10 #include <analysis/variables/ParameterVariables.h>
13 #include <analysis/VariableManager/Manager.h>
15 #include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
16 #include <analysis/utility/PCmsLabTransform.h>
17 #include <analysis/utility/ReferenceFrame.h>
19 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
20 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
22 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
24 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
25 #include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
27 #include <Math/Boost.h>
28 #include <Math/Vector4D.h>
41 bool almostContains(
const std::vector<double>& vector,
int value)
43 for (
const auto& item : vector)
44 if (std::abs(value - item) < 1e-3)
49 double RandomChoice(
const Particle*,
const std::vector<double>& choices)
51 int r = std::rand() % choices.size() + 1;
52 auto it = choices.begin();
57 int NumberOfMCParticlesInEvent(
const Particle*,
const std::vector<double>& pdgs)
59 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcParticles;
61 for (
int i = 0; i < mcParticles.getEntries(); ++i) {
68 double isAncestorOf(
const Particle* part,
const std::vector<double>& daughterIDs)
74 const MCParticle* mcpart = part->getMCParticle();
75 if (mcpart ==
78 if (daughterIDs.empty())
"Wrong number of arguments for parameter function isAncestorOf. At least one needed!");
82 const Particle* curParticle = part;
83 double isAncestor = 0.0;
85 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < daughterIDs.size(); i++) {
86 int nCurDaughters = curParticle->getNDaughters();
87 if (nCurDaughters == 0)
"Assumed mother of particle at argument " << i <<
" has no daughters!");
89 if (daughterIDs[i] >= nCurDaughters)
"Assumed mother of particle at argument " << i <<
" has only " << nCurDaughters
91 <<
" daughters, but daughter at position " << daughterIDs[i] <<
" expected!");
92 const Particle* curDaughter = curParticle->getDaughter(daughterIDs[i]);
93 if (curDaughter ==
95 curParticle = curDaughter;
99 const MCParticle* finalMCDaughter = curParticle->
100 if (finalMCDaughter ==
104 const MCParticle* curMCParticle = finalMCDaughter;
106 while (curMCParticle !=
nullptr) {
107 const MCParticle* curMCMother = curMCParticle->getMother();
108 if (curMCMother ==
111 if (curMCMother->getArrayIndex() == mcpart->getArrayIndex()) {
115 curMCParticle = curMCMother;
123 double hasAncestor(
const Particle* part,
const std::vector<double>& args)
129 const MCParticle* mcpart = part->getMCParticle();
130 if (mcpart ==
133 int m_PDG, m_sign = 0;
136 B2FATAL(
"Wrong number of arguments for variable hasAncestor!");
137 else if (args.size() == 1) {
139 B2FATAL(
"PDG code in variable hasAncestor is 0!");
142 }
else if (args.size() == 2) {
143 if (args[0] == 0 or (args[1] != 0 and args[1] != 1))
144 B2FATAL(
"PDG code in variable hasAncestor is 0 or second argument is not 0 or 1!");
150 B2FATAL(
"Too many arguments for variable hasAncestor!");
153 unsigned int nLevels = 0;
155 const MCParticle* curMCParticle = mcpart;
157 while (curMCParticle !=
nullptr) {
158 const MCParticle* curMCMother = curMCParticle->getMother();
159 if (curMCMother ==
162 int pdg = curMCMother->getPDG();
171 curMCParticle = curMCMother;
178 double daughterInvariantMass(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughter_indexes)
183 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector sum;
184 const auto& daughters = particle->getDaughters();
185 int nDaughters =
187 for (
auto& double_daughter : daughter_indexes) {
188 long daughter = std::lround(double_daughter);
189 if (daughter >= nDaughters)
192 sum += daughters[daughter]->get4Vector();
198 double daughterMCInvariantMass(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughter_indexes)
203 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector sum;
204 const auto& daughters = particle->getDaughters();
