Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
10 #include <analysis/dbobjects/PIDDetectorWeights.h>
12 using namespace Belle2;
16 {
18  auto dummyBinEdges = std::set<double>();
20  // Flatten the RDataFrame content into the tabular structure for each std charged hypothesis.
21  for (const auto& hypo : Const::chargedStableSet) {
23  WeightsTable weightsTable;
25  auto cut_pdgId = [&](double pdg) { return (pdg == hypo.getPDGCode()); };
26  auto filteredRDF = m_weightsRDataFrame.Filter(cut_pdgId, {"pdgId"});
28  if (*filteredRDF.Count()) {
30  // Get the lower and upper bin edges from the RDF as C++ vectors
31  auto pMinEdges = filteredRDF.Take<double>("p_min").GetValue();
32  auto pMaxEdges = filteredRDF.Take<double>("p_max").GetValue();
33  // Get the bin indexes.
34  auto pBinIdxs = filteredRDF.Take<double>("p_bin_idx").GetValue();
35  // Convert to a set and take the union. This way duplicates are removed.
36  std::set<double> pMinEdges_set(std::begin(pMinEdges), std::end(pMinEdges));
37  std::set<double> pMaxEdges_set(std::begin(pMaxEdges), std::end(pMaxEdges));
38  std::set<double> pBinEdges;
39  std::set_union(std::begin(pMinEdges_set), std::end(pMinEdges_set),
40  std::begin(pMaxEdges_set), std::end(pMaxEdges_set),
41  std::inserter(pBinEdges, std::begin(pBinEdges)));
42  // Store the set of bin edges into the internal tabular structure for this particle hypothesis.
43  weightsTable.m_pBinEdges = pBinEdges;
44  // Store the nr. of p bins. Used for bin idx linearisation.
45  weightsTable.m_nPBins = pBinEdges.size() - 1;
46  // Check thqt the min, max bin edges have no gaps.
47  // Revert to a std::vector for easy index-based iteration.
48  std::vector<double> pMinEdgesVec(std::begin(pMinEdges_set), std::end(pMinEdges_set));
49  std::vector<double> pMaxEdgesVec(std::begin(pMaxEdges_set), std::end(pMaxEdges_set));
50  for (unsigned int iEdgeIdx(0); iEdgeIdx < pMaxEdgesVec.size() - 1; ++iEdgeIdx) {
51  if (pMaxEdgesVec[iEdgeIdx] != pMinEdgesVec[iEdgeIdx + 1]) {
52  B2FATAL("The p bins in the weights table are not contiguous. Please check the input CSV file.");
53  }
54  }
56  auto thetaMinEdges = filteredRDF.Take<double>("theta_min").GetValue();
57  auto thetaMaxEdges = filteredRDF.Take<double>("theta_max").GetValue();
58  auto thetaBinIdxs = filteredRDF.Take<double>("theta_bin_idx").GetValue();
59  std::set<double> thetaMinEdges_set(std::begin(thetaMinEdges), std::end(thetaMinEdges));
60  std::set<double> thetaMaxEdges_set(std::begin(thetaMaxEdges), std::end(thetaMaxEdges));
61  std::set<double> thetaBinEdges;
62  std::set_union(std::begin(thetaMinEdges_set), std::end(thetaMinEdges_set),
63  std::begin(thetaMaxEdges_set), std::end(thetaMaxEdges_set),
64  std::inserter(thetaBinEdges, std::begin(thetaBinEdges)));
65  weightsTable.m_thetaBinEdges = thetaBinEdges;
66  weightsTable.m_nThetaBins = thetaBinEdges.size() - 1;
67  std::vector<double> thetaMinEdgesVec(std::begin(thetaMinEdges_set), std::end(thetaMinEdges_set));
68  std::vector<double> thetaMaxEdgesVec(std::begin(thetaMaxEdges_set), std::end(thetaMaxEdges_set));
69  for (unsigned int iEdge(0); iEdge < thetaMaxEdgesVec.size() - 1; ++iEdge) {
70  if (thetaMaxEdgesVec[iEdge] != thetaMinEdgesVec[iEdge + 1]) {
71  B2FATAL("The theta bins in the weights table are not contiguous. Please check the input CSV file.");
72  }
73  }
75  // Get the p, theta bin index columns and zip them together.
76  std::vector<std::tuple<double, double>> pAndThetaIdxs;
77  std::transform(std::begin(pBinIdxs), std::end(pBinIdxs),
78  std::begin(thetaBinIdxs),
79  std::back_inserter(pAndThetaIdxs), [](const auto & pIdx, const auto & thetaIdx) { return std::make_tuple(pIdx, thetaIdx); });
81  // Fill a std::unordered_map with the linearised (p, theta) bin index as key and the vector index
82  // (i.e. the filtered RDataFrame row idx) as value for fast lookup.
