13 #include <tracking/dataobjects/SpacePointInfo.h>
14 #include <tracking/dataobjects/FilterInfo.h>
103 void setHits(
const std::vector<SpacePointInfo>& newHits) {
m_hits = newHits; };
helper class to store the information for a Filter
bool getWasAccepted()
returns if the event was accepted
bool getWasUsed()
returns if filter was evaluated
double getResult()
returns the result of the filtervariable attached to this filter
Helper class that stores the information an Observer stores: i.e.
void setMainPurity(double val)
sets the purity
std::vector< SpacePointInfo > m_hits
stores the hits used in the filter, should have the order as used in the filter from outer to inner!
std::vector< SpacePointInfo > getHits()
returns the vector of spacepoints which have been used to evaluate the filters
ClassDef(ObserverInfo, 1)
Needed to make the ROOT object storable.
double getFilterUsed(std::string const &key)
returns if the filter was used
int getMainMCParticleID()
return the MCParticle ID of the related MCParticle
int m_mainMCParticleID
dominating mcParticleID.
std::string getFilterName(int i)
function to access the filter infos directly, as inderect access seems not to work within the Draw of...
void setHits(const std::vector< SpacePointInfo > &newHits)
sets the hits the filter has been evaluated with
bool getFilterAccepted(std::string const &key)
returns if the filter was accepted
double getFilterResult(std::string const &key)
returns the requested filter result
SpacePointInfo getHit(int i)
Returns the i-th hit.
void clear()
resets all member variables
double m_mainPurity
purity for the dominating particleID.
void addFilterInfo(FilterInfo info)
add a new filter info:
void setMainMCParticleID(int id)
set the MCParticle id
double getMainPurity()
returns the purity
std::vector< FilterInfo > m_filterInfos
stores the information for each Filter
FilterInfo getFilterInfo(std::string const &key)
returns the filter info with the requested key
helper class to store the SpacePoint information as coding convention prohibits to use the SpacePoint...
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.