11 #include <framework/datastore/RelationsObject.h>
12 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
37 void set(
float mostLikelyMass,
38 float mostLikelyMassIntervalLow,
39 float mostLikelyMassIntervalUp,
41 float mostLikelySignalPhotonCount,
42 float mostLikelyBackgroundPhotonCount,
43 float mostLikelyDeltaPhotonCount,
44 const std::vector<float>& coarseScanMassPoints,
45 const std::vector<float>& fineScanMassPoints,
46 const std::vector<float>& coarseScanLLValues,
47 const std::vector<float>& fineScanLLValues,
48 const std::vector<float>& coarseScanExpectedPhotons,
49 const std::vector<float>& fineScanExpectedPhotons)
Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Class to store the result of the TOP LL scan (output of TOPLLScanner).
float getMostLikelyMass() const
Return the most likely mass form the scan.
float m_mostLikelyBackgroundPhotonCount
Expected number of background photons at the LL max.
float getMostLikelyMassIntervalLow() const
Return the lower limit of the mass interval.
void set(float mostLikelyMass, float mostLikelyMassIntervalLow, float mostLikelyMassIntervalUp, float threshold, float mostLikelySignalPhotonCount, float mostLikelyBackgroundPhotonCount, float mostLikelyDeltaPhotonCount, const std::vector< float > &coarseScanMassPoints, const std::vector< float > &fineScanMassPoints, const std::vector< float > &coarseScanLLValues, const std::vector< float > &fineScanLLValues, const std::vector< float > &coarseScanExpectedPhotons, const std::vector< float > &fineScanExpectedPhotons)
Sets other data members for a given particle hypothesis.
float m_threshold
location of the Chrerenkov threshold from the LL scan
std::vector< float > m_fineScanExpectedPhotons
expected signal photons from the fine scan
float m_mostLikelyDeltaPhotonCount
Expected number of delta rays photons at the LL max.
float m_mostLikelyMassIntervalUp
upper edge of the mass interval from the LL
std::vector< float > getCoarseScanExpectedPhotons() const
Return a std::vector containing the number of expected photons of the coarse scan.
std::vector< float > m_fineScanLLValues
LL values of the fine scan.
float getMostLikelySignalPhotonCount() const
Return the number of expected photons at the LL maximum.
float getMostLikelyMassIntervalUp() const
Return the upper limit of the mass interval.
float m_mostLikelyMassIntervalLow
lower edge of the mass interval from the LL
std::vector< float > getFineScanLLValues() const
Return a std::vector containing the LL values of the fine scan.
std::vector< float > m_fineScanMassPoints
mass points used in the fine scan
std::vector< float > m_coarseScanLLValues
LL values of the coarse scan.
float getMostLikelyDeltaPhotonCount() const
Return the number of expected photons at the LL maximum.
float getThreshold() const
Return the position of the Cherenkov threshold from the LL scan.
std::vector< float > m_coarseScanMassPoints
mass points used in the coarse scan
float getMostLikelyBackgroundPhotonCount() const
Return the number of expected photons at the LL maximum.
std::vector< float > getCoarseScanLLValues() const
Return a std::vector containing the LL values of the coarse scan.
float m_mostLikelySignalPhotonCount
Expected number of signal photons at the LL max.
default constructor
float m_mostLikelyMass
mass that maximizes the LL
std::vector< float > getFineScanMassPoints() const
Return a std::vector containing the mass points used for the fine LL scane.
std::vector< float > m_coarseScanExpectedPhotons
expected signal photons from the coarse scan
std::vector< float > getCoarseScanMassPoints() const
Return a std::vector containing the mass points used for the coarse LL scane.
ClassDef(TOPLikelihoodScanResult, 1)
std::vector< float > getFineScanExpectedPhotons() const
Return a std::vector containing the number of expected photons of the fine scan.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.