10 #ifndef SVDClusterEvaluationTrueInfo_H
11 #define SVDClusterEvaluationTrueInfo_H
14 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
15 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
16 #include <svd/dataobjects/SVDTrueHit.h>
17 #include <svd/dataobjects/SVDEventInfo.h>
53 virtual void event()
56 virtual void endRun()
192 Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max,
193 const char* xtitle, TList* histoList);
197 Int_t nbinsX, Double_t minX, Double_t maxX,
199 Int_t nbinsY, Double_t minY, Double_t maxY,
200 const char* titleY, TList* histoList);
204 TString yTitle, TList* list);
208 float yErr[
m_Nsets], TString xTitle, TString yTitle, TList* list,
int len);
212 float yErr[
m_Nsets], TString xTitle, TString yTitle, TList* list);
Clustering Performance, using true informations.
TH1F * m_histo_StripTimeResolution[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Strip Time Residuals.
TList * m_histoList_StripTimeResolution
Lists used to easily Draw the corresponding histos; last one is used to draw the TGraphs.
float m_RMS_GoodTHinClusterTM[m_Nsets]
good true hits in cluster truth matched rms
float m_mean_ClusterTimeResolution[m_Nsets]
average cl time resid
TString NameOfHisto
Strings to pass names of the histos in the vectors of hitos.
TFile * m_outputFile
output file
TString UVFromIndex(int idx)
Function returning "U" or "V" depending on the index.
int m_NumberOfClustersRelatedToTH[m_Nsets]
number of clusters related to true hits
TString TitleOfHisto
Strings to pass titles of the histos in the vectors of hitos.
TList * m_graphList
histo list, TGraphs
TH1F * m_histoControl_MCcharge
Control Histos and List to check if the function used to define a TH as "good" is working fine.
void createArbitraryGraphErrorChooser(const char *name, const char *title, float x[m_Nsets], float xErr[m_Nsets], float y[m_Nsets], float yErr[m_Nsets], TString xTitle, TString yTitle, TList *list, int len)
Function choosing between the two following functions depending on the length of the provided arrays.
TList * m_histoList_PurityInsideTMCluster
histo list truth matched cluster purity (2D)
float m_RMS_ClusterTimeResolution[m_Nsets]
rms cluster time resid
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterUPositionPull[m_NsetsRed]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster U Position Pull (Reduced length!)
void createArbitraryGraphError_Red(const char *name, const char *title, float x[m_NsetsRed], float xErr[m_NsetsRed], float y[m_NsetsRed], float yErr[m_NsetsRed], TString xTitle, TString yTitle, TList *list)
Function returning an arbitrarly defined TGraph with arrays length equal to m_NsetsRed.
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterUPositionResolution[m_NsetsRed]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster U Position Residual (Reduced length!)
TList * m_histoList_ClusterTimeResolution
histo list cluster time resolution
int m_NumberOfShaperDigit[m_Nsets]
Vectors used to compute the quantities depicted in Histos and Graphs.
float m_RMS_THinClusterTM[m_Nsets]
true hits in truth matched cluster rms
int m_NumberOfRecoDigit[m_Nsets]
number of reco digits
float m_RMS_THinCluster[m_Nsets]
true hits in cluster rms
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the SVDClusterEvaluationTrueInfo.
TList * m_histo2DList_TresVsPosres
histo list ime tresol VS position resol
int m_NumberOfTMRecoInNOTMCluster
number of truth matched reco digits in not truth matched clusters
int indexForHistosAndGraphs
Index used for the lists and for the vectors of histograms: it indicates the set of sensors we are lo...
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterVPositionPull[m_NsetsRed]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster U Position Pull (Reduced length!)
virtual void event() override
This method is the core of the SVDClusterEvaluationTrueInfo.
float m_mean_GoodTHinClusterTM[m_Nsets]
good true hits in cluster truth matched average
int m_NumberOfTMClusters[m_Nsets]
number of truth matched clusters
float m_mean_ClusterVPositionResolution[m_Nsets]
average cl V position reosl
TH2F * createHistogram2D(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t nbinsX, Double_t minX, Double_t maxX, const char *titleX, Int_t nbinsY, Double_t minY, Double_t maxY, const char *titleY, TList *histoList)
Function returning TH2F.
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterTimeResolution_bin1[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster Time Residuals, divided by TriggerBin.
TH1F * m_histo_THinCluster[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Number of TH inside a Cluster.
virtual void endRun() override
This method is called if the current run ends.
TH1F * m_histoControl_MCisPrimary
control histo: MC is primary
float m_mean_ClusterUPositionResolution[m_Nsets]
average cl U position resol
TH2F * m_histo2D_TresVsPosres[m_Nsets]
Vector of 2D histograms depicting Time Residuals Vs Position (U/V) Residuals for Histos.
virtual void terminate() override
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
TH1F * m_histo_GoodTHinClusterTM[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Number of Good TH inside a TM Cluster.