205 int nDaughters =
207 for (
auto& double_daughter : daughter_indexes) {
208 long daughter = std::lround(double_daughter);
209 if (daughter >= nDaughters)
212 const MCParticle* mcdaughter = daughters[daughter]->
216 sum += mcdaughter->get4Vector();
223 double massDifference(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughters)
228 long daughter = std::lround(daughters[0]);
229 if (daughter >=
232 double motherMass = particle->getMass();
233 double daughterMass = particle->getDaughter(daughter)->getMass();
235 return motherMass - daughterMass;
238 double massDifferenceError(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughters)
243 long daughter = std::lround(daughters[0]);
244 if (daughter >=
249 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector thisDaughterMomentum = particle->getDaughter(daughter)->get4Vector();
251 TMatrixFSym thisDaughterCovM(Particle::c_DimMomentum);
252 thisDaughterCovM = particle->getDaughter(daughter)->getMomentumErrorMatrix();
253 TMatrixFSym othrDaughterCovM(Particle::c_DimMomentum);
255 for (
int j = 0; j < int(particle->getNDaughters()); ++j) {
259 othrDaughterCovM += particle->getDaughter(j)->getMomentumErrorMatrix();
262 TMatrixFSym covarianceMatrix(2 * Particle::c_DimMomentum);
263 covarianceMatrix.SetSub(0, thisDaughterCovM);
264 covarianceMatrix.SetSub(4, othrDaughterCovM);
266 double motherMass = particle->getMass();
267 double daughterMass = particle->getDaughter(daughter)->getMass();
269 TVectorF jacobian(2 * Particle::c_DimMomentum);
270 jacobian[0] = thisDaughterMomentum.Px() / daughterMass - particle->getPx() / motherMass;
271 jacobian[1] = thisDaughterMomentum.Py() / daughterMass - particle->getPy() / motherMass;
272 jacobian[2] = thisDaughterMomentum.Pz() / daughterMass - particle->getPz() / motherMass;
273 jacobian[3] = particle->getEnergy() / motherMass - thisDaughterMomentum.E() / daughterMass;
274 jacobian[4] = -1.0 * particle->getPx() / motherMass;
275 jacobian[5] = -1.0 * particle->getPy() / motherMass;
276 jacobian[6] = -1.0 * particle->getPz() / motherMass;
277 jacobian[7] = 1.0 * particle->getEnergy() / motherMass;
279 result = jacobian * (covarianceMatrix * jacobian);
284 return TMath::Sqrt(result);
287 double massDifferenceSignificance(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughters)
292 long daughter = std::lround(daughters[0]);
293 if (daughter >=
296 double massDiff = massDifference(particle, daughters);
297 double massDiffErr = massDifferenceError(particle, daughters);
299 double massDiffNominal = particle->getPDGMass() - particle->getDaughter(daughter)->getPDGMass();
301 return (massDiff - massDiffNominal) / massDiffErr;
305 double particleDecayAngle(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughters)
311 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector m = - T.getBeamFourMomentum();
313 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector motherMomentum = particle->get4Vector();
314 B2Vector3D motherBoost = motherMomentum.BoostToCM();
316 long daughter = std::lround(daughters[0]);
317 if (daughter >=
320 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector daugMomentum = particle->getDaughter(daughter)->get4Vector();
321 daugMomentum = ROOT::Math::Boost(motherBoost) * daugMomentum;
323 m = ROOT::Math::Boost(motherBoost) * m;
328 double pointingAngle(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughters)
333 long daughter = std::lround(daughters[0]);
334 if (daughter >=
337 if (particle->getDaughter(daughter)->getNDaughters() < 2)
340 B2Vector3D productionVertex = particle->getVertex();
341 B2Vector3D decayVertex = particle->getDaughter(daughter)->getVertex();
343 B2Vector3D vertexDiffVector = decayVertex - productionVertex;
346 B2Vector3D daughterMomentumVector = frame.getMomentum(particle->getDaughter(daughter)).Vect();
348 return daughterMomentumVector.
