Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <pxd/unpacking/PXDRawDataDefinitions.h>
10 #include <pxd/modules/pxdUnpacking/PXDPackerModule.h>
11 #include <framework/datastore/DataStore.h>
12 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
13 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
14 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
15 #include <framework/core/ModuleParam.templateDetails.h>
17 #include <boost/crc.hpp>
18 #include <boost/algorithm/clamp.hpp>
20 #include <pxd/unpacking/PXDMappingLookup.h>
23 #include <TRandom.h>
25 using namespace std;
26 using namespace Belle2;
27 using namespace Belle2::PXD;
29 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
30 // Register the Module
31 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
34 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
35 // Implementation
36 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
38 using boost::crc_optimal;
39 typedef crc_optimal<32, 0x04C11DB7, 0, 0, false, false> dhe_crc_32_type;
45 PXDPackerModule::PXDPackerModule() :
46  Module(),
47  m_storeRaws()
48 {
49  m_trigger_nr = 0;
50  m_packed_events = 0;
51  m_run_nr_word1 = 0;
52  m_run_nr_word2 = 0;
53  //Set module properties
54  setDescription("Pack PXD Hits to raw data object");
57  addParam("PXDDigitsName", m_PXDDigitsName, "The name of the StoreArray of PXDDigits to be processed", std::string(""));
58  addParam("RawPXDsName", m_RawPXDsName, "The name of the StoreArray of generated RawPXDs", std::string(""));
59  addParam("InjectionBGTimingName", m_InjectionBGTimingName, "The name of the StoreObj for Injection Timing", std::string(""));
60  addParam("dhe_to_dhc", m_dhe_to_dhc, "DHE to DHC mapping (DHC_ID, DHE1, DHE2, ..., DHE5) ; -1 disable port");
61  addParam("InvertMapping", m_InvertMapping, "Use invers mapping to DHP row/col instead of \"remapped\" coordinates", false);
62  addParam("Clusterize", m_Clusterize, "Use clusterizer (FCE format)", false);
63  addParam("overrideFirmwareVersion", m_overrideFirmwareVersion, "Overwrite Firmware Version from DB with this value", 0);
65 }
68 {
69  // Register output collections
70  m_storeRaws.registerInDataStore(m_RawPXDsName, DataStore::EStoreFlags::c_ErrorIfAlreadyRegistered);
71  m_storeDigits.isRequired(m_PXDDigitsName);
74  m_packed_events = 0;
76  B2DEBUG(27, "Clusterizer is " << m_Clusterize);
77  B2DEBUG(27, "InvertMapping is " << m_InvertMapping);
82  for (auto& it : m_dhe_to_dhc) {
83  bool flag;
84  int dhc_id;
85  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> DHC/DHE");
86  flag = false;
87  if (it.size() != 6) {
89  B2WARNING("PXD Packer --> DHC/DHE maps 1 dhc to 5 dhe (1+5 values), but I found " << it.size());
90  }
91  for (auto& it2 : it) {
92  if (flag) {
93  int v;
94  v = it2;
95  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> ... DHE " << it2);
96  if (it2 < -1 || it2 >= 64) {
97  if (it2 != -1) B2ERROR("PXD Packer --> DHC id " << it2 << " is out of range (0-64 or -1)! disable channel.");
98  v = -1;
99  }
100 // if (v > 0) dhe_mapto_dhc[v] = dhc_id;
101  m_dhc_mapto_dhe[dhc_id].push_back(v);
102  } else {
103  dhc_id = it2;
104  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> DHC .. " << it2);
105  if (dhc_id < 0 || dhc_id >= 16) {
106  B2ERROR("PXD Packer --> DHC id " << it2 << " is out of range (0-15)! skip");
107  break;
108  }
109  }
110  flag = true;
111  }
112  }
113  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> DHC/DHE done");
115 // for (auto & it : m_dhe_mapto_dhc) {
