Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <vector>
13 #include <math.h>
14 #include <iomanip>
15 #include "trg/trg/Utilities.h"
17 using namespace std;
18 using namespace Belle2;
20 #define NAME "HoughMapping"
21 #define VERSION "version 0.01"
24 struct XY {
26  double x;
28  double y;
29 };
31 struct Plane {
33  unsigned x;
35  unsigned y;
36 };
38 void printHeader(ofstream& out, const string& function);
39 void superLayer(const unsigned id);
40 void printMapping(ofstream& out, vector<vector<vector<int>>>& HPcell);
42 //Hough Plane Parameter
43 //Phi Range (X Axial)
44 const double PI2 = 2 * M_PI;
45 //log10(r/cm) Range (Y Axial)
46 const double minY = 1.823908740944321;
47 const double maxY = 3.204119982655926;
48 //cell number
49 const unsigned nX = 160;
50 const unsigned nY = 16;
52 vector<vector<vector<int>>> HPcellM(nY, vector<vector<int>>(nX, vector<int>()));
53 ofstream outputM("minus_total.dat");
55 vector<vector<vector<int>>> HPcellP(nY, vector<vector<int>>(nX, vector<int>()));
56 ofstream outputP("plus_total.dat");
59 //...C++ for TSIM...
60 const string fncM = "";
61 const string fncP = "";
62 ofstream outcM(fncM);
63 ofstream outcP(fncP);
65 int
66 main(int, char**)
67 {
68  cout << NAME << " ... " << VERSION << endl;
70  printHeader(outcM, "HoughMappingMinus");
71  printHeader(outcP, "HoughMappingPlus");
73  for (unsigned isl = 0; isl < 5 ; isl++)
74  superLayer(isl);
76  printMapping(outputM, HPcellM);
77  printMapping(outputP, HPcellP);
79  outcM << endl << "}" << endl;
80  outcP << endl << "}" << endl;
82  outcM.close();
83  outcP.close();
85  //...Termination...
86  cout << "Files generated" << endl;
87  cout << " c++ for tsim firmware : " << fncM << endl;
88  cout << " c++ for tsim firmware : " << fncP << endl;
89 }
91 void
92 printHeader(ofstream& out, const string& function)
93 {
94  //...Date...
95  string ts = TRGUtil::dateString();
97  out << "// This file is generated by " << NAME << "(" << VERSION << ")" << endl;
98  out << "// " << ts << endl << endl;
99  out << "#define TRGCDC_SHORT_NAMES" << endl;
100  out << "#include \"trg/trg/State.h\"" << endl;
101  out << "#include \"trg/cdc/Tracker2D.h\"" << endl;
102  out << "using namespace std;" << endl;
103  out << "using namespace Belle2;" << endl;
104  out << "void" << endl;
105  out << "TCTracker2D::" << function << "(void) {" << endl;
107  out << " //...TS hit map..." << endl;
108  out << " TRGState SL0_TS = _ts.subset(0, 160);" << endl;
109  out << " TRGState SL2_TS = _ts.subset(160, 192);" << endl;
110  out << " TRGState SL4_TS = _ts.subset(160 + 192, 256);" << endl;
111  out << " TRGState SL6_TS = _ts.subset(160 + 192 + 256, 320);" << endl;
112  out << " TRGState SL8_TS = _ts.subset(160 + 192 + 256 + 320, 384);" << endl;
114  out << " //...Hough cells..." << endl;
116  for (unsigned isl = 0; isl < 5; isl++) {
117  for (unsigned iy = 1; iy < nY + 1; iy++) {
118  out << " TRGState SL" << to_string(isl * 2) << "_row"
119  << to_string(iy) << "(" << to_string(nX) << ");" << endl;
120  }
121  }
122 }
124 void
125 superLayer(const unsigned id)
126 {
127  //Radius of SL_center cell
128  double r_SL = 0;
129  //Number of TS each SL
130  int N_TS_SL = 0;
131  int SL = 2 * id;
133  if (id == 0) {
134  r_SL = 19.8;
135  N_TS_SL = 160;
136  } else if (id == 1) {
137  r_SL = 40.16;
138  N_TS_SL = 192;
139  } else if (id == 2) {
140  r_SL = 62.0;
141  N_TS_SL = 256;
142  } else if (id == 3) {
143  r_SL = 83.84;
144  N_TS_SL = 320;
145  } else if (id == 4) {
146  r_SL = 105.68;
147  N_TS_SL = 384;
148  } else {
149  cout << NAME << " !!! bad super layer ID" << endl;
150  exit(-1);
151  }
153  //Hough Plane database
154  vector<XY> xymatrix;
155  XY xy = {0, 0};
159  for (int i = 0; i < N_TS_SL; ++i) {
160  xy.x = r_SL * cos((PI2 / N_TS_SL) * i);
161  xy.y = r_SL * sin((PI2 / N_TS_SL) * i);
162  xymatrix.push_back(xy);
163  }
166  const double r0 = minY;
167  const double phi0 = 0;
168  const double dr = (maxY - minY) / nY;
169  const double dphi = PI2 / nX;