351 double azimuthalAngleInDecayPlane(
const Particle* particle,
const std::vector<double>& daughters)
356 int nDaughters =
358 long daughter1 = std::lround(daughters[0]);
359 long daughter2 = std::lround(daughters[1]);
360 if (daughter1 >= nDaughters || daughter2 >= nDaughters)
364 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector m = T.getBeamFourMomentum();
365 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector p = particle->get4Vector();
366 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector d1 = particle->getDaughter(daughter1)->get4Vector();
367 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector d2 = particle->getDaughter(daughter2)->get4Vector();
369 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector l;
370 l.SetPx(p.Py() * (d1.Pz() * d2.E() - d1.E() * d2.Pz()) + p.Pz() * (d1.E() * d2.Py() - d1.Py() * d2.E())
371 + p.E() * (d1.Py() * d2.Pz() - d1.Pz() * d2.Py()));
372 l.SetPy(p.Px() * (d1.E() * d2.Pz() - d1.Pz() * d2.E()) + p.Pz() * (d1.Px() * d2.E() - d1.E() * d2.Px())
373 + p.E() * (d1.Pz() * d2.Px() - d1.Px() * d2.Pz()));
374 l.SetPz(p.Px() * (d1.Py() * d2.E() - d1.E() * d2.Py()) + p.Py() * (d1.E() * d2.Px() - d1.Px() * d2.E())
375 + p.E() * (d1.Px() * d2.Py() - d1.Py() * d2.Px()));
376 l.SetE(-(p.Px() * (d1.Pz() * d2.Py() - d1.Py() * d2.Pz()) + p.Py() * (d1.Px() * d2.Pz() - d1.Pz() * d2.Px())
377 + p.Pz() * (d1.Py() * d2.Px() - d1.Px() * d2.Py())));
379 double m_times_p = m.Dot(p);
380 double m_times_l = m.Dot(l);
381 double m_times_d1 = m.Dot(d1);
382 double l_times_d1 = l.Dot(d1);
383 double d1_times_p = d1.Dot(p);
384 double m_abs = TMath::Sqrt(pow(m_times_p / p.M(), 2) - m.M2());
385 double d1_abs = TMath::Sqrt(pow(d1_times_p / p.M(), 2) - d1.M2());
386 double cos_phi = -m_times_l / (m_abs * TMath::Sqrt(-l.M2()));
387 double m_parallel_abs = m_abs * TMath::Sqrt(1 - cos_phi * cos_phi);
388 double m_parallel_times_d1 = m_times_p * d1_times_p / p.M2() + m_times_l * l_times_d1 / l.M2() - m_times_d1;
390 return TMath::ACos(-m_parallel_times_d1 / (m_parallel_abs * d1_abs));
393 double Constant(
const Particle*,
const std::vector<double>& constant)
"NumberOfMCParticlesInEvent(pdgcode)", NumberOfMCParticlesInEvent, R
402 [Eventbased] Returns number of MC Particles (including anti-particles) with the given pdgcode in the event.
404 Used in the FEI to determine to calculate reconstruction efficiencies.
406 The variable is event-based and does not need a valid particle pointer as input.)DOC");
407 REGISTER_VARIABLE("isAncestorOf(i, j, ...)", isAncestorOf, R
408 Returns a positive integer if daughter at position particle->daughter(i)->daughter(j)... is an ancestor of the related MC particle, 0 otherwise.
410 Positive integer represents the number of steps needed to get from final MC daughter to ancestor.
411 If any particle or MCparticle is a nullptr, NaN is returned. If MC relations of any particle doesn't exist, -1.0 is returned.)DOC");
412 REGISTER_VARIABLE("hasAncestor(PDG, abs)", hasAncestor, R
414 Returns a positive integer if an ancestor with the given PDG code is found, 0 otherwise.
416 The integer is the level where the ancestor was found, 1: first mother, 2: grandmother, etc.
418 Second argument is optional, 1 means that the sign of the PDG code is taken into account, default is 0.
420 If there is no MC relations found, -1 is returned. In case of nullptr particle, NaN is returned.)DOC");
421 REGISTER_VARIABLE("daughterInvariantMass(i, j, ...)", daughterInvariantMass, R
422 Returns invariant mass of the given daughter particles. E.g.:
424 * daughterInvariantMass(0, 1) returns the invariant mass of the first and second daughter.
425 * daughterInvariantMass(0, 1, 2) returns the invariant mass of the first, second and third daughter.
