Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
11 #include <top/dbobjects/TOPGeoBase.h>
12 #include <top/dbobjects/TOPGeoPMT.h>
13 #include <vector>
15 namespace Belle2 {
24  class TOPGeoPMTArray: public TOPGeoBase {
25  public:
31  {}
43  TOPGeoPMTArray(unsigned numColumns, unsigned numRows,
44  double gapX, double gapY,
45  const std::string& material,
46  const TOPGeoPMT& pmt,
47  const std::string& name = "TOPPMTArray"):
48  TOPGeoBase(name),
49  m_numRows(numRows), m_numColumns(numColumns), m_dx(gapX), m_dy(gapY),
50  m_gx(gapX), m_gy(gapY), m_material(material), m_pmt(pmt)
51  {
52  m_dx += pmt.getSizeX() * s_unit;
53  m_dy += pmt.getSizeY() * s_unit;
54  }
60  void setAirGap(double gap) {m_airGap = gap;}
66  void setDecoupledPMT(unsigned pmtID) {m_decoupledPMTs.push_back(pmtID);}
73  void setSiliconeCookie(double thickness, const std::string& material)
74  {
75  m_cookieThickness = thickness;
76  m_cookieMaterial = material;
77  }
84  void setWavelengthFilter(double thickness, const std::string& material)
85  {
86  m_filterThickness = thickness;
87  m_filterMaterial = material;
88  }
94  void generateDecoupledPMTs(double fraction);
100  unsigned getNumColumns() const {return m_numColumns;}
106  unsigned getNumRows() const {return m_numRows;}
112  unsigned getSize() const {return m_numRows * m_numColumns;}
118  unsigned getNumPixels() const {return getSize() * m_pmt.getNumPixels();}
124  unsigned getNumPixelColumns() const {return m_numColumns * m_pmt.getNumColumns();}
130  unsigned getNumPixelRows() const {return m_numRows * m_pmt.getNumRows();}
136  double getDx() const {return m_dx / s_unit;}
142  double getDy() const {return m_dy / s_unit;}
148  double getGapX() const {return m_gx / s_unit;}
154  double getGapY() const {return m_gy / s_unit;}
160  double getCookieThickness() const {return m_cookieThickness / s_unit;}
166  const std::string& getCookieMaterial() const {return m_cookieMaterial;}
172  double getFilterThickness() const {return m_filterThickness / s_unit;}
178  const std::string& getFilterMaterial() const {return m_filterMaterial;}
184  double getSizeX() const {return m_numColumns * getDx();}
190  double getSizeY() const {return m_numRows * getDy();}
196  double getSizeZ() const
197  {
199  }
206  double getX(unsigned col) const
207  {
208  return (int)(m_numColumns + 1 - 2 * col) / 2.0 * getDx();
209  }
216  double getY(unsigned row) const
217  {
218  return (int)(2 * row - m_numRows - 1) / 2.0 * getDy();
219  }
225  const std::string& getMaterial() const {return m_material;}
231  const TOPGeoPMT& getPMT() const {return m_pmt;}
239  unsigned getPmtID(unsigned row, unsigned col) const;
246  unsigned getRow(unsigned pmtID) const;
253  unsigned getColumn(unsigned pmtID) const;
262  int getPixelID(double x, double y, unsigned pmtID) const;
270  int getPixelID(unsigned pmtID, unsigned pmtPixelID) const;
276  double getAirGap() const {return m_airGap / s_unit;}
282  const std::vector<unsigned>& getDecoupledPMTs() const {return m_decoupledPMTs;}
288  bool isPMTDecoupled(unsigned pmtID) const;
294  bool isConsistent() const override;
300  void print(const std::string& title = "PMT array geometry parameters") const override;
302  private:
304  unsigned m_numRows = 0;
305  unsigned m_numColumns = 0;
306  float m_dx = 0;
307  float m_dy = 0;
308  float m_gx = 0;
309  float m_gy = 0;
310  std::string m_material;
312  float m_airGap = 0;
313  std::vector<unsigned> m_decoupledPMTs;
314  float m_cookieThickness = 0;
315  std::string m_cookieMaterial;
316  float m_filterThickness = 0;
317  std::string m_filterMaterial;
321  };
324 } // end namespace Belle2
Base class for geometry parameters.
