Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <pxd/calibration/PXDValidationAlgorithm.h>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <algorithm>
13 #include <set>
15 #include <sstream>
16 #include <iostream>
18 #include <boost/format.hpp>
20 //ROOT
21 #include <TRandom.h>
22 #include <TH1.h>
23 #include <TF1.h>
25 using namespace std;
26 using boost::format;
27 using namespace Belle2;
30 // Anonymous namespace for data objects used by PXDValidationAlgorithm class
31 namespace {
34  void getNumberOfBins(const std::shared_ptr<TH1I>& histo_ptr, unsigned short& nBinsU, unsigned short& nBinsV)
35  {
36  set<unsigned short> uBinSet;
37  set<unsigned short> vBinSet;
39  // Loop over all bins of input histo
40  for (auto histoBin = 1; histoBin <= histo_ptr->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); histoBin++) {
41  // The bin label contains the vxdid, uBin and vBin
42  string label = histo_ptr->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(histoBin);
44  // Parse label string format to read sensorID, uBin and vBin
45  istringstream stream(label);
46  string token;
47  getline(stream, token, '_');
48  getline(stream, token, '_');
49  unsigned short uBin = std::stoi(token);
51  getline(stream, token, '_');
52  unsigned short vBin = std::stoi(token);
54  uBinSet.insert(uBin);
55  vBinSet.insert(vBin);
56  }
58  if (uBinSet.empty() || vBinSet.empty()) {
59  B2FATAL("Not able to determine the grid size. Something is wrong with collected data.");
60  } else {
61  nBinsU = *uBinSet.rbegin() + 1;
62  nBinsV = *vBinSet.rbegin() + 1;
63  }
64  }
67  unsigned short getNumberOfSensors(const std::shared_ptr<TH1I>& histo_ptr)
68  {
69  set<unsigned short> sensorSet;
71  // Loop over all bins of input histo
72  for (auto histoBin = 1; histoBin <= histo_ptr->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); histoBin++) {
73  // The bin label contains the vxdid, uBin and vBin
74  string label = histo_ptr->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(histoBin);
76  // Parse label string format to read sensorID, uBin and vBin
77  istringstream stream(label);
78  string token;
79  getline(stream, token, '_');
80  VxdID sensorID(token);
81  sensorSet.insert(sensorID.getID());
82  }
83  return sensorSet.size();
84  }
86 }
89 PXDValidationAlgorithm::PXDValidationAlgorithm():
90  CalibrationAlgorithm("PXDCDSTCollector")
91  , minTrackPoints(1000), save2DHists(false), saveD0Z0(false), binsD0Z0(600)
92  , m_exp(-1), m_run(-1), m_hD0(nullptr), m_hZ0(nullptr)
93  , m_hTrackPointsLayer1(nullptr), m_hTrackClustersLayer1(nullptr)
94  , m_hTrackPointsLayer2(nullptr), m_hTrackClustersLayer2(nullptr)
95 {
97  " -------------------------- PXDValidationAlgorithm ---------------------------------\n"
98  " \n"
99  " Algorithm for filling validation histograms. \n"
100  " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
101  );
104 }
107 {
108 }
111 {
112  // Turn off ROOT GUI
113  gROOT->SetBatch();
115  // Current Exp No. and Run No.
