > m_hitXP
vector of hit, to convert the track
TH1F * m_momSel
histogram of selected tracks
void hit8TrackBuilder(const RecoTrack &track)
this metod build a vector of hitXP from a track selecting the first hit on each layer of VXD (8 hit f...
double m_pt
transverse momentum
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
This class collects some information of a TrueHit, using SVDCLuster and MCParticle information too.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.