Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <pxd/calibration/PXDClusterPositionCalibrationAlgorithm.h>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <tuple>
13 #include "TH2F.h"
14 #include "TMatrixDSym.h"
15 #include "TVectorD.h"
16 #include "TMatrixDSymEigen.h"
18 #include <boost/format.hpp>
19 #include <cmath>
21 using namespace std;
22 using boost::format;
23 using namespace Belle2;
25 PXDClusterPositionCalibrationAlgorithm::PXDClusterPositionCalibrationAlgorithm():
26  CalibrationAlgorithm("PXDClusterPositionCollector"),
27  minClusterForShapeLikelyhood(500), minClusterForPositionOffset(2000), maxEtaBins(10),
28  // Branches from TTree
29  m_clusterEta(0), m_positionOffsetU(0), m_positionOffsetV(0), m_sizeV(0),
30  m_pitchV(0), m_clusterKind(0)
31 {
33  " -------------------------- PXDClusterPositionCalibrationAlgorithm ----------------------\n"
34  " \n"
35  " Algorithm for estimating cluster position offsets and shape likelyhoods. \n"
36  " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
37  );
38 }
41 {
43  // Read back the V pitch of all cluster kinds in source data
44  // This avoids relying on VXD::GeoCache.
45  auto pitchtree = getObjectPtr<TTree>("pitchtree");
46  pitchtree->SetBranchAddress("PitchV", &m_pitchV);
47  pitchtree->SetBranchAddress("ClusterKind", &m_clusterKind);
49  for (int i = 0; i < pitchtree->GetEntries(); ++i) {
50  pitchtree->GetEntry(i);
52  }
54  // Buffer temporary payloads for shape calibration for all
55  // clusterkinds and angle bins
56  typedef tuple<int, int, int> bufferkey_t;
57  typedef pair<PXDClusterShapeIndexPar, PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar> buffervalue_t;
58  map<bufferkey_t, buffervalue_t> localCalibrationMap;
60  for (auto clusterKind : clusterKinds) {
62  B2INFO("Start calibration of clusterkind=" << clusterKind << " ...");
64  string gridname = str(format("GridKind_%1%") % clusterKind);
65  auto grid = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(gridname);
67  for (auto uBin = 1; uBin <= grid->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); uBin++) {
68  for (auto vBin = 1; vBin <= grid->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); vBin++) {
70  // Bin is centered around angles
71  auto thetaU = grid->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(uBin);
72  auto thetaV = grid->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(vBin);
74  if (thetaV < 0) {
75  B2INFO("Skip training estimator on thetaU=" << thetaU << ", thetaV=" << thetaV);
76  continue;
77  } else {
78  B2INFO("Start training estimator on thetaU=" << thetaU << ", thetaV=" << thetaV);
79  }
81  string treename = str(format("tree_%1%_%2%_%3%") % clusterKind % uBin % vBin);
83  auto localShapeIndexer = PXDClusterShapeIndexPar();
84  auto localShapeClassifier = PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar();
85  createShapeClassifier(treename, &localShapeClassifier, &localShapeIndexer);
87  bufferkey_t key = std::make_tuple(clusterKind, uBin, vBin);
88  localCalibrationMap[key] = buffervalue_t(localShapeIndexer, localShapeClassifier);
89  }
90  }
91  }
93  // Create a ShapeIndexer payload
96  int globalShapeIndex = 0;
97  for (auto it = m_shapeSet.begin(); it != m_shapeSet.end(); ++it) {
98  shapeIndexer->addShape(*it, globalShapeIndex);
99  globalShapeIndex++;
100  }
102  B2INFO("Number of cluster shapes is " << globalShapeIndex);
104  // Save the cluster shape index table to database.