116  auto expRuns = getRunList();
117  auto expRunsAll = getRunListFromAllData();
118  // size should be 1
119  if (!expRuns.size())
120  return c_Failure;
122  m_exp = expRuns.back().first;
123  m_run = expRuns.back().second;
124  B2INFO("Current ExpRuns: [("
125  << expRuns.front().first << ", " << expRuns.front().second << "), ("
126  << m_exp << ", " << m_run << ")]");
128  // Get counter histograms and set pointers
129  auto cluster_counter = getObjectPtr<TH1I>("PXDTrackClusterCounter");
130  auto point_counter = getObjectPtr<TH1I>("PXDTrackPointCounter");
131  auto selected_point_counter = getObjectPtr<TH1I>("PXDSelTrackPointCounter"); // can be empty
132  auto selected_cluster_counter = getObjectPtr<TH1I>("PXDSelTrackClusterCounter"); // can be empty
133  if (!cluster_counter) return c_NotEnoughData;
134  if (!point_counter) return c_NotEnoughData;
136  // Extract number of sensors from counter histograms
137  auto nSensors = getNumberOfSensors(cluster_counter);
139  // Extract the number of grid bins from counter histograms
140  unsigned short nBinsU = 0;
141  unsigned short nBinsV = 0;
142  getNumberOfBins(cluster_counter, nBinsU, nBinsV);
145  B2INFO("Start info collection using a " << nBinsU << "x" << nBinsV << " grid per sensor.");
146  B2INFO("Number of collected track points is " << point_counter->GetEntries()
147  << " in " << nSensors << " sensors.");
149  if (point_counter->GetEntries() < minTrackPoints) {
150  B2WARNING("Not enough Data: Only " << point_counter->GetEntries() << " hits were collected but " << minTrackPoints
151  << " needed!");
152  return c_NotEnoughData;
153  }
156  auto hPassedHitsLayer1 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hPassedHitsLayer1");
157  auto hTotalHitsLayer1 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hTotalHitsLayer1");
158  auto hPassedHitsLayer2 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hPassedHitsLayer2");
159  auto hTotalHitsLayer2 = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("hTotalHitsLayer2");
160  if (!hPassedHitsLayer1) return c_NotEnoughData;
161  if (!hTotalHitsLayer1) return c_NotEnoughData;
162  if (!hPassedHitsLayer2) return c_NotEnoughData;
163  if (!hTotalHitsLayer2) return c_NotEnoughData;
165  // Save the current directory to change back later
166  TDirectory* currentDir = gDirectory;
167  //if (!currentDir) currentDir = gDirectory;
169  // Create TFile if not exist
170  if (!m_file) {
171  std::string fileName = (this->getPrefix()) + "Validation.root";
172  B2INFO("Creating file " << fileName);
173  m_file = std::make_shared<TFile>(fileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
174  }
176  // Create TTree if not exist
177  if (!m_tree) {
179  B2INFO("Creating TTree.");
180  m_tree = std::make_shared<TTree>("tree", "PXD validation data");
181  // Define histograms out of m_file
182  currentDir->cd();
183  m_hD0 = new TH1F("hD0", "Corrected d0;#Delta d0/#sqrt{2} [cm];Counts", binsD0Z0, -0.03, 0.03);
184  m_hZ0 = new TH1F("hZ0", "Corrected z0;#Delta z0/#sqrt{2} [cm];Counts", binsD0Z0, -0.03, 0.03);
185  m_file->cd();
187  m_tree->Branch<int>("exp", &m_exp);
188  m_tree->Branch<int>("run", &m_run);
189  m_tree->Branch("pxdid", &m_pxdid);
190  m_tree->Branch("uBin", &m_uBin);
191  m_tree->Branch("vBin", &m_vBin);
192  m_tree->Branch("nTrackPoints", &m_nTrackPoints);
193  m_tree->Branch("nTrackClusters", &m_nTrackClusters);
194  m_tree->Branch("nSelTrackPoints", &m_nSelTrackPoints);
195  m_tree->Branch("nSelTrackClusters", &m_nSelTrackClusters);
196  m_tree->Branch<TH1F>("hD0", &m_hD0, 32000, 0);
197  m_tree->Branch<TH1F>("hZ0", &m_hZ0, 32000, 0);