116 // B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> DHE " << it.first << " connects to DHC " << it.second);
117 // }
119  for (auto& it : m_dhc_mapto_dhe) {
120  int port = 0;
121  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> DHC " << it.first);
122  for (auto& it2 : it.second) {
123  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> .. connects to DHE " << it2 << " port " << port);
124  port++;
125  }
126  }
128 }
131 {
132  if (m_overrideFirmwareVersion == 0) {
133  if (m_firmwareFromDB.isValid()) m_firmware = (*m_firmwareFromDB).getDHHFirmwareVersion();
134  else {
135  B2WARNING("Could not read PXD Firmware version from db, assume default (new) firmware");
136  m_firmware = 10;
137  }
138  } else {
140  }
141 }
144 {
145 }
148 {
151  // First, throw the dices for a few event-wise properties
152  // optional, use simulated trigger information to calculate it
154  m_trigger_dhp_framenr = gRandom->Integer(0x10000);
155  // we use the very same m_trigger_dhp_framenr in DHE and DHP header, no second DHP frame is generated anyway
156  // (-> like in the new firmware)
158  if (m_storeInjectionBGTiming.isValid()) {
159  m_trigger_dhe_gate = m_storeInjectionBGTiming->getTriggerGate();
160  } else {
161  m_trigger_dhe_gate = gRandom->Integer(192);
162  }
164  int nDigis = m_storeDigits.getEntries();
166  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> Nr of Digis: " << nDigis);
168  startOfVxdID.clear();
170  VxdID lastVxdId = -1;
173  for (auto it = m_storeDigits.begin() ; it != m_storeDigits.end(); ++it) {
174  VxdID currentVxdId;
175  currentVxdId = it->getSensorID();
176  currentVxdId.setSegmentNumber(0);
177  if (currentVxdId != lastVxdId) {
178  // do something...
179  lastVxdId = currentVxdId;
180  B2DEBUG(27, "VxdId: " << currentVxdId << " " << (int)currentVxdId);
181  {
182  unsigned int layer, ladder, sensor, segment, dhe_id;
183  layer = currentVxdId.getLayerNumber();
184  ladder = currentVxdId.getLadderNumber();
185  sensor = currentVxdId.getSensorNumber();
186  segment = currentVxdId.getSegmentNumber();// Frame nr?
187  dhe_id = ((layer - 1) << 5) | ((ladder) << 1) | (sensor - 1);
188  B2DEBUG(27, "Layer: " << layer << " Ladder " << ladder << " Sensor " << sensor << " Segment(Frame) " << segment << " =>DHEID: " <<
189  dhe_id);
190  }
192  if (startOfVxdID.count(currentVxdId) > 0) B2FATAL("PXD Digits are not sorted by VxdID!");
193  startOfVxdID[currentVxdId] = std::distance(m_storeDigits.begin(), it);
194  B2DEBUG(27, "Offset : " << startOfVxdID[currentVxdId]);
195  }
196  }
198  m_trigger_nr = evtPtr->getEvent();
199  m_run_nr_word1 = ((evtPtr->getRun() & 0xFF) << 8) | (evtPtr->getSubrun() & 0xFF);
200  m_run_nr_word2 = ((evtPtr->getExperiment() & 0x3FF) << 6) | ((evtPtr->getRun() >> 8) & 0x3F);
201  m_meta_time = evtPtr->getTime();
203  pack_event();
204  m_packed_events++;
205 }
209 {
210  int dhe_ids[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
211  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> pack_event");
213  // loop for each DHC in system
214  // get active DHCs from a database?
215  for (auto& it : m_dhc_mapto_dhe) {
216  int port = 1, port_inx = 0;
217  int act_port = 0;
219  for (auto& it2 : it.second) {
220  if (it2 >= 0) act_port += port;
221  port += port;
222  dhe_ids[port_inx] = it2;
223  port_inx++;
224  if (port_inx == 5) break; // not more than five.. checked above
225  }
227  // if(act_port&0x1F) B2ERROR();... checked above
228  // act_port&=0x1F;... checked above
230  // get active DHE mask from a database?
