9 #ifndef SVDRECOHIT2D_H_
10 #define SVDRECOHIT2D_H_
12 #include <vxd/dataobjects/VxdID.h>
13 #include <svd/dataobjects/SVDTrueHit.h>
14 #include <svd/dataobjects/SVDCluster.h>
15 #include <svd/reconstruction/SVDRecoHit.h>
21 #include <genfit/PlanarMeasurement.h>
22 #include <genfit/TrackCandHit.h>
110 float getU()
const {
return rawHitCoords_(0); }
112 float getV()
const {
return rawHitCoords_(1); }
119 float getUVCov()
const {
return rawHitCov_(0, 1); }
The SVD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed SVD clusters.
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information.
virtual std::vector< genfit::MeasurementOnPlane * > constructMeasurementsOnPlane(const genfit::StateOnPlane &state) const override
Get deposited energy error.
float getV() const
Get v coordinate.
const SVDTrueHit * m_trueHit
Pointer to the Truehit used to generate this hit.
TVectorD applyPlanarDeformation(TVectorD rawHit, std::vector< double > planarParameters, const genfit::StateOnPlane &state) const
Apply planar deformation of sensors.
float m_energyDep
deposited energy.
float getUVariance() const
Get u coordinate variance.
float getEnergyDep() const
Get deposited energy.
unsigned short m_sensorID
Unique sensor identifier.
const SVDCluster * getUCluster() const
Get pointer to the u cluster used to create this RecoHit.
sensitive Dimensions of the Hit
const SVDCluster * m_uCluster
Pointer to mother uCluster.
const SVDCluster * getVCluster() const
Get pointer to the u cluster used to create this RecoHit.
virtual ~SVDRecoHit2D()
const SVDTrueHit * getTrueHit() const
Get pointer to the TrueHit used when creating this RecoHit, can be nullptr if created from something ...
float getVVariance() const
Get v coordinate variance.
void setDetectorPlane()
Set up Detector plane information.
float getUVCov() const
Get u-v error covariance.
VxdID getSensorID() const
Get the compact ID.
genfit::AbsMeasurement * clone() const override
Creating a deep copy of this hit.
float getU() const
Get u coordinate.
Default constructor for ROOT IO.
const SVDCluster * m_vCluster
Pointer to mother vCluster.
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information.
Class SVDTrueHit - Records of tracks that either enter or leave the sensitive volume.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
unsigned short baseType
The base integer type for VxdID.
Contains the measurement and covariance in raw detector coordinates.
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D).
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Hit object for use in TrackCand.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.