11 #include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
103 void event()
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Module for the comparison of different sets of time base correction (TBC) constants and to produce mo...
short m_boardstackID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaTComparison
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::string m_inputDirectoryList
List of the directories (one per IOV) in which the files with the calibration constants of the SCODS ...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaT[16]
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
short m_totCalSets
Total number of calibration sets, as counted int defineHistos.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSampleOccupancy[16]
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number.
short m_numSamples
Number of samples that have been calibrated.
std::string m_outputFile
File in which the output histograms are stored.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaT
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution.
std::string m_calSetDirectory
Label to be used to indetify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of the Ratio of the average DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
bool m_compareToPreviousSet
Determines if the reverence set for the ratio is the first CalSet of the list (if false) or if each C...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancy
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number on...
short m_calSetID
Internal ID of the calibration set that is being analyzed.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of Ratio of the Standard deviation on DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
TFile * m_calSetFile
File containing the calibration constants of the SCROD being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotEmptySamples[16]
Number of (semi-)empty samples in each channel.
short m_slotID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
short m_minCalPulses
Minimum number of calpulses to declare a sample as non-empty.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distri...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancyComparison
Ratios of the average sample occupancy on the whole detector.
std::string m_calSetLabel
Label to be used to identify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaT[16]
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
short m_scrodID
ID of the scrod whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotEmptySamplesMap[16]
Map of the number of (semi-)empty samples.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribu...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaT
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[16]
Map of the average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimizat on.
int parseInputDirectoryLine(std::string)
Utility function to get the directory name and the label from a line of the m_inputDirectoryList file...
int makeComparisons()
Last function to be called, compared the histograms of different datasets filled by analyzeCalFile() ...
int parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(std::string)
Utility function to parse the slot and BS id from the calibration file names.
void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
void event() override
Event processor.
void endRun() override
End-of-run action.
void terminate() override
Termination action.
int analyzeCalFile()
Analyzes the calibrations stored in the file m_calSetFile.
void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
TH1F * calculateHistoRatio(TH1F *, TH1F *, TH1F *)
Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH1::Divide(), without overwriting the out...
void defineHisto() override
Defining the histograms.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.