232  m_onsen_header.clear();// Reset
233  m_onsen_payload.clear();// Reset
234  pack_dhc(it.first, act_port, dhe_ids);
235  // and write to PxdRaw object
236  // header will be finished and endian swapped by constructor; payload already has be on filling the vector
238  }
240 }
243 {
244  if (m_current_frame.size() & 0x3) {
245  B2ERROR("Frame is not 32bit aligned!!! Unsupported by Unpacker!");
246  }
247  // checksum frame
248  dhe_crc_32_type current_crc;
249  current_crc.process_bytes(, m_current_frame.size());
250  append_int32(current_crc.checksum());
252  // and add it
253  m_onsen_header.push_back(m_current_frame.size());
254  m_onsen_payload.push_back(m_current_frame);
255 }
257 void PXDPackerModule::append_int8(unsigned char w)
258 {
259  m_current_frame.push_back(w);
260  dhe_byte_count++;
261  dhc_byte_count++;
262 }
264 void PXDPackerModule::append_int16(unsigned short w)
265 {
266  m_current_frame.push_back((unsigned char)(w >> 8));
267  m_current_frame.push_back((unsigned char)(w));
268  dhe_byte_count += 2;
269  dhc_byte_count += 2;
270 }
272 void PXDPackerModule::append_int32(unsigned int w)
273 {
274  m_current_frame.push_back((unsigned char)(w >> 24));
275  m_current_frame.push_back((unsigned char)(w >> 16));
276  m_current_frame.push_back((unsigned char)(w >> 8));
277  m_current_frame.push_back((unsigned char)(w));
278  dhe_byte_count += 4;
279  dhc_byte_count += 4;
280 }
283 {
284  m_current_frame.clear();
285 }
287 void PXDPackerModule::pack_dhc(int dhc_id, int dhe_active, int* dhe_ids)
288 {
289  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> pack_dhc ID " << dhc_id << " DHE act: " << dhe_active);
292  start_frame();
293  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_ONSEN_TRG << 27) | (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
294  append_int32(0xCAFE8000);// HLT HEADER, accepted flag set
295  append_int32(m_trigger_nr); // HLT Trigger Nr
296  append_int16(m_run_nr_word2); // Exp NR 9-0 | Run Nr 13-8
297  append_int16(m_run_nr_word1); // Run Nr 7-0 | Subrunnr 7-0
298  append_int32(0xCAFE0000);// DATCON HEADER ...
299  append_int32(m_trigger_nr); // DATCON Trigger Nr
300  append_int16(m_run_nr_word2); // Exp NR 9-0 | Run Nr 13-8
301  append_int16(m_run_nr_word1); // Run Nr 7-0 | Subrunnr 7-0
306  dhc_byte_count = 0;
307  start_frame();
308  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_DHC_START << 27) | ((dhc_id & 0xF) << 21) | ((dhe_active & 0x1F) << 16) |
309  (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
310  append_int16(m_trigger_nr >> 16);
312  uint32_t mm = (unsigned int)std::round((m_meta_time % 1000000000ull) * 0.127216); // in 127MHz Ticks
313  uint32_t ss = (unsigned int)(m_meta_time / 1000000000ull) ; // in seconds
314  append_int16(((mm << 4) & 0xFFF0) | 0x1); // TT 11-0 | Type --- fill with something usefull TODO
315  append_int16(((mm >> 12) & 0x7FFF) | ((ss & 1) ? 0x8000 : 0x0)); // TT 27-12 ... not clear if completely filled by DHC
316  append_int16((ss >> 1) & 0xFFFF); // TT 43-28 ... not clear if completely filled by DHC
317  append_int16(m_run_nr_word1); // Run Nr 7-0 | Subrunnr 7-0
318  append_int16(m_run_nr_word2); // Exp NR 9-0 | Run Nr 13-8
321  // loop for each DHE in system
322  // Run & TTT etc are zero until better idea
324  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
325  if (dhe_active & 0x1) pack_dhe(dhe_ids[i], 0xF);
326  dhe_active >>= 1;
327  }
331  // start_frame();
332  // append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_ONSEN_ROI<<27) | (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
334  // add_frame_to_payload();
337  unsigned int dlen = (dhc_byte_count / 4); // 32 bit words
338  start_frame();
339  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_DHC_END << 27) | ((dhc_id & 0xF) << 21) | (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
340  append_int32(dlen); // 32 bit word count
341  append_int32(0x00000000); // Error Flags
344 }
346 void PXDPackerModule::pack_dhe(int dhe_id, int dhp_active)
347 {
348  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> pack_dhe ID " << dhe_id << " DHP act: " << dhp_active);
349  // dhe_id is not dhe_id ...
350  bool dhe_has_remapped = !m_InvertMapping;
352  if (m_InvertMapping) {
353  // problem, we do not have an exact definition of if this bit is set in the new firmware and under which circumstances
354  // and its not clear if we have to translate the coordinates back to "DHP" layout! (look up tabel etc!)
