11 #include <TEveProjectionManager.h>
12 #include <TGLEmbeddedViewer.h>
17 class TGLPhysicalShape;
39 void itemClicked(TGListTreeItem* item, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y = 43);
68 kGLPerspYOZ, kGLPerspXOZ, kGLPerspXOY, kGLXOY,
69 kGLXOZ, kGLZOY, kGLOrthoRotate, kGLOrthoDolly, kGLStereo,
70 kSceneUpdate, kSceneUpdateAll, kShowScale, kSaveGeometryExtract
Responsible for arranging the GL viewers and providing related functionality.
InfoWidget * getInfoWidget() const
text-based info viewer.
void onMouseOver(TGLPhysicalShape *shape)
show name of shape in status bar.
InfoWidget * m_infoWidget
text-based info viewer.
void itemClicked(TGListTreeItem *item, Int_t btn, Int_t x, Int_t y=43)
handler for clicks inside GL viewer.
void toggleOrthoRotate()
toggle wether the active viewer may be rotated (not that useful for projections).
virtual ~SplitGLView()
TEveWindow * m_window[3]
corresponding windows
TEveProjectionManager * getRPhiMgr() const
return R-Phi projection manager.
void toggleShowScale()
Toggle visibility of axes for projections.
TGPopupMenu * m_sceneMenu
'Scene' popup menu
TEveProjectionManager * m_rhozManager
Rho-Z projection.
Which menu command was selected?
TGPopupMenu * m_cameraMenu
'Camera' popup menu
void updateCamera(int cameraAction)
change camera type, given one of EMenuCommands.
TGLEmbeddedViewer * getActiveGLViewer()
return TGLEmbeddedViewer that is active right now.
void onClicked(TObject *obj)
make current viewer active & show name of obj in status bar.
void toggleOrthoDolly()
Toggle state of the 'Ortho allow dolly' menu entry.
void toggleStereo()
Toggle stereo viewing for perspective viewer.
int m_activeViewer
selected viewer/window, or -1.
TEveProjectionManager * getRhoZMgr() const
return Rho-Z projection manager.
void setActiveViewer(TGLEmbeddedViewer *v)
set m_activeViewer and update UI accordingly.
TEveProjectionManager * m_rphiManager
R-Phi projection.
void handleMenu(Int_t menuCommand)
menu item handler
TGStatusBar * m_statusBar
status bar
TGLEmbeddedViewer * m_glViewer[3]
GL viewers.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.