Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
11 #include <vxd/dataobjects/VxdID.h>
12 #include <framework/dataobjects/DigitBase.h>
13 #include <cstdint>
14 #include <sstream>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <limits>
19 namespace Belle2 {
32  class SVDShaperDigit : public DigitBase {
34  public:
37  static const std::size_t c_nAPVSamples = 6;
43  typedef uint8_t APVRawSampleType;
44  typedef std::array<APVRawSampleType, c_nAPVSamples> APVRawSamples;
48  typedef float APVFloatSampleType;
49  typedef std::array<APVFloatSampleType, c_nAPVSamples> APVFloatSamples;
59  template<typename T>
60  SVDShaperDigit(VxdID sensorID, bool isU, short cellID,
61  T samples[c_nAPVSamples], int8_t FADCTime = 0
62  ):
63  m_sensorID(sensorID), m_isU(isU), m_cellID(cellID), m_FADCTime(FADCTime)
64  {
65  std::transform(samples, samples + c_nAPVSamples, m_samples.begin(),
66  [](T x)->APVRawSampleType { return trimToSampleRange(x); }
67  );
68  }
78  template<typename T>
79  SVDShaperDigit(VxdID sensorID, bool isU, short cellID, T samples,
80  int8_t FADCTime = 0):
81  m_sensorID(sensorID), m_isU(isU), m_cellID(cellID), m_FADCTime(FADCTime)
82  {
83  std::transform(samples.begin(), samples.end(), m_samples.begin(),
84  [](typename T::value_type x)->APVRawSampleType
85  { return trimToSampleRange(x); }
86  );
87  }
91  0, true, 0, APVRawSamples({{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}})
92  )
93  { }
98  VxdID getSensorID() const { return m_sensorID; }
109  bool isUStrip() const { return m_isU; }
114  short int getCellID() const { return m_cellID; }
120  {
121  APVFloatSamples returnSamples;
122  std::transform(m_samples.begin(), m_samples.end(), returnSamples.begin(),
123  [](APVRawSampleType x) { return static_cast<APVFloatSampleType>(x); });
124  return returnSamples;
125  }
132  int getMaxTimeBin() const
133  {
134  APVFloatSamples samples = this->getSamples();
135  const auto maxBinIterator = std::max_element(begin(samples), end(samples));
136  const int maxBin = std::distance(begin(samples), maxBinIterator);
137  return maxBin;
138  }
144  int getMaxADCCounts() const
145  {
146  APVFloatSamples samples = this->getSamples();
147  const float amplitude = *std::max_element(begin(samples), end(samples));
148  return amplitude;
149  }
155  float getFADCTime() const { return static_cast<float>(m_FADCTime); }
163  template<typename T> static SVDShaperDigit::APVRawSampleType trimToSampleRange(T x)
164  {
165  T trimmedX = std::min(
166  static_cast<T>(std::numeric_limits<SVDShaperDigit::APVRawSampleType>::max()),
167  std::max(
168  static_cast<T>(std::numeric_limits<SVDShaperDigit::APVRawSampleType>::lowest()),
169  x));
170  return static_cast<SVDShaperDigit::APVRawSampleType>(trimmedX);
171  }
174  std::string toString() const
175  {
176  VxdID thisSensorID(m_sensorID);
178  std::ostringstream os;
179  os << "VXDID : " << m_sensorID << " = " << std::string(thisSensorID) << " strip: "
180  << ((m_isU) ? "U-" : "V-") << m_cellID << " samples: ";
181  std::copy(m_samples.begin(), m_samples.end(),
182  std::ostream_iterator<unsigned int>(os, " "));
183  os << "FADC time: " << (unsigned int)m_FADCTime << std::endl;
184  return os.str();
185  }
194  unsigned int getUniqueChannelID() const override
195  { return m_cellID + ((m_isU ? 1 : 0) << 11) + (m_sensorID << 12); }
205  {
206  // Don't modify and don't append when bg points nowhere.
207  if (!bg) return DigitBase::c_DontAppend;
209  const auto& bgSamples = dynamic_cast<const SVDShaperDigit*>(bg)->getSamples();
211  // Add background samples to the digit's and trim back to range
212  if (s_APVSampleMode == 3) {
213  std::transform(m_samples.begin(), m_samples.end() - 3, bgSamples.begin() + s_APVSampleBegin,
214  m_samples.begin(),
215  [](APVRawSampleType x, APVFloatSampleType y)->APVRawSampleType
216  { return trimToSampleRange(x + y); }
217  );
218  } else {
219  std::transform(m_samples.begin(), m_samples.end(), bgSamples.begin(),
220  m_samples.begin(),
221  [](APVRawSampleType x, APVFloatSampleType y)->APVRawSampleType
222  { return trimToSampleRange(x + y); }
223  );
224  }
226  // FIXME: Reset FADC time flag in mode byte.
