10 #include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
21 namespace SoftwareTrigger {
35 void event()
105 std::vector<std::string>
m_param_overviewModuleList = {
108 std::vector<std::string>
m_summaryModuleList = {
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Module for Event Time Statistics DQM plots.
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > m_moduleTimeHistograms
Time distribution of certain modules.
TH1F * m_fullMemoryHistogram
Total memory usage distribution of all events.
const double m_processingTimeNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of processingTime.
TH1F * m_meanTimeHistogram
Mean time of certain modules.
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_lastProcessingTimeSumPerUnit
Storage for the last processing time sum per unit.
int m_hlt_unit
Store HLT unit number on initialization.
const double m_processingTimeMax
Maximum for the histograms of processingTime.
std::map< unsigned int, TH1F * > m_processingTimePerUnitHistograms
Processing time distribution of events per unit.
void initialize() override
Define the histograms.
void event() override
Full the histograms.
double m_lastProcessingTimeSum
Storage for the last processing time sum.
const double m_fullMemoryMax
Maximum for the histograms of fullMemory.
std::vector< std::string > m_param_overviewModuleList
Parameter: which modules should be shown in the overview list.
TH1F * m_fullTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram
Mean budget time of events per unit.
const double m_fullTimeNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of fullTime.
TH1F * m_processingTimeHistogram
Processing time distribution of all events.
std::map< std::string, double > m_lastModuleTimeSum
Storage for the last time sum of certain modules.
void beginRun() override
Reset histogram entries.
TH1F * m_processingTimeMeanPerUnitHistogram
Mean processing time of events per unit.
TH1F * m_meanMemoryHistogram
Mean memory of certain modules.
bool m_param_create_hlt_unit_histograms
Parameter: Create HLT unit number histograms?
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_lastFullTimeSumPerUnit
Storage for the last full time sum per unit.
double m_lastFullTimeSum
Storage for the last full time sum.
std::map< unsigned int, TH1F * > m_fullTimePerUnitHistograms
Budget time distribution of events per unit.
const double m_fullTimeMax
Maximum for the histograms of fullTime.
std::string m_param_histogramDirectoryName
Parameter: Directory to put the generated histograms.
std::vector< std::string > m_summaryModuleList
Summary modules of the actual processing.
std::map< std::string, TH1F * > m_moduleMemoryHistograms
Memory distribution of certain modules.
const double m_fullMemoryNBins
Number of bins for the histograms of fullMemory.
TH1F * m_fullTimeHistogram
Budget time distribution of all events.
TH1F * m_processesPerUnitHistogram
Number of processes per unit.
std::map< unsigned int, TH1F * > m_fullMemoryPerUnitHistograms
Total memory distribution of events per unit.
Constructor for module parameters.
void defineHisto() override
Histogram definition.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.