13 #include <framework/datastore/RelationsObject.h>
59 int pdg,
float time,
float u,
float v,
60 const float* globalPos,
const float* globalMom,
float kineticEnergy,
61 float stepLength,
float nielFactor,
float rawFlux,
float nielFlux):
Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
ClassDef(RelationsInterface, 0)
defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Class SVDNeutronFluxEvent: SVDTrueHit data container for background studies.
float m_time
time of particle crossing
float m_nielFlux
NIEL-corrected flux.
float m_rawFlux
Raw particle flux.
SVDNeutronFluxEvent(unsigned short layer, unsigned short ladder, unsigned short sensor, int pdg, float time, float u, float v, const float *globalPos, const float *globalMom, float kineticEnergy, float stepLength, float nielFactor, float rawFlux, float nielFlux)
Standard constructor.
unsigned short m_sensor
sensor number
unsigned short m_layer
layer number
float m_globalPos[3]
global (x,y,z) of particle crossing
int m_pdg
PDG number of generating particle.
float m_stepLength
step length
unsigned short m_ladder
ladder number
default constructor for ROOT
float m_v
local v-coordinate of particle crossing
float m_u
local u-coordinate of particle crossing
float m_globalMom[3]
global (px, py, pz) of the particle
float m_kineticEnergy
kinetic energy of the particle
float m_nielFactor
NIEL scaling factor for the particle and kinetic energy.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.