170  double r1;
171  double r2;
172  double phi1;
173  double phi2;
174  double minus1;
175  double minus2;
176  double plus1;
177  double plus2;
179  const string vhM = "UT3_0_SL" + to_string(id * 2) + ".vhd";
180  const string vhP = "UT3_0_SL" + to_string(id * 2) + "_p.vhd";
181  ofstream outputfM(vhM);
182  ofstream outputfP(vhP);
184  //generate firware code(Minus)
185  outputfM << "library IEEE;" << endl;
186  outputfM << "use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;" << endl;
187  outputfM << " " << endl;
188  outputfM << " " << endl;
189  outputfM << "entity UT3_0_SL" << SL << " is" << endl;
190  outputfM << " " << endl;
191  outputfM << "Port (" << endl;
192  for (unsigned irow = 1; irow < nY + 1; ++irow) {
193  outputfM << " SL" << SL << "_row" << left << setw(2) << to_string(irow)
194  << " : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (79 downto 40);" << endl;
195  }
196  outputfM << " SL" << SL << "_TS : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ("
197  << N_TS_SL / 2 << " downto 0));" << endl;
198  outputfM << "end UT3_0_SL" << SL << ";" << endl;
199  outputfM << " " << endl;
200  outputfM << " " << endl;
201  outputfM << "architecture Behavioral of UT3_0_SL" << SL << " is" << endl;
202  outputfM << " " << endl;
203  outputfM << "begin" << endl;
204  outputfM << " " << endl;
206  //generate firmware code(Plus)
207  outputfP << "library IEEE;" << endl;
208  outputfP << "use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;" << endl;
209  outputfP << " " << endl;
210  outputfP << " " << endl;
211  outputfP << "entity UT3_0_SL" << SL << "_P is" << endl;
212  outputfP << " " << endl;
213  outputfP << "Port (" << endl;
214  for (unsigned irow = 1; irow < nY + 1; ++irow) {
215  outputfP << " SL" << SL << "_row" << left << setw(2) << to_string(irow)
216  << " : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (39 downto 0);" << endl;
217  }
218  outputfP << " SL" << SL << "_TS : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ("
219  << N_TS_SL / 2 << " downto 0));" << endl;
220  outputfP << "end UT3_0_SL" << SL << "_P;" << endl;
221  outputfP << " " << endl;
222  outputfP << " " << endl;
223  outputfP << "architecture Behavioral of UT3_0_SL" << SL << "_P is" << endl;
224  outputfP << " " << endl;
225  outputfP << "begin" << endl;
226  outputfP << " " << endl;
228  //vertical
229  for (unsigned k = 0 ; k < nY ; ++k) {
230  //horizontal
231  for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < nX ; ++j) {
232  double ffM = 0;
233  double ffP = 0;
235  if (j > 39 && j < 80)
236  outputfM << "SL" << SL << "_row" << k + 1 << "(" << j << ")<=";
237  if (j < 40)
238  outputfP << "SL" << SL << "_row" << k + 1 << "(" << j << ")<=";
239  outcM << " SL" << SL << "_row" << k + 1 << ".set(" << j << ", ";
240  outcP << " SL" << SL << "_row" << k + 1 << ".set(" << j << ", ";
241  bool firstM = true;
242  bool firstP = true;
244  phi1 = phi0 + j * dphi;
245  phi2 = phi0 + (j + 1) * dphi;
247  //TS
248  for (int i = 0 ; i < N_TS_SL ; i++) {
249  // calculate r(phi) at Hough cell borders phi1 and phi2
250  r1 = ((xymatrix[i].x * xymatrix[i].x) + (xymatrix[i].y * xymatrix[i].y)) /
251  ((2 * xymatrix[i].x * cos(phi1)) + (2 * xymatrix[i].y * sin(phi1)));
252  r2 = ((xymatrix[i].x * xymatrix[i].x) + (xymatrix[i].y * xymatrix[i].y)) /
253  ((2 * xymatrix[i].x * cos(phi2)) + (2 * xymatrix[i].y * sin(phi2)));
255  /* Check whether f(phi) = log(r(phi)) crosses the Hough cell
256  * defined by (phi1, phi2, log(r1), log(r2))
257  * The slope determines the charge of the track.
258  *
259  * Since f is not defined for all phi, 3 cases can occur:
260  * 1. f(phi1) and f(phi2) both defined:
261  * compare f(phi1) and f(phi2) to log(r1) and log(r2),
262  * get slope from f(phi2) - f(phi1)
263  * 2. f(phi1) defined, f(phi2) not defined (or vice-versa):
264  * compare f(phi1) to log(r1) and log(r2),
265  * slope is known
266  * 3. f(phi1) and f(phi2) both not defined: no entry
267  */
269  //...minus...
