Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 //---------------------------------------------------------------
9 // $Id$
10 //---------------------------------------------------------------
11 // Filename :
12 // Section : TRG CDCT3D
13 // Owner :
14 // Email :
15 //---------------------------------------------------------------
16 // Description : A trigger module for TRG CDCT3D
17 //---------------------------------------------------------------
18 // 1.00 : 2017/05/08 : First version
19 //---------------------------------------------------------------
20 #include <trg/cdc/modules/trgcdct3dDQM/TRGCDCT3DDQMModule.h>
22 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
23 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
25 #include <TDirectory.h>
26 #include <TPostScript.h>
27 #include <TCanvas.h>
28 #include <iostream>
30 using namespace std;
31 using namespace Belle2;
36 TRGCDCT3DDQMModule::TRGCDCT3DDQMModule() : HistoModule()
37 {
39  setDescription("DQM for CDCT3D Trigger system");
42  addParam("T3DMOD", m_T3DMOD,
43  "T3D module number",
44  0);
45  addParam("generatePostscript", m_generatePostscript,
46  "Genarete postscript file or not",
47  false);
48  addParam("postScriptName", m_postScriptName,
49  "postscript file name",
50  string(""));
53 }
56 {
57  oldDir = gDirectory;
58  dirDQM = NULL;
59  //dirDQM = oldDir->mkdir("TRGCDCT3D");
60  if (!oldDir->Get("TRGCDCT3D"))dirDQM = oldDir->mkdir("TRGCDCT3D");
61  else dirDQM = (TDirectory*)oldDir->Get("TRGCDCT3D");
62  dirDQM->cd();
63  //dz distribution
64  h_dz = new TH1D(Form("hdz_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hdz_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 80, -40, 40);
65  h_dz->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
66  h_dz->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dz");
67  //phi distribution
68  h_phi = new TH1D(Form("hphi_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hphi_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 100, -6, 6);
69  h_phi->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
70  h_phi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi");
71  //tanlambda distribution
72  h_tanlambda = new TH1D(Form("htanlambda_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("htanlambda_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 100, -2.5, 2.5);
73  h_tanlambda->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
74  h_tanlambda->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("tanlambda");
75  //pt distribution
76  h_pt = new TH1D(Form("hpt_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hpt_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 100, 0, 3);
77  h_pt->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
78  h_pt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pt");
80  //2D phi distribution
81  h_phi_2D = new TH1D(Form("hphi_2D_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hphi_2D_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 100, -6, 6);
82  h_phi_2D->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
83  h_phi_2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi_2D");
84  //2D pt distribution
85  h_pt_2D = new TH1D(Form("hpt_2D_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hpt_2D_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 100, 0, 3);
86  h_pt_2D->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
87  h_pt_2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("pt_2D");
88  //TSF1 ID
89  h_ID_TSF1 = new TH1D(Form("hID_TSF1_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hID_TSF1_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 160, 160, 319);
90  h_ID_TSF1->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
91  h_ID_TSF1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ID_TSF1");
92  //TSF3 ID
93  h_ID_TSF3 = new TH1D(Form("hID_TSF3_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hID_TSF3_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 224, 512, 735);
94  h_ID_TSF3->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
95  h_ID_TSF3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ID_TSF3");
96  //TSF5 ID
97  h_ID_TSF5 = new TH1D(Form("hID_TSF5_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hID_TSF5_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 288, 992, 1279);
98  h_ID_TSF5->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
99  h_ID_TSF5->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ID_TSF5");
100  //TSF7 ID
101  h_ID_TSF7 = new TH1D(Form("hID_TSF7_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hID_TSF7_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 352, 1600, 1951);
102  h_ID_TSF7->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
103  h_ID_TSF7->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ID_TSF7");
104  //TSF1 rt
105  h_rt_TSF1 = new TH1D(Form("hrt_TSF1_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hrt_TSF1_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 512, 0, 511);
106  h_rt_TSF1->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
107  h_rt_TSF1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("rt_TSF1");
