11 #include <framework/datastore/RelationsObject.h>
44 unsigned short formatVersion,
46 bool skipProcessingFlag,
49 unsigned short asicMask,
50 unsigned short eventQueueDepth,
51 unsigned short eventNumberByte):
Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Class to store debugging information about the event headers in the by the TOP production debugging r...
ClassDef(TOPProductionEventDebug, 1)
unsigned short m_eventNumberByte
frontend internal event number (8LSB)
unsigned short m_scrodID
hardware SCROD ID
unsigned short getFormatType() const
Returns data format type number.
bool getSkipProcessingFlag() const
Returns skip processing bit.
bool m_skipProcessingFlag
skip processing bit, set if hit processing skipped due to queueDepth too high
unsigned short getAsicMask() const
Returns bit field of masked ASICs.
TOPProductionEventDebug(unsigned short formatType, unsigned short formatVersion, unsigned scrodID, bool skipProcessingFlag, unsigned short ctime, unsigned short phase, unsigned short asicMask, unsigned short eventQueueDepth, unsigned short eventNumberByte)
Full constructor.
unsigned short m_formatType
data format type specifier
Default constructor.
unsigned short getEventNumberByte() const
Returns least significant byte of FE event number.
unsigned short getEventQueueDepth() const
Returns trigger FIFO queue depth.
unsigned short m_ctime
event header ctime
unsigned short getCtime() const
Returns event header ctime.
unsigned short m_formatVersion
data format version specifier
unsigned short m_eventQueueDepth
trigger FIFO queue depth
unsigned short m_phase
hardware phase
unsigned short getFormatVersion() const
Returns data format version number.
unsigned short getPhase() const
Returns event phase.
unsigned short m_asicMask
bit field of masked ASICs (timeoutMask | setMask)
unsigned short getScrodID() const
Returns SCROD ID.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.