Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
10 #include <TObject.h>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <svd/dataobjects/SVDModeByte.h>
14 #include <svd/dataobjects/SVDTriggerType.h>
15 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
16 #include <framework/dbobjects/HardwareClockSettings.h>
19 namespace Belle2 {
31  class SVDEventInfo : public TObject {
32  public:
36  m_modeByte(mode.getID()), m_triggerType(type.getType())
37  {
39  }
47  void setMatchTriggerType(bool triggermatch) {m_TriggerTypeMatch = triggermatch;}
52  void setMatchModeByte(bool modematch) {m_ModeByteMatch = modematch;}
57  void setModeByte(SVDModeByte mode) {m_modeByte = mode.getID();}
62  void setTriggerType(SVDTriggerType type) {m_triggerType = type.getType();}
67  void setCrossTalk(bool xtalk) {m_Xtalk = xtalk;}
73  void setRelativeShift(int relativeShift) {m_relativeTimeShift = relativeShift;}
78  void setNSamples(int nAPVsamples) {m_nAPVsamples = nAPVsamples;}
94  { return m_modeByte; }
99  float getSVD2FTSWTimeShift(int firstFrame) const
100  { return m_apvClockPeriod / 4 * (3 - SVDModeByte(m_modeByte).getTriggerBin() + 4 * firstFrame); }
105  int getNSamples() const
106  { return m_nAPVsamples; }
114  float getSamplingDelayInNs() const
115  {
116  if (m_nAPVsamples == 3) {
118  int nTriggerClocks = SVDModeByte(m_modeByte).getTriggerBin() + m_relativeTimeShift;
120  return floor(nTriggerClocks / 4) * m_apvClockPeriod;
121  }
123  return 0;
124  }
130  int getRelativeShift() const
131  {
132  return m_relativeTimeShift;
133  }
141  double getTimeInFTSWReference(double time_in_SVD, int firstFrame) const
142  {
143  return time_in_SVD + getSamplingDelayInNs() + getSVD2FTSWTimeShift(firstFrame);
144  }
152  {
153  if (hwClock.isValid())
154  m_apvClockPeriod = 1. / hwClock->getClockFrequency(Const::EDetector::SVD, "sampling");
155  else
156  return false;
158  return true;
159  }
167  double getTimeInSVDReference(double time_in_FTSW, int firstFrame) const
168  {
169  return time_in_FTSW - getSamplingDelayInNs() - getSVD2FTSWTimeShift(firstFrame);
170  }
176  { return SVDTriggerType(m_triggerType); }
181  bool isCrossTalkEvent() { return m_Xtalk; }
185  std::string toString() const
186  {
187  SVDModeByte thisMode(m_modeByte);
188  SVDTriggerType thisType(m_triggerType);
190  bool thisModeMatch(m_ModeByteMatch);
191  bool thisTriggerMatch(m_TriggerTypeMatch);
192  bool thisXtalk(m_Xtalk);
193  int thisRelativeShift(m_relativeTimeShift);
194  int thisNsamples(m_nAPVsamples);
196  std::ostringstream os;
198  os << " Full SVDModeByte: " << (unsigned int)thisMode << std::endl;
199  os << " Triggerbin: " << (unsigned int) thisMode.getTriggerBin() << std::endl;
200  os << "RunType: " << (unsigned int)thisMode.getRunType() << ", EventType: " << (unsigned int) thisMode.getEventType() <<
201  ", DAQMode: " << (unsigned int) thisMode.getDAQMode() << std::endl;
202  os << " ModeByte Match: " << thisModeMatch << std::endl;
203  os << " Trigger Type: " << (unsigned int)thisType.getType() << std::endl;
204  os << " TriggerType Match: " << thisTriggerMatch << std::endl;
205  os << " Cross Talk: " << (thisXtalk ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
206  os << " Relative Shift 3/6: " << (unsigned int)thisRelativeShift << std::endl;
207  os << " Number of APV samples: " << (unsigned int)thisNsamples << std::endl;
208  return os.str();
209  }
211  private:
217  bool m_Xtalk = false;
219  int m_nAPVsamples = 0;
222  double m_apvClockPeriod = 16000. / 509.;
227  }; //class
229 } // namespace Belle2
bool isValid() const
Check whether a valid object was obtained from the database.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Stores SVDModeByte object with Trigger time, DAQ mode, Run type & Event type! Also - the information ...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:31
bool isCrossTalkEvent()
X-talk info getter Gets the X-talk info for the event.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:181
double getTimeInFTSWReference(double time_in_SVD, int firstFrame) const
getTimeInFTSWReference it takes the cluster time in SVD reference (t = 0 at FF, in either 3- or 6-sam...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:141
void setModeByte(SVDModeByte mode)
SVDModeByte setter Sets the SVDModeByte data in the EventInfo object.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:57
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:42
float getSVD2FTSWTimeShift(int firstFrame) const
returns the time shift between SVD reference (t = 0 at the FF) and the FTSW (Trigger) reference
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:99
void setRelativeShift(int relativeShift)
relative 3/6 shift Sets the relative shift in latency in data taken in 3/6 samples int between 0 and ...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:73