105  saveCalibration(shapeIndexer, "PXDClusterShapeIndexPar");
107  // Create position estimator
110  for (auto clusterKind : clusterKinds) {
112  string gridname = str(format("GridKind_%1%") % clusterKind);
113  auto grid = getObjectPtr<TH2F>(gridname);
115  positionEstimator->addGrid(clusterKind, *grid);
117  for (auto uBin = 1; uBin <= grid->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); uBin++) {
118  for (auto vBin = 1; vBin <= grid->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); vBin++) {
120  // Bin is centered around angles
121  auto thetaU = grid->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(uBin);
122  auto thetaV = grid->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(vBin);
124  if (thetaV < 0) {
125  // We skipped this part in training before
126  continue;
127  }
129  // Find the local calibration results
130  auto iter = localCalibrationMap.find(std::make_tuple(clusterKind, uBin, vBin));
131  auto localShapeIndexer = iter->second.first;
132  auto localShapeClassifer = iter->second.second;
134  // Require that all shape classifiers use a common shape indexer
135  auto shapeClassifier = localToGlobal(&localShapeClassifer, &localShapeIndexer, shapeIndexer);
137  // Mirror the shape classifier along v
138  auto mirror_vBin = grid->GetYaxis()->FindBin(-thetaV);
139  auto mirroredClassifier = mirrorShapeClassifier(&shapeClassifier, shapeIndexer, clusterKind);
141  // and fill into position estimator payload
142  B2INFO("Add shape classifier for angles thetaU=" << thetaU << ", thetaV=" << thetaV << ", clusterkind=" << clusterKind);
143  positionEstimator->setShapeClassifier(shapeClassifier, uBin, vBin, clusterKind);
144  B2INFO("Add mirrored shape classifier for angles thetaU=" << thetaU << ", thetaV=" << -thetaV << ", clusterkind=" << clusterKind);
145  positionEstimator->setShapeClassifier(mirroredClassifier, uBin, mirror_vBin, clusterKind);
146  }
147  }
148  }
150  // Save the cluster positions to database.
151  saveCalibration(positionEstimator, "PXDClusterPositionEstimatorPar");
153  B2INFO("PXDClusterPosition Calibration Successful");
154  return c_OK;
155 }
159  shapeClassifier, PXDClusterShapeIndexPar* shapeIndexer, int clusterKind)
160 {
161  // Create a mirrored shape classifier
162  auto mirroredShapeClassifier = PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar();
164  // Mirror the shape likelyhood map
165  auto shapeLikelyhoodMap = shapeClassifier->getShapeLikelyhoodMap();
166  for (auto indexAndValue : shapeLikelyhoodMap) {
167  // Compute the mirrored shape index
168  auto shapeIndex = indexAndValue.first;
169  auto shapeName = shapeIndexer->getShapeName(shapeIndex);
170  auto mirroredName = m_mirrorMap[shapeName];
171  auto mirroredIndex = shapeIndexer->getShapeIndex(mirroredName);
172  // Store the result
173  mirroredShapeClassifier.addShapeLikelyhood(mirroredIndex, indexAndValue.second);
174  }
176  // Mirror the offset related maps
177  auto offsetMap = shapeClassifier->getOffsetMap();
178  auto percentileMap = shapeClassifier->getPercentilesMap();
179  auto likelyhoodMap = shapeClassifier->getLikelyhoodMap();
180  for (auto indexAndValue : offsetMap) {
181  // Compute the mirrored shape index
182  auto shapeIndex = indexAndValue.first;
183  auto shapeName = shapeIndexer->getShapeName(shapeIndex);
184  auto mirroredName = m_mirrorMap[shapeName];
185  auto mirroredIndex = shapeIndexer->getShapeIndex(mirroredName);
187  mirroredShapeClassifier.addShape(mirroredIndex);
189  int etaBin = 0;
190  for (auto offset : indexAndValue.second) {
191  // Copy over percentile
192  auto percentile = percentileMap[shapeIndex][etaBin];
193  mirroredShapeClassifier.addEtaPercentile(mirroredIndex, percentile);
194  // Copy over likelyhood
195  auto likelyhood = likelyhoodMap[shapeIndex][etaBin];
196  mirroredShapeClassifier.addEtaLikelyhood(mirroredIndex, likelyhood);
197  // Mirror the offset: v offset shifts and covariance swaps sign
198  double shift = (m_sizeMap[shapeName] - 1) * m_pitchMap[clusterKind];
199  auto mirroredOffset = PXDClusterOffsetPar(offset.getU(), shift - offset.getV(), offset.getUSigma2(), offset.getVSigma2(),
200  -offset.getUVCovariance());
201  mirroredShapeClassifier.addEtaOffset(mirroredIndex, mirroredOffset);
202  etaBin++;
203  }
204  }
206  return mirroredShapeClassifier;
207 }
210  PXDClusterShapeIndexPar* shapeIndexer, PXDClusterShapeIndexPar* globalShapeIndexer)
211 {
212  // Create a shape classifier using global shape indices
213  auto globalShapeClassifier = PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar();
215  // Re-index the the shape likelyhood map
216  auto shapeLikelyhoodMap = shapeClassifier->getShapeLikelyhoodMap();
217  for (auto indexAndValue : shapeLikelyhoodMap) {
218  // Compute the global shape index
219  auto shapeIndex = indexAndValue.first;