270  if (r1 > 0 && r2 > 0 && r1 < r2) {
271  /* positive slope:
272  * crossing if f(phi1) < log(r2) and f(phi2) > log(r1)
273  */
274  minus1 = r0 + (k + 1) * dr - log10(r1);
275  minus2 = r0 + k * dr - log10(r2);
276  if (minus1 * minus2 <= 0.0) {
277  HPcellM[k][j].push_back(SL);
278  HPcellM[k][j].push_back(i);
280  if (! firstM)
281  outcM << " or ";
283  if (ffM != 0) {
284  if (j > 39 && j < 80)
285  outputfM << "or ";
286  }
288  ffM++;
289  if (j > 39 && j < 80)
290  outputfM << "SL" << SL << "_TS(" << i << ") ";
292  outcM << "SL" << SL << "_TS[" << i << "]";
293  firstM = false;
294  }
295  } else if (r2 < 0 && r1 > 0) {
296  /* positive slope, f(phi2) = inf:
297  * crossing if f(phi1) < log(r2)
298  */
299  minus1 = r0 + (k + 1) * dr - log10(r1);
300  if (minus1 > 0) {
301  HPcellM[k][j].push_back(SL);
302  HPcellM[k][j].push_back(i);
304  if (! firstM)
305  outcM << " or ";
307  if (ffM != 0) {
308  if (j > 39 && j < 80)
309  outputfM << "or ";
310  }
311  ffM++;
312  if (j > 39 && j < 80)
313  outputfM << "SL" << SL << "_TS(" << i << ") ";
315  outcM << "SL" << SL << "_TS[" << i << "]";
316  firstM = false;
317  }
318  }
320  //plus
321  if (r1 > 0 && r2 > 0 && r2 < r1) {
322  /* negative slope:
323  * crossing if f(phi2) < log(r2) and f(phi1) > log(r1)
324  */
325  plus1 = r0 + (k + 1) * dr - log10(r2);
326  plus2 = r0 + k * dr - log10(r1);
327  if (plus1 * plus2 <= 0.0) {
328  HPcellP[k][j].push_back(SL);
329  HPcellP[k][j].push_back(i);
330  if (! firstP)
331  outcP << " or ";
333  if (ffP != 0) {
334  if (j < 40)
335  outputfP << "or ";
336  }
337  ffP++;
338  if (j < 40)
339  outputfP << "SL" << SL << "_TS(" << i << ") ";
341  outcP << "SL" << SL << "_TS[" << i << "]";
342  firstP = false;
343  }
344  } else if (r1 < 0 && r2 > 0) {
345  /* negative slope, f(phi1) = inf:
346  * crossing if f(phi2) < log(r2)
347  */
348  plus1 = r0 + (k + 1) * dr - log10(r2);
349  if (plus1 > 0) {
350  HPcellP[k][j].push_back(SL);
351  HPcellP[k][j].push_back(i);
352  if (! firstP)
353  outcP << " or ";
355  if (ffP != 0) {
356  if (j < 40)
357  outputfP << "or ";
358  }
359  ffP++;
360  if (j < 40)
361  outputfP << "SL" << SL << "_TS(" << i << ") ";
363  outcP << "SL" << SL << "_TS[" << i << "]";
364  firstP = false;
365  }
366  }
367  }
369  if (j > 39 && j < 80)
370  outputfM << ";" << endl;
371  if (j < 40)
372  outputfP << ";" << endl;
373  outcM << ");" << endl;
374  outcP << ");" << endl;
375  }
376  }
377  outputfM << " " << endl;
378  outputfM << "end Behavioral;" << endl;
379  outputfP << " " << endl;
380  outputfP << "end Behavioral;" << endl;
381  return;
382 }
384 void
385 printMapping(ofstream& out, vector<vector<vector<int>>>& HPcell)
386 {
387  //...Date...
388  string ts = TRGUtil::dateString();
389  out << "// This file is generated by " << NAME << "(" << VERSION << ")" << endl;
390  out << "// " << ts << endl << endl;
391  //...Hough plane parameters...
392  out << nX << " " << nY << " " << minY << " " << maxY << endl;
393  //...TS patterns...
394  for (unsigned iy = 0; iy < nY; iy++) {
395  for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < nX; ix++) {
396  out << ix << " " << iy + 1 << " ";
397  for (unsigned its = 0; its < HPcell[iy][ix].size(); its++) {
398  out << HPcell[iy][ix][its] << " ";
399  }
400  out << " " << endl;
401  }
402  }
403 }
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
unsigned x
x of the plane
unsigned y
y of the point
double y
y of the point
double x
x of the point
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Run all tests.