12 #include <simulation/dataobjects/SimHitBase.h>
43 PlumeSimHit(
int a_pdgID,
int a_sensorID,
int a_trackID,
float a_trackVx_x,
float a_trackVx_y,
44 float a_trackVx_z,
float a_energyDep,
float a_nielDep,
45 float a_posIN_x,
float a_posIN_y,
float a_posIN_z,
float a_posIN_u,
float a_posIN_v,
float a_posIN_w,
46 float a_posOUT_u,
float a_posOUT_v,
float a_posOUT_w,
float a_momentum_x,
float a_momentum_y,
float a_momentum_z,
47 float a_thetaAngle,
float a_phiAngle,
float a_globalTime):
Class PlumeSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the PLUME detector.
float getnielDep() const
non ionizing deposited energy
int getpdgID() const
particle PDG id
float m_trackVx_x
track production vertex x coordinates in G4 ref
float m_globalTime
global time
float m_thetaLoc
local (sensor ref) theta angle, out of sensor plane, in degree
float m_momGeV_x
incoming track momentum, x coordinates in G4 ref, in GeV
float gettrackVx_x() const
track production vertex x coordinates in G4 ref
float getphiAngle() const
local (sensor ref) phi angle, in sensor plane, in degree
float m_posOUTmm_v
outcoming track position v in sensor ref, in mm
float m_momGeV_z
incoming track momentum, z coordinates in G4 ref, in GeV
float m_phiLoc
local (sensor ref) phi angle, in sensor plane, in degree
float m_momGeV_y
incoming track momentum, y coordinates in G4 ref, in GeV
int m_pdgID
particle PDG id
float getposIN_x() const
incoming track position x in G4 ref, in mm
void seteventnumber(const int evtn)
set an event number
float getmomentum_z() const
incoming track momentum, z coordinates in G4 ref, in GeV
float getposOUT_v() const
outcoming track position v in sensor ref, in mm
float m_trackVx_y
track production vertex y coordinates in G4 ref
float gettrackVx_z() const
track production vertex z coordinates in G4 ref
int gettrackID() const
track ID
float getposIN_v() const
incoming track position v in sensor ref, in mm
float m_posINmm_z
incoming track position z in G4 ref, in mm
int getsensorID() const
sensor ID
float getmomentum_x() const
incoming track momentum, x coordinates in G4 ref, in GeV
float m_nielDepMeV
non ionizing deposited energy
float getposIN_y() const
incoming track position y in G4 ref, in mm
float m_energyDepMeV
deposited energy in MeV
float getposOUT_u() const
outcoming track position u in sensor ref, in mm
float m_posINmm_w
incoming track position w in sensor ref, in mm
default constructor for ROOT
float getglobalTime() const
global time
float gettrackVx_y() const
track production vertex y coordinates in G4 ref
float getenergyDep() const
deposited energy in MeV
PlumeSimHit(int a_pdgID, int a_sensorID, int a_trackID, float a_trackVx_x, float a_trackVx_y, float a_trackVx_z, float a_energyDep, float a_nielDep, float a_posIN_x, float a_posIN_y, float a_posIN_z, float a_posIN_u, float a_posIN_v, float a_posIN_w, float a_posOUT_u, float a_posOUT_v, float a_posOUT_w, float a_momentum_x, float a_momentum_y, float a_momentum_z, float a_thetaAngle, float a_phiAngle, float a_globalTime)
Standard constructor See parameters definition below.
unsigned m_evtNum
event number
float getposOUT_w() const
outcoming track position w in sensor ref, in mm
float m_posINmm_u
incoming track position u in sensor ref, in mm
float m_posOUTmm_w
outcoming track position w in sensor ref, in mm
float getmomentum_y() const
incoming track momentum, y coordinates in G4 ref, in GeV
float m_posINmm_x
incoming track position x in G4 ref, in mm
float m_trackVx_z
track production vertex z coordinates in G4 ref
float m_posINmm_y
incoming track position y in G4 ref, in mm
float m_posOUTmm_u
outcoming track position u in sensor ref, in mm
float getposIN_z() const
incoming track position z in G4 ref, in mm
float getposIN_u() const
incoming track position u in sensor ref, in mm
float getthetaAngle() const
local (sensor ref) theta angle, out of sensor plane, in degree
float m_posINmm_v
incoming track position v in sensor ref, in mm
float getposIN_w() const
incoming track position w in sensor ref, in mm
int geteventnumber() const
event number
ClassDef(RelationsInterface, 0)
defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Class SimHitBase - A common base for subdetector SimHits.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.