Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /**************************************************************************
10  * Test module to get CDC geometry parameters into a .root files *
11  * To run this module use script: cdc/examples/ *
12  **************************************************************************/
14 #include <cdc/modules/cdcGeoScan/ScanCDCGeoModule.h>
15 #include <geometry/GeometryManager.h>
16 #include <framework/gearbox/GearDir.h>
17 #include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h>
18 #include "TH1F.h"
19 #include "TCanvas.h"
20 #include "TVectorF.h"
22 using namespace std;
23 using namespace Belle2;
24 using namespace CDC;
28 ScanCDCGeoModule::ScanCDCGeoModule()
29 {
30  setDescription("This module fills CDC geometry information in histo/tree format to a root file");
31 }
33 void ScanCDCGeoModule::initialize()
34 {
36  bookOutput();
38  TH1F* h_nwires = new TH1F("h_nwires", "Number of wires in layer;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
39  TH1F* h_stereo = new TH1F("h_stereo", "Stereo angle in this layer;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
40  TH1F* h_swire_posF_phi = new TH1F("h_swire_posF_phi", "#phi of sense wires in forward pos;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
41  TH1F* h_swire_posF_theta = new TH1F("h_swire_posF_theta", "#theta of sense wires in forward pos;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
42  TH1F* h_swire_posB_phi = new TH1F("h_swire_posB_phi", "#phi of sense wires in backward pos;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
43  TH1F* h_swire_posB_theta = new TH1F("h_swire_posB_theta", "#theta of sense wires in backward pos;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
44  TH1F* h_fwire_iradius = new TH1F("h_fwire_iradius", "inner radius of field wires;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
45  TH1F* h_fwire_oradius = new TH1F("h_fwire_oradius", "outer radius of field wires;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
46  TH1F* h_width = new TH1F("h_width", "Cell Width;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
47  TH1F* h_height = new TH1F("h_height", "Cell Height;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
48  TH1F* h_length = new TH1F("h_length", "length of the wires;CDC layer#", 56, 0.5, 56.5);
50  B2INFO("Creating CDCGeometryPar object");
51  CDCGeometryPar::Instance();
52  CDCGeometryPar& cdcgeo = CDCGeometryPar::Instance();
54  // Print some info
55  cout << "------| Summary-1 " << endl;
56  cout << left << "Number of CDC wire layers" << setw(15) << " " << cdcgeo.nWireLayers() << endl;
57  cout << left << "Sense Wire Diameter" << setw(15) << " " << cdcgeo.senseWireDiameter() << endl;
58  cout << left << "Field Wire Diameter" << setw(15) << " " << cdcgeo.fieldWireDiameter() << endl;
60  cout << "------| Summary-2 " << endl;
61  cout << left
62  << setw(4) << ""
63  << setw(10) << "Layer"
64  << setw(15) << "nwire"
65  << setw(15) << "radii sense"
66  << setw(15) << "dRdown"
67  << setw(15) << "dRup"
68  << setw(15) << "Delta"
69  << endl;
71  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cdcgeo.nWireLayers(); ++i) {
73  fnWires = cdcgeo.nWiresInLayer(i);
74  h_nwires->SetBinContent(i + 1, fnWires);
76  // forward position of the input sense wire
77  const B2Vector3D& wirePosF = cdcgeo.wireForwardPosition(i, 0);
78  fswire_posF_phi = wirePosF.Phi();
79  h_swire_posF_phi->SetBinContent(i + 1, fswire_posF_phi);
80  fswire_posF_theta = wirePosF.Theta();
81  h_swire_posF_theta->SetBinContent(i + 1, fswire_posF_theta);
83  const B2Vector3D& wirePosB = cdcgeo.wireBackwardPosition(i, 0);
84  fswire_posB_phi = wirePosB.Phi();
85  h_swire_posB_phi->SetBinContent(i + 1, fswire_posB_phi);
86  fswire_posB_theta = wirePosB.Theta();
87  h_swire_posB_theta->SetBinContent(i + 1, fswire_posB_theta);
89  const B2Vector3D wireDir = (wirePosF - wirePosB);
90  fstereoAng = wireDir.Theta();
91  if (wirePosF.Phi() < wirePosB.Phi())fstereoAng *= -1;
92  h_stereo->SetBinContent(i + 1, fstereoAng);