355  // this code has never been completed as pxd cluster format will anyway need mapping in firmware
356  B2FATAL("Inverse Mapping not implemented in Packer");
357  }
360  dhe_byte_count = 0;
361  start_frame();
362  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_DHE_START << 27) | ((dhe_id & 0x3F) << 20) | ((dhp_active & 0xF) << 16) |
363  (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
364  append_int16(m_trigger_nr >> 16); // Trigger Nr Hi
365  append_int16(0x00000000); // DHE Timer Lo
366  append_int16(0x00000000); // DHE Time Hi
367  append_int16(((m_trigger_dhp_framenr & 0x3F) << 10) |
368  (m_trigger_dhe_gate & 0xFF)); // Last DHP Frame Nr 15-10, Reserved 9-8, Trigger Offset 7-0
371 // now prepare the data from one halfladder
372 // do the ROI selection??? optional...
373 // then loop for each DHP in system
374 // get active DHPs from a database?
375 // and pack data per halfladder.
376 // we fake the framenr and startframenr until we find some better solution
378  if (dhp_active != 0) {
379  // const int ladder_min_row = 0; Hardware counts from 0, only include if it does not.
380  const int ladder_max_row = PACKER_NUM_ROWS - 1;
381  // const int ladder_min_col = 0;
382  const int ladder_max_col = PACKER_NUM_COLS - 1;
385  bzero(halfladder_pixmap, sizeof(halfladder_pixmap));
387  VxdID currentVxdId = 0;
394  unsigned short sensor, ladder, layer;
395  sensor = (dhe_id & 0x1) + 1;
396  ladder = (dhe_id & 0x1E) >> 1; // no +1
397  layer = ((dhe_id & 0x20) >> 5) + 1;
398  currentVxdId = VxdID(layer, ladder, sensor);
400  B2DEBUG(27, "pack_dhe: VxdId: " << currentVxdId << " " << (int)currentVxdId);
402  {
403  auto it = m_storeDigits.begin();
404  B2DEBUG(27, "Advance: " << startOfVxdID[currentVxdId]);
405  advance(it, startOfVxdID[currentVxdId]);
406  for (; it != m_storeDigits.end(); ++it) {
407  auto id = it->getSensorID();
408  id.setSegmentNumber(0);
409  if (currentVxdId != id) break;
411  {
412  unsigned int row, col;
413  row = it->getVCellID();// hardware starts counting at 0!
414  col = it->getUCellID();// U/V cell ID DO NOT follow Belle2 Note, thus no -1
415  if (row > ladder_max_row || col > ladder_max_col) {
416  B2ERROR("U/V out of range U: " << col << " V: " << row);
417  } else {
418  // fill ADC ... convert float to unsigned char, clamp to 0 - 255 , no scaling ... and how about common mode?
419  B2DEBUG(26, "Pixel: V: " << row << ", U: " << col << ", Ch " << it->getCharge());
420  if (!dhe_has_remapped) {
421  do_the_reverse_mapping(row, col, layer, sensor);
422  }
423  halfladder_pixmap[row][col] = (unsigned char) boost::algorithm::clamp(lrint(it->getCharge()), 0, 255);
424  }
425  }
426  }
427  }
429  if (m_Clusterize) {
430  B2FATAL("Clusterizer not supported in Packer");
431  } else {
432  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
433  if (dhp_active & 0x1) {
434  pack_dhp(i, dhe_id, dhe_has_remapped ? 1 : 0);
437 // if (m_trigger_nr == 0x11) {
438 // pack_dhp_raw(i, dhe_id, false);
439 // pack_dhp_raw(i, dhe_id, true);
440 // }
441  }
442  dhp_active >>= 1;
443  }
444  }
445  }
448  unsigned int dlen = (dhe_byte_count / 2); // 16 bit words
449  start_frame();
450  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_DHE_END << 27) | ((dhe_id & 0x3F) << 20) | (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
451  append_int16(dlen & 0xFFFF); // 16 bit word count
452  append_int16((dlen >> 16) & 0xFFFF); // 16 bit word count
453  append_int32(0x00000000); // Error Flags
455 }
457 void PXDPackerModule::do_the_reverse_mapping(unsigned int& /*row*/, unsigned int& /*col*/, unsigned short /*layer*/,
458  unsigned short /*sensor*/)
459 {
460  B2FATAL("code needs to be written");
461  // work to be done
462  // I suspect this code will never be written.
