11 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
12 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
13 #include <top/dataobjects/TOPDigit.h>
17 #include <TMatrixDSym.h>
39 Hit(
double t,
double et,
int height,
double width)
60 TwoTimes(
double time1,
double time2,
double sig)
106 virtual void event()
112 virtual void endRun()
143 unsigned scrodID,
unsigned scrodChannel,
144 TH1F& Hchi2, TH1F& Hndf, TH1F& HDeltaT);
158 unsigned scrodID,
unsigned scrodChannel,
159 double meanTimeDifference,
160 TH1F& Hchi2, TH1F& Hndf, TH1F& HDeltaT);
175 unsigned scrodID,
unsigned scrodChannel,
176 double meanTimeDifference,
177 TH1F& Hchi2, TH1F& Hndf, TH1F& HDeltaT);
185 void Iteration(
const std::vector<TwoTimes>& ntuple, std::vector<double>& xval);
192 double Chisq(
const std::vector<TwoTimes>& ntuple,
const std::vector<double>& xxval);
203 const std::string& name,
204 const std::string& title,
205 const std::string& xTitle =
206 const std::string& yTitle =
218 const std::vector<double>& err,
219 const std::string& name,
220 const std::string& title,
221 const std::string& xTitle =
222 const std::string& yTitle =
231 const std::string& name,
232 const std::string& title)
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
double m_deltamin
minumum chisq change in an iteration.
double m_xstep
unit for an interation of delta(X_s)
TH2F m_calPulseSecond
pulse height versus width of the second calibration pulse
double m_sigm2_exp
(sigma_0(dT))**2 for nomarlization of chisq = sum{dT^2/sigma^2}
std::vector< TwoTimes > m_ntuples[c_NumChannels]
channel wise data
@ c_NumBoardstacks
number of boardstacks per module
@ c_NumChannels
number of channels per module
@ c_TimeAxisSize
number of samples to calibrate
@ c_WindowSize
samples per window
double m_min_binwidth
minimum time interval of one sample
TH2F m_goodHits
pulse height versus width of all good hits
double m_syncTimeBase
synchronization time (two ASIC windows)
double m_new_xstep
m_xstep = m_new_xstep if m_dchi2dxv < m_change_step
double m_dt_min
minimum Delta T of raw calpulse
bool m_saveMatrix
if true, save also matrix and its inverse in a root file
double m_dt_max
maximum Delta T of raw calpulse
double m_dev_step
a step size to calculate the value of d(chisq)/dxval
double m_DtSigma
a reference resolution of sigma_0(dT)=42.4 ps from Run3524
unsigned m_conv_iter
Number of iteration with chisq changes less than deltamin.
unsigned m_method
method to use
double m_dchi2dxv
rms of 255 dchi2/dxval values
double m_max_binwidth
maximum time interval of one sample
unsigned m_minHits
minimal required hits per channel
double m_minTimeDiff
lower bound for time difference [samples]
double m_change_xstep
update m_xstep if m_dchi2dxv < m_change_step
StoreArray< TOPDigit > m_digits
collection of digits
unsigned m_numIterations
Number of Iterations of iTBC.
std::string m_directoryName
directory name for the output root files
int m_good
good events used for chisq cal.
TH2F m_calPulseFirst
pulse height versus width of the first calibration pulse
double m_dchi2_min
quit if chisq increase in iteratons is larger than this value.
bool m_useFallingEdge
if true, use falling edge instead of rising
double m_maxTimeDiff
upper bound for time difference [samples]
bool matrixInversion(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, double meanTimeDifference, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
Method by matrix inversion.
bool calibrateChannel(std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
calibrate single channel
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the Module.
virtual void event() override
Event processor.
virtual void endRun() override
End-of-run action.
virtual void terminate() override
Termination action.
virtual void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
void Iteration(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, std::vector< double > &xval)
Iteration function called by iterativeTBC()
virtual ~TOPTimeBaseCalibratorModule()
double Chisq(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, const std::vector< double > &xxval)
Return the chisqure of one set of TBC constants (xval) in iTBC calculaton.
void saveAsHistogram(const std::vector< double > &vec, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xTitle="", const std::string &yTitle="") const
Save vector to histogram and write it out.
bool iterativeTBC(const std::vector< TwoTimes > &ntuple, unsigned scrodID, unsigned scrodChannel, double meanTimeDifference, TH1F &Hchi2, TH1F &Hndf, TH1F &HDeltaT)
Method by iteration of chi2 minimization.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Structure to hold some of the calpulse data.
double pulseWidth
pulse width [ns]
int pulseHeight
pulse height [ADC counts]
Hit(double t, double et, int height, double width)
Full constructor.
double timeErr
raw time uncertainty [samples]
double time
raw time [samples]
Structure to hold calpulse raw times expressed in samples since sample 0 of window 0.
float t2
time of the second pulse [samples]
float t1
time of the first pulse [samples]
float sigma
uncertainty of time difference (r.m.s.)
TwoTimes(double time1, double time2, double sig)
Full constructor.