Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/hough/perigee/Phi0Rep.h>
9 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/LookupTable.h>
10 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
12 using namespace Belle2;
13 using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
15 Phi0BinsSpec::Phi0BinsSpec(long nBins, int nOverlap, int nWidth)
16  : m_nBins(nBins)
17  , m_nOverlap(nOverlap)
18  , m_nWidth(nWidth)
19 {
20  B2ASSERT("Overlap must be smaller than the width.", m_nWidth > m_nOverlap);
21 }
24 {
25  const long nPositions = getNPositions();
26  const double overlap = getOverlap();
27  // Adjust the angle bounds such that overlap occures at the wrap around as well
28  const double lowerBound = -M_PI - overlap / 2;
29  const double upperBound = +M_PI + overlap / 2;
30  return linspace<Vector2D>(lowerBound, upperBound, nPositions, &(Vector2D::Phi));
31 }
34 {
35  const long nPositions = (m_nWidth - m_nOverlap) * m_nBins + m_nOverlap + 1;
36  return nPositions;
37 }
40 {
41  return 2.0 * M_PI / m_nBins + getOverlap();
42 }
45 {
46  // Overlap carefully calculated such that the overlap also occures at
47  // the wrap around near M_PI to -M_PI with the same with without spoiling the
48  // linearity of the binning.
49  const double overlap = 2.0 * M_PI * m_nOverlap / (m_nBins * (m_nWidth - m_nOverlap));
50  return overlap;
51 }
std::vector< T > Array
The type of the array which contains the underlying values.
Definition: DiscreteValue.h:55
long getNPositions() const
Getter for the number of bounds.
int m_nOverlap
Overlap of the leaves in phi0 counted in number of discrete values.
Definition: Phi0Rep.h:57
DiscretePhi0::Array constructArray() const
Constuct the array of discrete phi0 positions.
int m_nWidth
Width of the leaves at the maximal level in phi0 counted in number of discrete values.
Definition: Phi0Rep.h:60
Phi0BinsSpec(long nBins, int nOverlap, int nWidth)
Constructor from fixed number of accessable bins and overlap specification in discrete number of posi...
double getBinWidth() const
Getter for the bin width in real phi0 to investigate the value that results from the discrete overlap...
long m_nBins
Number of accessable bins.
Definition: Phi0Rep.h:54
double getOverlap() const
Getter for the overlap in real phi0 to investigate the value that results from the discrete overlap s...
static Vector2D Phi(const double phi)
Constucts a unit vector with azimuth angle equal to phi.
Definition: Vector2D.h:71
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.