463  //
464  // PXDMappingLookup::map_uv_to_rc_IF_OB(unsigned int& v_cellID, unsigned int& u_cellID, unsigned int& dhp_id, unsigned int dhe_ID)
465  // PXDMappingLookup::map_uv_to_rc_IB_OF(unsigned int& v_cellID, unsigned int& u_cellID, unsigned int& dhp_id, unsigned int dhe_ID)
466 }
468 void PXDPackerModule::pack_dhp_raw(int chip_id, int dhe_id)
469 {
470  B2FATAL("This code needs to be checked agains new firmware");
471  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> pack_dhp Raw Chip " << chip_id << " of DHE id: " << dhe_id);
472  start_frame();
474  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_DHP_RAW << 27) | ((dhe_id & 0x3F) << 20) | ((chip_id & 0x03) << 16) |
475  (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
476  append_int32((EDHPFrameHeaderDataType::c_RAW << 29) | ((dhe_id & 0x3F) << 18) | ((chip_id & 0x03) << 16) |
477  (m_trigger_dhp_framenr & 0xFFFF));
479  int c1, c2;
480  c1 = 64 * chip_id;
481  c2 = c1 + 64;
482  if (c2 >= PACKER_NUM_COLS) c2 = PACKER_NUM_COLS;
484  // ADC data / memdump for pedestal calculation
485  for (int row = 0; row < PACKER_NUM_ROWS; row++) {
486  for (int col = c1; col < c2; col++) {
487  append_int8(halfladder_pixmap[row][col]);
488  }
489  // unconnected drain lines -> 0
490  for (int col = c2; col < c1 + 64; col++) {
491  append_int8(0);
492  }
493  }
496 }
498 void PXDPackerModule::pack_dhp(int chip_id, int dhe_id, int dhe_has_remapped, int startrow)
499 {
500  B2DEBUG(27, "PXD Packer --> pack_dhp Chip " << chip_id << " of DHE id: " << dhe_id);
501  // remark: chip_id != port most of the time ...
502  bool empty = true;
503  unsigned short last_rowstart = 0;
505  if (dhe_has_remapped == 0) {
506  // problem, we do not have an exact definition of if this bit is set in the new firmware and under which circumstances
507  // and its not clear if we have to translate the coordinates back to "DHP" layout! (look up tabel etc!)
508  B2FATAL("dhe_has_remapped == 0");
509  }
511  start_frame();
513  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_DHP_ZSD << 27) | ((dhe_id & 0x3F) << 20) | ((dhe_has_remapped & 0x1) << 19) | ((
514  chip_id & 0x03) << 16) | (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
515  append_int32((EDHPFrameHeaderDataType::c_ZSD << 29) | ((dhe_id & 0x3F) << 18) | ((chip_id & 0x03) << 16) |
516  (m_trigger_dhp_framenr & 0xFFFF));
518  int c1, c2;
519  c1 = 64 * chip_id;
520  c2 = c1 + 64;
521  if (c2 >= PACKER_NUM_COLS) c2 = PACKER_NUM_COLS;
522  for (int rr = startrow; rr < startrow + PACKER_NUM_ROWS; rr++) {
523  int row = (rr % PACKER_NUM_ROWS); // warp around
527  bool rowstart = true;
528  for (int col = c1; col < c2; col++) {
529  if (halfladder_pixmap[row][col] != 0) {
530  // Attention, we decided to (mis)use ADC=0 values as truncation marker in future firmware! (discussion 15.1.2021)
531  // ADC cut for sim should have been done already
532  B2DEBUG(26, "Pixel: ROW: " << row << ", COL: " << col << ", Ch " << (int)halfladder_pixmap[row][col]);
533  if (rowstart) {
534  last_rowstart = ((row & 0x3FE) << (6 - 1)) | 0; // plus common mode 6 bits ... set to 0
535  append_int16(last_rowstart);
536  rowstart = false;
537  }
538  int colout = col;
539  append_int16(0x8000 | ((row & 0x1) << 14) | ((colout & 0x3F) << 8) | (halfladder_pixmap[row][col] & 0xFF));
540  empty = false;
541  }
542  }
543  }
544  if (!empty && (m_current_frame.size() & 0x3)) {
545  B2DEBUG(27, "Repeat last rowstart to align to 32bit.");
546  append_int16(last_rowstart);
547  }
549  if (empty) {
550  B2DEBUG(27, "Found no data for halfladder! DHEID: " << dhe_id << " Chip: " << chip_id);
554  if (m_firmware < 10) {
555  // behaviour of old firmware is not upward comaptible, but for simulation (=Packing) the new behaviour
556  // would work even for the old unpacking, even so not according to firmware documentation
557  // -> maybe we remove this code?