220  auto shapeName = shapeIndexer->getShapeName(shapeIndex);
221  auto globalIndex = globalShapeIndexer->getShapeIndex(shapeName);
222  // Store the result
223  globalShapeClassifier.addShapeLikelyhood(globalIndex, indexAndValue.second);
224  }
226  // Re-index the offset related maps
227  auto offsetMap = shapeClassifier->getOffsetMap();
228  auto percentileMap = shapeClassifier->getPercentilesMap();
229  auto likelyhoodMap = shapeClassifier->getLikelyhoodMap();
230  for (auto indexAndValue : offsetMap) {
231  // Compute the global shape index
232  auto shapeIndex = indexAndValue.first;
233  auto shapeName = shapeIndexer->getShapeName(shapeIndex);
234  auto globalIndex = globalShapeIndexer->getShapeIndex(shapeName);
236  globalShapeClassifier.addShape(globalIndex);
238  int etaBin = 0;
239  for (auto offset : indexAndValue.second) {
240  // Copy over percentile
241  auto percentile = percentileMap[shapeIndex][etaBin];
242  globalShapeClassifier.addEtaPercentile(globalIndex, percentile);
243  // Copy over likelyhood
244  auto likelyhood = likelyhoodMap[shapeIndex][etaBin];
245  globalShapeClassifier.addEtaLikelyhood(globalIndex, likelyhood);
246  // Copy over offset
247  globalShapeClassifier.addEtaOffset(globalIndex, offset);
248  etaBin++;
249  }
250  }
251  return globalShapeClassifier;
252 }
255  PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar* shapeClassifier, PXDClusterShapeIndexPar* shapeIndexer)
256 {
258  auto tree = getObjectPtr<TTree>(treename);
260  const auto nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
261  B2INFO("Number of clusters is " << nEntries);
263  string* shapeNamePtr = &m_shapeName;
264  string* mirroredShapeNamePtr = &m_mirroredShapeName;
266  tree->SetBranchAddress("ShapeName", &shapeNamePtr);
267  tree->SetBranchAddress("MirroredShapeName", &mirroredShapeNamePtr);
268  tree->SetBranchAddress("ClusterEta", &m_clusterEta);
269  tree->SetBranchAddress("OffsetU", &m_positionOffsetU);
270  tree->SetBranchAddress("OffsetV", &m_positionOffsetV);
271  tree->SetBranchAddress("SizeV", &m_sizeV);
273  // Vector to enumerate all shapes by unique name and count their
274  // occurence in training data.
275  vector< pair<string, float> > shapeList;
277  for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
278  tree->GetEntry(i);
280  string shapeName = m_shapeName;
282  auto it = std::find_if(shapeList.begin(), shapeList.end(),
283  [&](const pair<string, float>& element) { return element.first == shapeName;});
285  //Shape name exists in vector
286  if (it != shapeList.end()) {
287  //increment key in map
288  it->second++;
289  }
290  //Shape name does not exist
291  else {
292  //Not found, insert in vector
293  shapeList.push_back(pair<string, int>(shapeName, 1));
294  // Remember the relation between name of a shape and name of mirrored shape
295  m_mirrorMap[shapeName] = m_mirroredShapeName;
296  // Remember the relation between name of a shape and its size
297  m_sizeMap[shapeName] = m_sizeV;
298  }
299  }
301  // Loop over shapeList to select shapes for
302  // next calibration step
304  // Vector with eta histograms for selected shapes
305  vector< pair<string, TH1D> > etaHistos;
307  // Index for enumerating selected shapes
308  int tmpIndex = 0;
310  // Coverage of position offsets on training data
311  double coverage = 0.0;
313  for (auto iter : shapeList) {
314  auto name = iter.first;
315  auto counter = iter.second;
317  double likelyhood = counter / nEntries;
319  if (counter >= minClusterForShapeLikelyhood) {
320  //B2INFO("Adding shape " << name << " with index " << tmpIndex << " and shape likelyhood " << 100*likelyhood << "% and count " << counter);
321  shapeIndexer->addShape(name, tmpIndex);
322  shapeClassifier->addShapeLikelyhood(tmpIndex, likelyhood);
324  // Add name of shape to global (all clusterkinds + all angle bins) shape set
325  m_shapeSet.insert(name);
326  // Add name of mirrored shape as well
327  m_shapeSet.insert(m_mirrorMap[name]);
328  // Increment the index
329  tmpIndex++;
330  }
332  if (counter >= minClusterForPositionOffset) {
333  coverage += likelyhood;
334  string etaname = str(format("eta_%1%") % name);
336  // Single pixel case: Eta value is cluster charge
337  if (name == "SD0.0") {
338  TH1D etaHisto(etaname.c_str(), etaname.c_str(), 255, 0, 255);
339  etaHisto.SetDirectory(0);
340  etaHistos.push_back(pair<string, TH1D>(name, etaHisto));
341  }
342  // Multipixel case: Eta value is ratio head/(tail+head) of charges (to be less gain sensitive)
343  else {
344  TH1D etaHisto(etaname.c_str(), etaname.c_str(), 301, 0, 1);
345  etaHisto.SetDirectory(0);
346  etaHistos.push_back(pair<string, TH1D>(name, etaHisto));
347  }
348  }
349  }
351  B2INFO("Offset coverage is " << 100 * coverage << "%");
353  // Loop over the tree is to fill the eta histograms for
354  // selected shapes.