228  }
233  void adjustAppendedBGDigit() override
234  {
235  if (s_APVSampleMode != 3) return;
236  if (s_APVSampleBegin > 0) {
237  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_samples[i] = m_samples[i + s_APVSampleBegin];
238  }
239  for (size_t i = 3; i < 6; i++) m_samples[i] = 0;
240  }
247  bool operator < (const SVDShaperDigit& x)const
248  {
249  if (getSensorID() != x.getSensorID())
250  return getSensorID() < x. getSensorID();
251  if (isUStrip() != x.isUStrip())
252  return isUStrip();
253  else
254  return getCellID() < x.getCellID();
255  }
263  bool passesZS(int nSamples, float cutMinSignal) const
264  {
265  int nOKSamples = 0;
267  for (size_t k = 0; k < c_nAPVSamples; k++)
268  if (samples_vec[k] >= cutMinSignal)
269  nOKSamples++;
271  if (nOKSamples >= nSamples)
272  return true;
274  return false;
275  }
282  static void setAPVMode(size_t mode, size_t firstSample)
283  {
284  s_APVSampleMode = mode;
285  s_APVSampleBegin = firstSample;
286  }
289  private:
292  bool m_isU = false;
293  short m_cellID = 0;
295  int8_t m_FADCTime = 0;
297  static size_t s_APVSampleMode;
298  static size_t s_APVSampleBegin;
300  ClassDefOverride(SVDShaperDigit, 5)
302  }; // class SVDShaperDigit
305 } // end namespace Belle2
A common base for subdetector Digits.
Definition: DigitBase.h:26
Enum for return state of addBGDigit function.
Definition: DigitBase.h:32
@ c_DontAppend
do not append BG digit to digits
Definition: DigitBase.h:33
The SVD ShaperDigit class.
SVDShaperDigit(VxdID sensorID, bool isU, short cellID, T samples[c_nAPVSamples], int8_t FADCTime=0)
Constructor using c-array of samples.
DigitBase::EAppendStatus addBGDigit(const DigitBase *bg) override
Implementation of base class function.
static void setAPVMode(size_t mode, size_t firstSample)
set APV mode for the event
bool m_isU
True if U, false if V.
std::string toString() const
Display main parameters in this object.
static const std::size_t c_nAPVSamples
Number of APV samples stored.
VxdID::baseType m_sensorID
Compressed sensor identifier.
static SVDShaperDigit::APVRawSampleType trimToSampleRange(T x)
Convert a value to sample range.
VxdID::baseType getRawSensorID() const
Get raw sensor ID.
bool operator<(const SVDShaperDigit &x) const
unsigned int getUniqueChannelID() const override
Implementation of base class function.
std::array< APVRawSampleType, c_nAPVSamples > APVRawSamples
array of APVRawSamplesType objects
uint8_t APVRawSampleType
Types for array of samples received from DAQ.
std::array< APVFloatSampleType, c_nAPVSamples > APVFloatSamples
array of APVFloatSampleType objects
float APVFloatSampleType
Types for array of samples for processing.
bool passesZS(int nSamples, float cutMinSignal) const
does the strip pass the ZS cut?
short m_cellID
Strip coordinate in pitch units.
VxdID getSensorID() const
Get the sensor ID.
APVFloatSamples getSamples() const
Get array of samples.
Default constructor for the ROOT IO.
int8_t m_FADCTime
digit time estimate from the FADC, in ns
short int getCellID() const
Get strip ID.
bool isUStrip() const
Get strip direction.
float getFADCTime() const
Get digit FADCTime estimate.
int getMaxTimeBin() const
Get the max bin.
SVDShaperDigit(VxdID sensorID, bool isU, short cellID, T samples, int8_t FADCTime=0)
Constructor using a stl container of samples.
int getMaxADCCounts() const
Get the ADC counts corresponding to the higher sample amplitude.
APVRawSamples m_samples
6 APV signals from the strip.
void adjustAppendedBGDigit() override
Modify already appended BG digit if aquisition mode is 3 sample.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
unsigned short baseType
The base integer type for VxdID.
Definition: VxdID.h:36
static size_t s_APVSampleBegin
first sample number for 3 sample acquisition mode (0 - 3)
static size_t s_APVSampleMode
APV acquisition mode (3 or 6)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.