558  // we DROP the frame, thus we have to correct DHE and DHC counters
559  dhc_byte_count -= 8; // fixed size of Header
560  dhe_byte_count -= 8; // fixed size of Header
561  start_frame();
563  append_int32((EDHCFrameHeaderDataType::c_GHOST << 27) | ((dhe_id & 0x3F) << 20) | ((chip_id & 0x03) << 16) |
564  (m_trigger_nr & 0xFFFF));
565  }
566  }
569 }
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
void do_the_reverse_mapping(unsigned int &row, unsigned int &col, unsigned short layer, unsigned short sensor)
function still to be implemented
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned char > > m_onsen_payload
For one DHC event, we utilize one payload for all DHE/DHP frames.
int m_overrideFirmwareVersion
override firmware version from DB.
void initialize() override final
Initialize the module.
StoreObjPtr< PXDInjectionBGTiming > m_storeInjectionBGTiming
Input Obj InjectionBGTiming.
void add_frame_to_payload(void)
Add Frame to Event payload.
unsigned short m_run_nr_word2
Exp+Run Nr.
std::map< VxdID, int > startOfVxdID
Store start of Vxd Detector related digits.
void append_int16(unsigned short w)
cat 16bit value to frame
void pack_dhe(int dhe_id, int dhp_mask)
Pack one DHE (several DHP) to buffer.
void pack_dhp(int dhp_id, int dhe_id, int dhe_reformat, int startrow=0)
Pack one DHP to buffer.
void pack_dhp_raw(int dhp_id, int dhe_id)
Pack one DHP RAW to buffer.
std::string m_RawPXDsName
The name of the StoreArray of generated RawPXDs.
void pack_dhc(int dhc_id, int dhe_mask, int *dhe_ids)
Pack one DHC (several DHE) stored in one RawPXD object.
void pack_event(void)
Pack one event (several DHC) stored in seperate RawPXD object.
void terminate() override final
Terminate the module.
void event() override final
do the packing
std::string m_InjectionBGTimingName
The name of the StoreObj InjectionBGTiming.
unsigned int dhc_byte_count
Byte count in current DHC package.
std::vector< std::vector< int > > m_dhe_to_dhc
Parameter dhc<->dhe list, mapping from steering file.
bool m_Clusterize
Use clusterizer (FCE format)
unsigned short m_run_nr_word1
Run+Subrun Nr.
OptionalDBObjPtr< PXDDHHFirmwareVersionPar > m_firmwareFromDB
firmware version from DB.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_onsen_header
For one DHC event, we utilize one header (writing out, beware of endianess!)
int m_firmware
Firmware version, must be read from database on run change.
void append_int32(unsigned int w)
cat 32value value to frame
StoreArray< RawPXD > m_storeRaws
Output array for RawPxds.
unsigned int m_trigger_dhp_framenr
DHP Readout Frame Nr for DHP and DHE headers.
unsigned int dhe_byte_count
Byte count in current DHE package.
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > m_dhc_mapto_dhe
mapping calculated from m_dhe_to_dhc for easier handling
void start_frame(void)
Start with a new Frame.
void append_int8(unsigned char w)
cat 8bit value to frame
unsigned int m_trigger_dhe_gate
DHE Trigger Gate for DHE headers.
void beginRun() override final
begin run
unsigned int m_packed_events
Event counter.
bool m_InvertMapping
Flag if we invert mapping to DHP row/col or use premapped coordinates.
std::string m_PXDDigitsName
The name of the StoreArray of PXDDigits to be processed.
unsigned long long int m_meta_time
Time(Tag) from MetaInfo.
std::vector< unsigned char > m_current_frame
For current processed frames.
unsigned char halfladder_pixmap[PACKER_NUM_ROWS][PACKER_NUM_COLS]
temporary hitmap buffer for pixel to raw data conversion
unsigned int m_trigger_nr
Trigger Nr.
StoreArray< PXDDigit > m_storeDigits
Input array for Digits.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
void setSegmentNumber(baseType segment)
Set the sensor segment.
Definition: VxdID.h:113
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Namespace to encapsulate code needed for simulation and reconstrucion of the PXD.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.