12 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMElementNumberDefinitions.h>
13 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMSimHit.h>
14 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMScintillatorDigitizationParameters.h>
15 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMScintillatorFEEData.h>
16 #include <klm/simulation/ScintillatorFirmware.h>
17 #include <klm/time/KLMTime.h>
50 double digitizationInitialTime,
74 const std::multimap<KLMChannelNumber, const KLMSimHit*>::iterator& firstHit,
75 const std::multimap<KLMChannelNumber, const KLMSimHit*>::iterator& end);
117 int nPhotons,
double timeShift,
126 void fillSiPMOutput(
float* hist,
bool useDirect,
bool useReflected);
235 enum ScintillatorFirmwareFitStatus
Class to store KLM scintillator simulation parameters in the database.
FPGA fit simulation data.
Digitize EKLMSim2Hits to get EKLM StripHits.
float getSiPMMCTime() const
Get SiPM MC time.
void setFEEData(const KLMScintillatorFEEData *FEEData)
Set FEE data.
int * m_PhotoelectronIndex2
Buffer for photoelectron indices.
float * m_amplitudeReflected
Analog amplitude (reflected).
void debugOutput()
Debug output (signal and fit result histograms).
enum ScintillatorFirmwareFitStatus getFitStatus() const
Get fit status.
const KLMTime * m_Time
double * m_SignalTimeDependence
Buffer for signal time dependence calculation.
void generatePhotoelectrons(double stripLen, double distSiPM, int nPhotons, double timeShift, bool isReflected)
Generate photoelectrons.
double * m_SignalTimeDependenceDiff
Buffer for signal time dependence calculation.
double m_Energy
Total energy deposited in the strip.
float m_SiPMMCTime
MC time at SiPM.
float * m_amplitudeDirect
Analog amplitude (direct).
ScintillatorSimulator(const ScintillatorSimulator &)=delete
Copy constructor (disabled).
void addRandomSiPMNoise()
Add random noise to the signal (amplitude-dependend).
void simulateADC()
Simulate ADC (create digital signal from analog),.
void prepareSimulation()
Prepare simulation.
double getEnergy()
Get total energy deposited in the strip (sum over ssimulation hits).
double m_histRange
Time range, (number of digitizations) * (ADC sampling time).
double m_Pedestal
void reallocPhotoElectronBuffers(int size)
Reallocate photoelectron buffers.
bool m_Debug
Debug mode (generates additional output files with histograms).
double m_DigitizationInitialTime
Initial digitization time.
double getNPhotoelectrons()
Get number of photoelectrons (fit result).
ScintillatorSimulator & operator=(const ScintillatorSimulator &)=delete
Operator = (disabled).
struct Photoelectron * m_Photoelectrons
Buffer for photoelectron data.
ScintillatorFirmware * m_fitter
std::string m_stripName
Name of the strip.
enum ScintillatorFirmwareFitStatus m_FPGAStat
FPGA fit status.
KLMScintillatorFirmwareFitResult * getFPGAFit()
Get fit data.
int * m_ADCAmplitude
Digital amplitude.
KLMScintillatorFirmwareFitResult m_FPGAFit
FPGA fit data.
void performSimulation()
Perform common simulation stage.
float getMCTime() const
Get MC time.
double m_PhotoelectronAmplitude
Photoelectron amplitude.
int getNGeneratedPhotoelectrons()
Get generated number of photoelectrons.
int * m_PhotoelectronIndex
Buffer for photoelectron indices.
void simulate(const std::multimap< KLMChannelNumber, const KLMSimHit * >::iterator &firstHit, const std::multimap< KLMChannelNumber, const KLMSimHit * >::iterator &end)
Simulate a strip.
float * m_amplitude
Analog amplitude.
void fillSiPMOutput(float *hist, bool useDirect, bool useReflected)
Fill SiPM output.
int m_Threshold
int * sortPhotoelectrons(int nPhotoelectrons)
Sort photoelectrons.
int m_npe
Number of photoelectrons (generated).
int m_PhotoelectronBufferSize
Size of photoelectron data buffer.
ScintillatorSimulator(const KLMScintillatorDigitizationParameters *digPar, ScintillatorFirmware *fitter, double digitizationInitialTime, bool debug)
const KLMScintillatorDigitizationParameters * m_DigPar
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
int bin
Hit time bin in ADC output histogram.
bool isReflected
Direct (false) or reflected (true).
double expTime
exp(-m_DigPar->PEAttenuationFreq * (-time))