Definition: TOPGeoBase.h:25
Geometry parameters of MCP-PMT array.
double getSizeZ() const
Returns array volume dimension in z.
unsigned getNumColumns() const
Returns number of array columns.
void setSiliconeCookie(double thickness, const std::string &material)
Sets silicone cookie.
unsigned m_numColumns
number of columns
std::vector< unsigned > m_decoupledPMTs
ID's of decoupled PMT's.
std::string m_cookieMaterial
silicone cookie material
TOPGeoPMTArray(unsigned numColumns, unsigned numRows, double gapX, double gapY, const std::string &material, const TOPGeoPMT &pmt, const std::string &name="TOPPMTArray")
Full constructor.
void setDecoupledPMT(unsigned pmtID)
Sets PMT as optically decoupled.
double getX(unsigned col) const
Returns x coordinate of column center.
std::string m_material
material name into which PMT's are inserted
double getY(unsigned row) const
Returns the y coordinate of row center.
float m_gx
gap between PMT's in x
double getDx() const
Returns spacing in x (column width)
double getFilterThickness() const
Returns wavelength filter thickness.
float m_dy
spacing in y
std::string m_filterMaterial
wavelength filter material
unsigned m_numRows
number of rows
unsigned getSize() const
Returns array size.
float m_dx
spacing in x
unsigned getNumPixelRows() const
Returns number of pixel rows.
const std::string & getCookieMaterial() const
Returns silicone cookie material.
double getDy() const
Returns spacing in y (row height)
const std::vector< unsigned > & getDecoupledPMTs() const
Returns ID's of optically decoupled PMT's.
void setWavelengthFilter(double thickness, const std::string &material)
Sets wavelength filter.
unsigned getNumPixels() const
Returns number of pixels.
unsigned getNumPixelColumns() const
Returns number of pixel columns.
double getSizeX() const
Returns array volume dimension in x.
double getSizeY() const
Returns array volume dimension in y.
float m_filterThickness
wavelength filter thickness
TOPGeoPMT m_pmt
PMT geometry parameters.
const std::string & getMaterial() const
Returns material name into which PMT's are inserted.
float m_cookieThickness
silicone cookie thickness
double getGapY() const
Returns gap between PMT's in y.
Default constructor.
unsigned getNumRows() const
Returns number of array rows.
ClassDefOverride(TOPGeoPMTArray, 3)
const TOPGeoPMT & getPMT() const
Returns PMT geometry parameters.
double getCookieThickness() const
Returns silicone cookie thickness.
void setAirGap(double gap)
Sets air gap for optically decoupled PMT's.
const std::string & getFilterMaterial() const
Returns wavelenght filter material.
float m_gy
gap between PMT's in y
double getAirGap() const
Returns air gap.
float m_airGap
air gap thickness for decoupled PMT's
double getGapX() const
Returns gap between PMT's in x.
Geometry parameters of MCP-PMT.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:24
double getSizeZ() const
Returns full size in z.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:141
unsigned getNumColumns() const
Returns number of pixel columns.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:183
unsigned getNumPixels() const
Returns number of pixels.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:195
double getSizeX() const
Returns full size in x.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:129
double getSizeY() const
Returns full size in y.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:135
unsigned getNumRows() const
Returns number of pixel rows.
Definition: TOPGeoPMT.h:189
bool isConsistent() const override
Check for consistency of data members.
static double s_unit
conversion unit for length
Definition: TOPGeoBase.h:86
void generateDecoupledPMTs(double fraction)
Generate randomly a fraction of PMT's to be optically decoupled.
void print(const std::string &title="PMT array geometry parameters") const override
Print the content of the class.
bool isPMTDecoupled(unsigned pmtID) const
Checks if PMT is optically decoupled.
unsigned getRow(unsigned pmtID) const
Converts PMT ID to row number (1-based)
unsigned getColumn(unsigned pmtID) const
Converts PMT ID to column number (1-based)
int getPixelID(double x, double y, unsigned pmtID) const
Converts (digitizes) x, y and PMT ID to pixel ID (1-based)
unsigned getPmtID(unsigned row, unsigned col) const
Converts row and column numbers to PMT ID (1-based)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.