356  for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
357  tree->GetEntry(i);
359  string shapeName = m_shapeName;
360  auto it = std::find_if(etaHistos.begin(), etaHistos.end(),
361  [&](const pair<string, TH1D>& element) { return element.first == shapeName;});
362  //Item exists in map
363  if (it != etaHistos.end()) {
364  // increment key in map
365  it->second.Fill(m_clusterEta);
366  }
367  }
369  // Vector for offset histograms stored by offset shape name and eta bin
370  vector< pair< string, vector<TH2D> > > offsetHistosVec;
372  for (auto iter : etaHistos) {
373  auto name = iter.first;
374  auto& histo = iter.second;
375  int nClusters = histo.GetEntries();
377  // Add shape for offset correction
378  int shapeIndex = shapeIndexer->getShapeIndex(name);
379  shapeClassifier->addShape(shapeIndex);
381  // Try to split clusters into n bins with minClusterForPositionOffset clusters
382  int nEtaBins = std::max(int(nClusters / minClusterForPositionOffset), 1);
383  nEtaBins = std::min(nEtaBins, maxEtaBins);
385  //B2INFO("SHAPE NAME:" << name << " WITH BINS " << nEtaBins);
387  vector< TH2D > offsetHistos;
389  for (int i = 0; i < nEtaBins; i++) {
390  // Position where to compute the quantiles in [0,1]
391  double xq = double(i) / nEtaBins;
392  // Double to contain the quantile
393  double yq = 0;
394  histo.GetQuantiles(1, &yq, &xq);
395  //B2INFO(" Quantile at xq =" << xq << " is yq=" << yq);
396  shapeClassifier->addEtaPercentile(shapeIndex, yq);
398  string offsetname = str(format("offset_%1%_%2%") % name % i);
399  TH2D offsetHisto(offsetname.c_str(), offsetname.c_str(), 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1);
400  offsetHisto.SetDirectory(0);
401  offsetHisto.StatOverflows();
402  offsetHistos.push_back(offsetHisto);
404  }
405  offsetHistosVec.push_back(pair< string, vector<TH2D> >(name, offsetHistos));
406  }
408  // Loop over the tree is to fill offset histograms
410  for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
411  tree->GetEntry(i);
413  string shapeName = m_shapeName;
414  auto it = std::find_if(offsetHistosVec.begin(), offsetHistosVec.end(),
415  [&](const pair<string, vector<TH2D>>& element) { return element.first == shapeName;});
416  //Item exists in map
417  if (it != offsetHistosVec.end()) {
418  int shapeIndex = shapeIndexer->getShapeIndex(shapeName);
419  int etaBin = shapeClassifier->getEtaIndex(shapeIndex, m_clusterEta);
420  it->, m_positionOffsetV);
421  }
422  }
424  // Compute the moments of the offset histograms and finalize the shape classifier object
426  // Loop over shape names
427  for (auto iter : offsetHistosVec) {
428  auto name = iter.first;
429  auto& histovec = iter.second;
431  int shapeIndex = shapeIndexer->getShapeIndex(name);
433  // Loop over eta bins
434  for (auto& histo : histovec) {
435  // Compute offset moments
436  double etaLikelyhood = double(histo.GetEntries()) / nEntries;
437  double offsetU = histo.GetMean(1);
438  double offsetV = histo.GetMean(2);
439  double covUV = histo.GetCovariance();
440  double covU = pow(histo.GetRMS(1), 2);
441  double covV = pow(histo.GetRMS(2), 2);
443  B2INFO("Name " << name << ", posU=" << offsetU << ", posV=" << offsetV << ", covU=" << covU << ", covV=" << covV << ", covUV=" <<
444  covUV);
446  TMatrixDSym HitCov(2);
447  HitCov(0, 0) = covU;
448  HitCov(1, 0) = covUV;
449  HitCov(0, 1) = covUV;
450  HitCov(1, 1) = covV;
452  TMatrixDSymEigen HitCovE(HitCov);
453  TVectorD eigenval = HitCovE.GetEigenValues();
454  if (eigenval(0) <= 0 || eigenval(1) <= 0) {
455  B2ERROR("Estimated covariance matrix not positive definite.");
456  }
458  auto offset = PXDClusterOffsetPar(offsetU, offsetV, covU, covV, covUV);
459  shapeClassifier->addEtaLikelyhood(shapeIndex, etaLikelyhood);
460  shapeClassifier->addEtaOffset(shapeIndex, offset);
461  }
462  }
464  B2INFO("Added shape classifier with coverage " << 100 * coverage << "% on training data sample.");
466  return;
467 }
Base class for calibration algorithms.