std::string toString() const
Display main parameters in this object.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:185
void setCrossTalk(bool xtalk)
x-Talk setter Sets the x-talk info in the EventInfo object
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:67
void setMatchModeByte(bool modematch)
Match ModeByte setter Sets the flag telling us if the SVDModeByte object is the same for each FADCs i...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:52
bool setAPVClock(DBObjPtr< HardwareClockSettings > hwClock)
sets the APV clock period.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:151
void setNSamples(int nAPVsamples)
nAPVsamples setter Sets the number of acquired samples (3 or 6) found in the raw data
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:78
void setMatchTriggerType(bool triggermatch)
Match TriggerType setter Sets the flag telling us if the SVDTriggerType object is the same for each F...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:47
int getNSamples() const
returns the number of samples: 6, 3 or 1
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:105
SVDTriggerType::baseType m_triggerType
information on the Trigger type
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:214
float getSamplingDelayInNs() const
getSamplingDelayInNs() returns the delay of the sampling with respect to the sampling of the 6-sample...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:114
ClassDef(SVDEventInfo, 3)
class def needed by root
void setTriggerType(SVDTriggerType type)
SVDTriggerType setter Sets the type of SVDTrigger in the EventInfo object.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:62
bool m_ModeByteMatch
flag telling if the SVDModeByte object is the same for each FADCs in the event
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:215
SVDEventInfo(SVDModeByte mode=SVDModeByte(), SVDTriggerType type=SVDTriggerType())
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:35
SVDModeByte getModeByte() const
SVDModeByte getter Gets the SVDModeByte info for the event.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:93
bool m_Xtalk
information on the x-talk
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:217
bool getMatchModeByte()
MatchModeByte getter Gets the flag telling us if the SVDModeByte object is the same for each FADCs in...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:88
double getTimeInSVDReference(double time_in_FTSW, int firstFrame) const
getTimeInSVDReference it takes the cluster time in FTSW reference and provides the time in the SVD re...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:167
SVDModeByte::baseType m_modeByte
SVDModeByte object (runType + eventType + DAQmode + TriggerBin)
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:213
bool m_TriggerTypeMatch
flag telling if the SVDTriggerType object is the same for each FADCs in the event
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:216
int m_relativeTimeShift
relative shift in units of APV-clock/4 between 3- and 6-sample acquired events
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:218
SVDTriggerType getTriggerType() const
SVDTriggerType getter Gets the type of SVDTrigger for the event.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:175
int m_nAPVsamples
number of acquired samples
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:219
int getRelativeShift() const
getRelativeShift returns the relative shift in data taken in 3/6 samples A number between 0 and 15 as...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:130
bool getMatchTriggerType()
Match TriggerType getter Gets the flag telling us if the SVDTriggerType object is the same for each F...
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:83
double m_apvClockPeriod
APV clock period.
Definition: SVDEventInfo.h:222
Class to store SVD mode information.
Definition: SVDModeByte.h:69
baseType getRunType() const
Get the runMode id.
Definition: SVDModeByte.h:146
baseType getEventType() const
Get the eventMode id.
Definition: SVDModeByte.h:144
baseType getTriggerBin() const
Get the triggerBin id.
Definition: SVDModeByte.h:140
uint8_t baseType
The base integer type for SVDModeByte.
Definition: SVDModeByte.h:72
baseType getDAQMode() const
Get the daqMode id.
Definition: SVDModeByte.h:142
Class to store Trigger Type information.
uint8_t baseType
The base integer type for SVDTriggerType.
baseType getType() const
Get the unique type.
static const baseType c_DefaultID
Default / non-informative id 10010111 = 151 Run type: zero-suppressed, 2 Event type: global run,...
Definition: SVDModeByte.h:106
int getID(const std::vector< double > &breaks, double t)
get id of the time point t
Definition: calibTools.h:60
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.