Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Structure for the output of PID log likelihoods to a flat ntuple.
Default constructor.
Float_t lk
log likelihood for kaon
Short_t flag
flag: information is available (1) or not (0)
Short_t seen
is seen in this component (from related MCParticle)
Float_t le
log likelihood for electron
Float_t lp
log likelihood for proton
void clear()
Clear the structure: set elements to zero.
Float_t lpi
log likelihood for pion
Float_t lmu
log likelihood for muon
Structure for the output of PID log likelihoods + tracking info to a flat ntuple.
Float_t zDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate z) of MCParticle
Float_t p
momentum magnitude of Track
LogLikelihoods top
log likelihoods from TOP
LogLikelihoods cdcdedx
log likelihoods from CDC dE/dx
Default constructor.
Float_t rhoDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate r) of MCParticle
LogLikelihoods ecl
log likelihoods from ECL
Short_t primary
is a primary particle (from related MCParticle)
Float_t phi
azimuthal angle of Track
LogLikelihoods svddedx
log likelihoods from SVD dE/dx
Int_t motherPDG
PDG code of related mother MCParticle.
Float_t phiProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate phi) of MCParticle
Float_t cth
cosine of polar angle of Track
Float_t rhoProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate r) of MCParticle
void clear()
Clear the structure: set elements to zero.
Float_t phiDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate phi) of MCParticle
LogLikelihoods klm
log likelihoods from KLM
Int_t PDG
PDG code of related MCParticle.
LogLikelihoods arich
log likelihoods from ARICH
Float_t pValue
p-value of Track fit
Float_t zProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate z) of MCParticle