199  if (saveD0Z0) {
200  m_tree->Branch("d0", &m_d0);
201  m_tree->Branch("z0", &m_z0);
202  }
204  if (save2DHists) {
205  m_hTrackPointsLayer1 = (TH2F*)hTotalHitsLayer1->Clone();
206  m_hTrackClustersLayer1 = (TH2F*)hPassedHitsLayer1->Clone();
207  m_hTrackPointsLayer2 = (TH2F*)hTotalHitsLayer2->Clone();
208  m_hTrackClustersLayer2 = (TH2F*)hPassedHitsLayer2->Clone();
210  // associated histograms
211  m_tree->Branch<TH2F>("hTrackPointsLayer1", &m_hTrackPointsLayer1, 32000, 0);
212  m_tree->Branch<TH2F>("hTrackClustersLayer1", &m_hTrackClustersLayer1, 32000, 0);
213  m_tree->Branch<TH2F>("hTrackPointsLayer2", &m_hTrackPointsLayer2, 32000, 0);
214  m_tree->Branch<TH2F>("hTrackClustersLayer2", &m_hTrackClustersLayer2, 32000, 0);
215  }
216  }
218  m_file->cd();
220  if (save2DHists) {
221  // Just update 2D histograms
222  *m_hTrackPointsLayer1 = *hTotalHitsLayer1;
223  *m_hTrackClustersLayer1 = *hPassedHitsLayer1;
224  *m_hTrackPointsLayer2 = *hTotalHitsLayer2;
225  *m_hTrackClustersLayer2 = *hPassedHitsLayer2;
227  }
229  // Clear
230  m_pxdid.clear();
231  m_uBin.clear();
232  m_vBin.clear();
233  m_nTrackClusters.clear();
234  m_nTrackPoints.clear();
235  m_nSelTrackPoints.clear();
236  m_nSelTrackClusters.clear();
237  m_d0.clear();
238  m_z0.clear();
240  // Get resolution trees and create histograms
241  auto tree_d0z0 = getObjectPtr<TTree>("tree_d0z0");
242  if (!tree_d0z0) return c_NotEnoughData;
243  float d0, z0;
244  tree_d0z0->SetBranchAddress("d0", &d0);
245  tree_d0z0->SetBranchAddress("z0", &z0);
246  m_hD0->Reset();
247  m_hZ0->Reset();
249  // Fill histograms from tree
250  for (int i = 0; i < tree_d0z0->GetEntries(); i++) {
251  tree_d0z0->GetEntry(i);
252  if (saveD0Z0) {
253  m_d0.emplace_back(d0);
254  m_z0.emplace_back(z0);
255  }
256  if (fabs(d0) > 0.03 || fabs(z0) > 0.03)
257  continue;
258  m_hD0->Fill(d0);
259  m_hZ0->Fill(z0);
260  }
263  // Loop over all bins of input histo
264  for (auto histoBin = 1; histoBin <= cluster_counter->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); histoBin++) {
265  // The bin label contains the vxdid, uBin and vBin
266  string label = cluster_counter->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(histoBin);
268  // Parse label string format to read sensorID, uBin and vBin
269  istringstream stream(label);
270  string token;
271  getline(stream, token, '_');
272  VxdID sensorID(token);
274  getline(stream, token, '_');
275  unsigned short uBin = std::stoi(token);
277  getline(stream, token, '_');
278  unsigned short vBin = std::stoi(token);
280  // Read back the counters for number of collected clusters
281  int numberOfClusters = cluster_counter->GetBinContent(histoBin);
282  int numberOfPoints = point_counter->GetBinContent(histoBin);
284  m_pxdid.emplace_back(sensorID.getLayerNumber() * 1000 + sensorID.getLadderNumber() * 10 + sensorID.getSensorNumber());
285  m_uBin.emplace_back(uBin);
286  m_vBin.emplace_back(vBin);
287  m_nTrackPoints.emplace_back(numberOfPoints);
288  m_nSelTrackPoints.push_back(selected_point_counter->GetBinContent(histoBin));
289  m_nSelTrackClusters.push_back(selected_cluster_counter->GetBinContent(histoBin));
290  m_nTrackClusters.emplace_back(numberOfClusters);
291  }
293  m_tree->Fill();
295  // At the last run of the data
296  if (m_exp == expRunsAll.back().first &&
297  m_run == expRunsAll.back().second) {
298  B2INFO("Reached Final ExpRun: (" << m_exp << ", " << m_run << ")");
299  m_file->cd();
300  m_tree->Write();
301  B2INFO("Writing Successful.");
302  //if (m_file) m_file->Close();// Don't do it! We are using shared_ptr!