94  fclength = wirePosF.Perp();
95  h_length->SetBinContent(i + 1, fclength);
97  // the width of the cell (trapezoidal)
98  fcwidth = 2 * PI * wirePosF.Perp() / fnWires;
99  h_width->SetBinContent(i + 1, fcwidth);
101  fwire_iradius = cdcgeo.innerRadiusWireLayer()[i];
102  h_fwire_iradius->SetBinContent(i + 1, fwire_iradius);
104  fwire_oradius = cdcgeo.outerRadiusWireLayer()[i];
105  h_fwire_oradius->SetBinContent(i + 1, fwire_oradius);
107  fcheight = fwire_oradius - fwire_iradius;
108  h_height->SetBinContent(i + 1, fcheight);
110  //Printing some useful information
111  double inradiusnext = cdcgeo.innerRadiusWireLayer()[i + 1];
112  double delta = -99.0;
113  if (i < cdcgeo.nWireLayers() - 1) {
114  delta = fwire_oradius - inradiusnext;
115  }
117  cout << left
118  << setw(4) << ""
119  << setw(10) << i
120  << setw(15) << fnWires
121  << setw(15) << cdcgeo.senseWireR(i)
122  << setw(15) << cdcgeo.senseWireR(i) - cdcgeo.innerRadiusWireLayer()[i]
123  << setw(15) << cdcgeo.outerRadiusWireLayer()[i] - cdcgeo.senseWireR(i)
124  << setw(15) << delta
125  << endl;
126  m_tree->Fill();
128  }
130  TDirectory* dhistos = m_file->mkdir("histos");
131  dhistos->cd();
132  h_nwires->Write();
133  h_swire_posF_phi->Write();
134  h_swire_posB_phi->Write();
135  h_swire_posF_theta->Write();
136  h_swire_posB_theta->Write();
137  h_stereo->Write();
138  h_fwire_iradius->Write();
139  h_fwire_oradius->Write();
140  h_width->Write();
141  h_height->Write();
142  h_length->Write();
144  TDirectory* dvar = m_file->mkdir("vars");
145  dvar->cd();
147  TVectorF sWireDia(1);
148  sWireDia[0] = cdcgeo.senseWireDiameter();
149  sWireDia.Write("sWireDia");
151  TVectorF fWireDia(1);
152  fWireDia[0] = cdcgeo.fieldWireDiameter();
153  fWireDia.Write("fWireDia");
155 }
157 void ScanCDCGeoModule::bookOutput()
158 {
159  // register output root file
160  m_file = new TFile("CDCGeometryScan.root", "RECREATE");
161  m_tree = new TTree("tree", "CDC Geometry details");
162  m_tree->SetDirectory(0);
163  m_tree->Branch("lnwires", &fnWires, "lnwires/I");
164  m_tree->Branch("lsteang", &fstereoAng, "lsteang/D");
165  m_tree->Branch("lswire_fpos_phi", &fswire_posF_phi, "lswire_fpos_phi/D");
166  m_tree->Branch("lswire_fpos_theta", &fswire_posF_theta, "lswire_fpos_theta/D");
167  m_tree->Branch("lswire_bpos_phi", &fswire_posB_phi, "lswire_bpos_phi/D");
168  m_tree->Branch("lswire_bpos_theta", &fswire_posB_theta, "lswire_bpos_theta/D");
169  m_tree->Branch("lfwire_inr", &fwire_iradius, "lfwire_inr/D");
170  m_tree->Branch("lfwire_or", &fwire_oradius, "lfwire_or/D");
171  m_tree->Branch("lcwidth", &fcwidth, "lcwidth/D");
172  m_tree->Branch("lclength", &fclength, "lclength/D");
173  m_tree->Branch("lcheight", &fcheight, "lcheight/D");
174 }
176 void ScanCDCGeoModule::terminate()
177 {
178  m_file->cd();
179  m_tree->Write();
180  m_file->Close();
181 }
DataType Phi() const
The azimuth angle.
Definition: B2Vector3.h:151
DataType Theta() const
The polar angle.
Definition: B2Vector3.h:153
DataType Perp() const
The transverse component (R in cylindrical coordinate system).
Definition: B2Vector3.h:200
The Class for CDC Geometry Parameters.
double fieldWireDiameter() const
Returns diameter of the field wire.
const B2Vector3D wireForwardPosition(uint layerId, int cellId, EWirePosition set=c_Base) const
Returns the forward position of the input sense wire.
double senseWireDiameter() const
Returns diameter of the sense wire.
const B2Vector3D wireBackwardPosition(uint layerId, int cellId, EWirePosition set=c_Base) const
Returns the backward position of the input sense wire.
unsigned nWiresInLayer(int layerId) const
Returns wire numbers in a layer.
const double * innerRadiusWireLayer() const
Returns an array of inner radius of wire layers.
unsigned nWireLayers() const
Returns a number of wire layers.
const double * outerRadiusWireLayer() const
Returns an array of outer radius of wire layers.
double senseWireR(int layerId) const
Returns radius of sense wire in each layer.
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.