void saveCalibration(TClonesArray *data, const std::string &name)
Store DBArray payload with given name with default IOV.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Set algorithm description (in constructor)
The result of calibration.
@ c_OK
Finished successfuly =0 in Python.
The class for PXD cluster position offset payload.
void createShapeClassifier(std::string treename, PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar *shapeClassifier, PXDClusterShapeIndexPar *shapeIndexer)
Returns a new classifier and index trained on cluster tree.
std::string m_mirroredShapeName
Name of mirrored cluster shape.
std::vector< int > clusterKinds
Vector of clusterkinds to calibrate.
PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar mirrorShapeClassifier(PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar *shapeClassifier, PXDClusterShapeIndexPar *shapeIndexer, int clusterKind)
Returns a mirrored version of shape classifier.
PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar localToGlobal(PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar *localShapeClassifier, PXDClusterShapeIndexPar *localShapeIndexer, PXDClusterShapeIndexPar *globalShapeIndexer)
Returns a shape classifier using global shape indices instead of local ones.
std::map< std::string, int > m_sizeMap
Helper needed to map the name of a shape to the V size of the cluster.
int maxEtaBins
Maximum number of eta bins for estimating cluster position offsets.
int minClusterForPositionOffset
Minimum number of collected clusters for estimating cluster position offsets.
int minClusterForShapeLikelyhood
Minimum number of collected clusters for estimating shape likelyhood.
std::map< int, float > m_pitchMap
Helper needed to map the clusterkind to the V pitch of the sensor.
std::set< std::string > m_shapeSet
Set of unique shape names.
std::map< std::string, std::string > m_mirrorMap
Helper needed to map the name of a shape to the name of the mirrored shape.
The class for PXD cluster position lookup table payload.
void setShapeClassifier(const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar &classifier, int uBin, int vBin, int clusterkind)
Set shape classifier.
void addGrid(int clusterkind, const TH2F &grid)
Add grid for clusterkind.
The class for PXD cluster shape classifier payload.
const std::map< int, std::vector< float > > & getPercentilesMap() const
Return percentiles map for position correction.
void addShapeLikelyhood(int shape_index, float likelyhood)
Add shape likelyhood.
const std::map< int, float > & getShapeLikelyhoodMap() const
Return shape likelyhood map
void addEtaLikelyhood(int shape_index, float likelyhood)
Add eta likelyhood to shape for position correction.
void addEtaPercentile(int shape_index, float percentile)
Add eta percentile to shape for position correction.
unsigned int getEtaIndex(int shape_index, float eta) const
Get eta index for position correction.
const std::map< int, std::vector< float > > & getLikelyhoodMap() const
Return likelyhood map for position correction.
void addShape(int shape_index)
Add shape for position correction.
const std::map< int, std::vector< PXDClusterOffsetPar > > & getOffsetMap() const
Return offset map for position correction.
void addEtaOffset(int shape_index, PXDClusterOffsetPar &offset)
Add offset to shape for position correction.
The class for PXD cluster shape index payload.
int getShapeIndex(const std::string &name) const
Returns shape index from name.
void addShape(const std::string &name, int index)
Add shape with name and index
const std::string & getShapeName(int index) const
Returns shape name from index.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.