303  if (m_hD0) delete m_hD0;
304  if (m_hZ0) delete m_hZ0;
305  if (save2DHists) {
310  }
311  m_file->Close();
313  }
314  currentDir->cd();
316  // Always return ok to have run-by-run info
317  return c_OK;
318 }
321 bool PXDValidationAlgorithm::isBoundaryRequired(const Calibration::ExpRun& /*currentRun*/)
322 {
323  // First run in data as we iterate, but our boundaries weren't set manually already?
324  // Just set the first run to be a boundary and we are done.
325  if (m_boundaries.empty()) {
326  B2INFO("This is the first run encountered, let's say it is a boundary.");
327  return true;
328  } else {
329  //return true;// -> simple run-by-run
330  return false;
331  }
332 }
Base class for calibration algorithms.
std::vector< Calibration::ExpRun > m_boundaries
When using the boundaries functionality from isBoundaryRequired, this is used to store the boundaries...
std::vector< Calibration::ExpRun > getRunListFromAllData() const
Get the complete list of runs from inspection of collected data.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Set algorithm description (in constructor)
std::string getPrefix() const
Get the prefix used for getting calibration data.
The result of calibration.
@ c_OK
Finished successfuly =0 in Python.
@ c_NotEnoughData
Needs more data =2 in Python.
@ c_Failure
Failed =3 in Python.
const std::vector< Calibration::ExpRun > & getRunList() const
Get the list of runs for which calibration is called.
TH1F * m_hD0
Histogram of corrected d0 for each 2-track event.
TH2F * m_hTrackPointsLayer2
Histogram of intersection points for layer 2.
TH2F * m_hTrackClustersLayer1
Histogram of track matched clusters for layer 1.
TH2F * m_hTrackPointsLayer1
Histogram of intersection points for layer 1.
std::vector< unsigned long > m_nTrackClusters
Vector of number of track matched clusters.
virtual ~PXDValidationAlgorithm() override
TH2F * m_hTrackClustersLayer2
Histogram of track matched clusters for layer 2.
std::vector< unsigned long > m_nTrackPoints
Vector of number of track points.
std::vector< float > m_z0
Vector of delta z0 over sqrt(2)
bool saveD0Z0
Flag to save delta d0 (z0) over sqrt(2) to TTree;.
std::vector< unsigned long > m_nSelTrackPoints
Vector of number of track points outside of defective pixels.
int minTrackPoints
Minimum number of track points per sensor.
std::shared_ptr< TFile > m_file
Pointer for TFile.
bool save2DHists
Flag to save 2D histograms for efficiency;.
std::vector< unsigned short > m_uBin
Vector of uBin.
std::vector< float > m_d0
Vector of delta d0 over sqrt(2)
virtual EResult calibrate() override
Run algo on data.
int binsD0Z0
Bin size for d0/z0 histogram.
std::vector< unsigned long > m_nSelTrackClusters
Vector of number of track clusters outside of defective pixels.
std::vector< unsigned short > m_vBin
Vector of vBin.
std::shared_ptr< TTree > m_tree
Pointer for TTree of the validation info.
virtual bool isBoundaryRequired(const Calibration::ExpRun &) override
Decide if a run should be a payload boundary. Only used in certain Python Algorithm Starategies.
TH1F * m_hZ0
Histogram of corrected z0 for each 2-track event.
std::vector< unsigned short > m_pxdid
Vector of PXD module id (DHE id)
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getSensorNumber() const
Get the sensor id.
Definition: VxdID.h:100
baseType getLadderNumber() const
Get the ladder id.
Definition: VxdID.h:98
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
unsigned short getNumberOfSensors(const std::shared_ptr< TH1I > &histo_ptr)
Helper function to extract number of sensors from counter histogram labels.
void getNumberOfBins(const std::shared_ptr< TH1I > &histo_ptr, unsigned short &nBinsU, unsigned short &nBinsV)
Helper function to extract number of bins along u side and v side from counter histogram labels.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.