83  unsigned int iRow(0);
84  for (const auto& tup : pAndThetaIdxs) {
85  double linBinIdx = (std::get<0>(tup) - 1.0) + (std::get<1>(tup) - 1.0) * weightsTable.m_nPBins;
86  weightsTable.m_linBinIdxsToRowIdxs.insert(std::make_pair(linBinIdx, iRow));
87  ++iRow;
88  }
90  // Store the vector (column) of weights per detector.
91  for (const Const::EDetector& det : Const::PIDDetectorSet::set()) {
92  auto detName = Const::parseDetectors(det);
93  auto colName = "ablat_s_" + detName;
94  auto weights = filteredRDF.Take<double>(colName.c_str()).GetValue();
95  weightsTable.m_weightsPerDet.insert(std::make_pair(detName, weights));
96  }
98  } else {
100  B2WARNING("Couldn't find detector weights in input ROOT::RDataFrame for std charged particle hypothesis: " << hypo.getPDGCode());
101  weightsTable.m_isEmpty = true;
103  }
105  m_weightsTablePerHypo.insert(std::make_pair(hypo.getPDGCode(), weightsTable));
107  };
109 }
112 double PIDDetectorWeights::getWeight(Const::ChargedStable hypo, Const::EDetector det, double p, double theta) const
113 {
115  const auto weightsTable = &;
117  if (weightsTable->m_isEmpty) {
118  // Weights not available for this pdgId.
119  return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
120  }
122  // Get the bin index of the input p value.
123  auto pBinUpperEdge_it = std::lower_bound(std::begin(weightsTable->m_pBinEdges),
124  std::end(weightsTable->m_pBinEdges),
125  p);
126  auto pBinIdx = std::distance(std::begin(weightsTable->m_pBinEdges), pBinUpperEdge_it);
127  // Get the bin index of the input theta value.
128  auto thetaBinUpperEdge_it = std::lower_bound(std::begin(weightsTable->m_thetaBinEdges),
129  std::end(weightsTable->m_thetaBinEdges),
130  theta);
131  auto thetaBinIdx = std::distance(std::begin(weightsTable->m_thetaBinEdges), thetaBinUpperEdge_it);
133  // Get the linearised bin index to look up.
134  double linBinIdx = (pBinIdx - 1.0) + (thetaBinIdx - 1.0) * weightsTable->m_nPBins;
136  if (!weightsTable->m_linBinIdxsToRowIdxs.count(linBinIdx)) {
137  // Out-of-bin range p or theta
138  B2DEBUG(11, "\n"
139  << "p = " << p << " [GeV/c], theta = " << theta << " [rad].\n"
140  << "Bin indexes: (" << pBinIdx << ", " << thetaBinIdx << ").\n"
141  << "Either input value is outside of bin range for PID detector weights:\n"
142  << "p : [" << *weightsTable->m_pBinEdges.begin() << ", " << *weightsTable->m_pBinEdges.rbegin() << "],\n"
143  << "theta: [" << *weightsTable->m_thetaBinEdges.begin() << ", " << *weightsTable->m_thetaBinEdges.rbegin() << "]");
144  return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
145  }
147  auto rowIdx = weightsTable->;
149  return weightsTable->;
151 };
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
Definition: Const.h:580
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:464
static DetectorSet set()
Accessor for the set of valid detector IDs.
Definition: Const.h:324
static const ParticleSet chargedStableSet
set of charged stable particles
Definition: Const.h:609
Enum for identifying the detector components (detector and subdetector).
Definition: Const.h:42
static std::string parseDetectors(EDetector det)
Converts Const::EDetector object to string.
Nested class acting as a container the per-detector weights.
std::unordered_map< double, unsigned int > m_linBinIdxsToRowIdxs
Map the linearised index of the (p, theta) bin indexes to the row index in the (filtered) table.
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > m_weightsPerDet
Map each detector to its vector of weights.
std::set< double > m_pBinEdges
Set of p bins edges.
std::set< double > m_thetaBinEdges
Set of theta bins edges.
void fillWeightsTablePerHypoFromRDF()
Fill the internal weights container class per particle hypo, based on the content of the RDataFrame.
ROOT::RDataFrame m_weightsRDataFrame
The RDataFrame containing the detector weights per particle hypo, per phase space bin.
double getWeight(Const::ChargedStable hypo, Const::EDetector det, double p, double theta) const
Lookup the weight from the internal map structures.
std::map< int, WeightsTable > m_weightsTablePerHypo
Map containing a WeightsTable object per particle hypo.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.