TList * m_histoList_ClusterTimePull
histo list cluster time pull
TList * m_histoList_GoodTHinClusterTMGood
histo list goo true hits in cluster truth match good
float m_RMS_StripTimeResolution[m_Nsets]
rms of strip time residual
float m_mean_THinClusterTM[m_Nsets]
true hits in truth matched cluster average
float m_RMS_ClusterVPositionResolution[m_Nsets]
rms cl V position resol
int m_NumberOfTH[m_Nsets]
numner of true hits
float m_RMS_PurityInsideTMCluster[m_Nsets]
cluster purity rms
float m_OrderingVec[m_Nsets]
Vectors used to Draw the TGraphs (defined in the cc) depicting the averages and the means of the hist...
TList * m_histoList_ClusterPositionPull
histo list cluster position pull
TList * m_histo2DList_PurityInsideTMCluster
histo list truth matched cluster purity (2D)
TList * m_histoList_PurityInsideNOTMCluster
histo list not truth matched cluster purity
TH1F * m_histo_PurityInsideTMCluster[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster Internal Purity (TM Recos over Reco inside a Cluster)
TString FWFromIndex(int idx)
Function returning "Forward" or "Backword" depending on the index.
virtual void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterTimeResolution[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster Time Residuals.
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterTimePull[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster Time Pull.
int indexFromLayerSensorSide(int LayerNumber, int SensorNumber, int UVNumber)
Function returning the index used for Histos.
static const int m_NsetsRed
numbner of reduced sets
TList * m_histoList_GoodTHinClusterTM
histo list good true hits in cluster truth matched
float m_mean_PurityInsideTMCluster[m_Nsets]
cluster purity average
bool goodTrueHit(const SVDTrueHit *thino)
Function defining if a TH is good (based on charge and primaryness)
float m_RMS_ClusterUPositionResolution[m_Nsets]
rms cl U position resol
TString IntExtFromIndex(int idx)
Function returning "Internal" or "External" depending on the index.
float m_RMS_GoodTHinClusterTMGood[m_Nsets]
good true hits in cluster truth match good rms
std::string m_svdEventInfoName
Name of the SVDEventInfo object.
void createEfficiencyGraph(const char *name, const char *title, int vNum[m_Nsets], int vDen[m_Nsets], TString xTitle, TString yTitle, TList *list)
Function returning a TGraph with Y axis limited to 1 given numerator and denumerator vectors and plot...
TH1F * m_histo_GoodTHinClusterTMGood[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Number of Good TH inside a Good TM Cluster.
TH1F * createHistogram1D(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max, const char *xtitle, TList *histoList)
Function returning a TH1F.
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterTimeResolution_bin3[m_Nsets]
TH1F * m_histoControl_THToMCsize
control histo: true hit to mc size
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterVPositionResolution[m_NsetsRed]
Vector of histograms depicting Cluster V Position Residual (Reduced length!)
TList * m_histoList_THinCluster
histo list true hits in cluster
float m_NullVec[m_Nsets]
null vector
TH2F * m_histo2D_PurityInsideTMCluster[m_Nsets]
Vector of 2D histograms depicting TM Reco Vs Total Reco inside a TM Cluster.
float m_mean_GoodTHinClusterTMGood[m_Nsets]
good true hits in cluster truth match good average
TList * m_histoList_Control
control histo
StoreObjPtr< SVDEventInfo > m_storeSVDEvtInfo
Storage for SVDEventInfo object.
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterTimeResolution_bin4[m_Nsets]
TList * m_histoList_ClusterPositionResolution
histo list cluster position resolution
void createArbitraryGraphError_Std(const char *name, const char *title, float x[m_Nsets], float xErr[m_Nsets], float y[m_Nsets], float yErr[m_Nsets], TString xTitle, TString yTitle, TList *list)
Function returning an arbitrarly defined TGraph with arrays length equal to m_Nsets.
TH1F * m_histo_PurityInsideNOTMCluster[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting TM Cluster Internal Purity (TM Recos over Reco inside a Cluster)
int m_NumberOfClusters[m_Nsets]
number of clusters
static const int m_Nsets
number of sets: L3-barrel-U, L3-barrel-V, L456-barrel-U, L456-barrel-V, L456-slanted-U,...
int m_NumberOfTMRecoInTMCluster
numnber of true match reco digit in truth match cluster
float m_mean_StripTimeResolution[m_Nsets]
Vectors of floats containing the mean and the RMS from the corresponding histo.
TH1F * m_histo_ClusterTimeResolution_bin2[m_Nsets]
TH1F * m_histo_THinClusterTM[m_Nsets]
Vector of histograms depicting Number of TH inside a TM Cluster.
std::string m_outputFileName
output file name
TList * m_histoList_THinClusterTM
histo list true hits in clsuter truth match
float m_mean_THinCluster[m_Nsets]
true hits in cluster average
Class SVDTrueHit - Records of tracks that either enter or leave the sensitive volume.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.