427 Useful to identify intermediate resonances in a decay, which weren't reconstructed explicitly.
429 Returns NaN if particle is nullptr or if the given daughter-index is out of bound (>= number of daughters).
431 )DOC", "GeV/:math:`\\text{c}^2`");
"light-2203-zeus", R
433 The variable `daughterInvM` provides exactly the same functionality.)DOC");
434 REGISTER_VARIABLE("daughterMCInvariantMass(i, j, ...)", daughterMCInvariantMass, R
435 Returns true invariant mass of the given daughter particles, same behaviour as daughterInvariantMass variable.
437 )DOC", "GeV/:math:`\\text{c}^2`");
"decayAngle(i)", particleDecayAngle, R
439 Angle in the mother's rest frame between the reverted CMS momentum vector and the direction of the i-th daughter
"pointingAngle(i)", pointingAngle, R
443 Angle between i-th daughter's momentum vector and vector connecting production and decay vertex of i-th daughter.
444 This makes only sense if the i-th daughter has itself daughter particles and therefore a properly defined vertex.
"azimuthalAngleInDecayPlane(i, j)", azimuthalAngleInDecayPlane, R
448 Azimuthal angle of i-th daughter in decay plane towards projection of particle momentum into decay plane.
450 First we define the following symbols:
452 * P: four-momentum vector of decaying particle in whose decay plane the azimuthal angle is measured
453 * M: "mother" of p, however not necessarily the direct mother but any higher state, here the CMS itself is chosen
454 * D1: daughter for which the azimuthal angle is supposed to be calculated
455 * D2: another daughter needed to span the decay plane
456 * L: normal to the decay plane (four-component vector)
458 L can be defined via the following relation:
460 .. math:: L^{\sigma} = \delta^{\sigma\nu} \epsilon_{\mu\nu\alpha\beta} P^{\mu}D1^{\alpha}D2^{\beta}
462 The azimuthal angle is given by
464 .. math:: \phi \equiv \cos^{-1} \left(\frac{-\vec{M_{\parallel}} \cdot \vec{D1}}{|\vec{M_{\parallel}}| \cdot |\vec{D1}|}\right)
466 For a frame independent formulation the three component vectors need to be written via invariant four-momentum vectors.
470 -\vec{M_{\parallel}} \cdot \vec{D1} &= \biggl[M - \frac{(M \cdot L)L}{L^2}\biggr] \cdot D1 - \frac{(M \cdot P)(D1 \cdot P)}{m^2_P}\\
471 |\vec{M_{\parallel}}| &= |\vec{M}| \sqrt{1 - \cos^2 \psi}\\
472 |\vec{M}| &= \sqrt{\frac{(M \cdot P)^2}{m^2_P} - m^2_M}\\
473 \cos \psi &= \frac{\vec{M} \cdot \vec{L}}{|\vec{M}| \cdot |\vec{L}|} = \frac{-M \cdot L}{|\vec{M}| \cdot \sqrt{-L^2}}\\
474 |\vec{D1}| &= \sqrt{\frac{(D1 \cdot P)^2}{m^2_P} - m^2_{D1}}
"massDifference(i)", massDifference,
"Difference in invariant masses of this particle and its i-th daughter\n\n",
479 "GeV/:math:`\\text{c}^2`");
"massDifferenceError(i)", massDifferenceError,
481 "Estimated uncertainty on difference in invariant masses of this particle and its i-th daughter\n\n",
"massDifferenceSignificance(i)", massDifferenceSignificance,
483 "Signed significance of the deviation from the nominal mass difference of this particle and its i-th daughter [(massDiff - NOMINAL_MASS_DIFF)/ErrMassDiff]");
"constant(float i)", Constant, R
488 Useful for debugging purposes and in conjunction with the formula meta-variable.)DOC");
490 REGISTER_VARIABLE("randomChoice(i, j, ...)", RandomChoice, R
491 Returns random element of given numbers.
493 Useful for testing purposes.)DOC");
DataType Angle(const B2Vector3< DataType > &q) const
The angle w.r.t.
static const double doubleNaN
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
const MCParticle * getMCParticle() const
Returns the pointer to the MCParticle object that was used to create this Particle (ParticleType == c...
static const ReferenceFrame & GetCurrent()
Get current rest frame.
#define MAKE_DEPRECATED(name, make_fatal, version, description)
Registers a variable as deprecated.
B2Vector3< double > B2Vector3D
typedef for common usage with double
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.