108  //TSF3 rt
109  h_rt_TSF3 = new TH1D(Form("hrt_TSF3_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hrt_TSF3_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 512, 0, 511);
110  h_rt_TSF3->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
111  h_rt_TSF3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("rt_TSF3");
112  //TSF5 rt
113  h_rt_TSF5 = new TH1D(Form("hrt_TSF5_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hrt_TSF5_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 512, 0, 511);
114  h_rt_TSF5->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
115  h_rt_TSF5->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("rt_TSF5");
116  //TSF7 rt
117  h_rt_TSF7 = new TH1D(Form("hrt_TSF7_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hrt_TSF7_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 512, 0, 511);
118  h_rt_TSF7->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
119  h_rt_TSF7->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("rt_TSF7");
120  //TSF1 validity
121  h_validity_TSF1 = new TH1D(Form("hvalidity_TSF1_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hvalidity_TSF1_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 16, 0, 15);
122  h_validity_TSF1->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
123  h_validity_TSF1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("validity_TSF1");
124  //TSF3 validity
125  h_validity_TSF3 = new TH1D(Form("hvalidity_TSF3_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hvalidity_TSF3_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 16, 0, 15);
126  h_validity_TSF3->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
127  h_validity_TSF3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("validity_TSF3");
128  //TSF5 validity
129  h_validity_TSF5 = new TH1D(Form("hvalidity_TSF5_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hvalidity_TSF5_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 16, 0, 15);
130  h_validity_TSF5->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
131  h_validity_TSF5->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("validity_TSF5");
132  //TSF7 validity
133  h_validity_TSF7 = new TH1D(Form("hvalidity_TSF7_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), Form("hvalidity_TSF7_mod%d", m_T3DMOD), 16, 0, 15);
134  h_validity_TSF7->SetTitle(Form("Exp%d Run%d 3Dmodule%d", _exp, _run, m_T3DMOD));
135  h_validity_TSF7->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("validity_TSF7");
137  oldDir->cd();
138 }
141 {
143  dirDQM->cd();
145  h_dz->Reset();
146  h_phi->Reset();
147  h_tanlambda->Reset();
148  h_pt->Reset();
149  h_phi_2D->Reset();
150  h_pt_2D->Reset();
151  h_ID_TSF1->Reset();
153  oldDir->cd();
154 }
157 {
160  _exp = bevt->getExperiment();
161  _run = bevt->getRun();
163  // calls back the defineHisto() function, but the HistoManager module has to be in the path
166  char c_name_3D[100];
167  sprintf(c_name_3D, "FirmTRGCDC3DFitterTracks%d", m_T3DMOD);
168  char c_name_2D[100];
169  sprintf(c_name_2D, "FirmTRGCDC2DFinderTracks%d", m_T3DMOD);
170  entAry.isRequired(c_name_3D);
171  entAry_2D.isRequired(c_name_2D);
172  char c_name_TSF[100];
173  sprintf(c_name_TSF, "FirmCDCTriggerSegmentHits%d", m_T3DMOD);
174  entAry_TSF.isRequired(c_name_TSF);
175  if (!entAry || !entAry.getEntries()) return;
176  if (!entAry_2D || !entAry_2D.getEntries()) return;
177  if (!entAry_TSF || !entAry_TSF.getEntries()) return;
179 }
182 {
183  dirDQM->cd();
185  //Draw and save histograms
186  if (m_generatePostscript) {
187  //gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
188  TCanvas c1("c1", "", 0, 0, 500, 300);
191  TPostScript* ps_dz = new TPostScript((m_postScriptName + ".dz_T3DModule" + to_string(m_T3DMOD) + ".ps").c_str(), 112);
192  h_dz->Draw();
193  c1.Update();
194  ps_dz->Close();
196  TPostScript* ps_phi = new TPostScript((m_postScriptName + ".phi_T3DModule" + to_string(m_T3DMOD) + ".ps").c_str(), 112);
197  h_phi->Draw();
198  c1.Update();
199  ps_phi->Close();
201  TPostScript* ps_tanlambda = new TPostScript((m_postScriptName + ".tanlambda_T3DModule" + to_string(m_T3DMOD) + ".ps").c_str(), 112);
202  h_tanlambda->Draw();
203  c1.Update();
204  ps_tanlambda->Close();
206  TPostScript* ps_pt = new TPostScript((m_postScriptName + ".pt_T3DModule" + to_string(m_T3DMOD) + ".ps").c_str(), 112);
207  h_pt->Draw();
208  c1.Update();
209  ps_pt->Close();
211  TPostScript* ps_phi_2D = new TPostScript((m_postScriptName + ".phi_2D_T3DModule" + to_string(m_T3DMOD) + ".ps").c_str(), 112);
212  h_phi_2D->Draw();
213  c1.Update();
214  ps_phi_2D->Close();
216  TPostScript* ps_pt_2D = new TPostScript((m_postScriptName + ".pt_2D_T3DModule" + to_string(m_T3DMOD) + ".ps").c_str(), 112);
217  h_pt_2D->Draw();
218  c1.Update();
219  ps_pt_2D->Close();
220  }
222  oldDir->cd();
223 }
226 {
228  dirDQM->cd();
230  //Fill 3D histo
231  if (!(!entAry || !entAry.getEntries())) {
232  for (int i = 0; i < entAry.getEntries(); i++) {
233  h_dz->Fill(entAry[i]->getZ0());
234  h_phi->Fill(entAry[i]->getPhi0());
235  h_tanlambda->Fill(entAry[i]->getTanLambda());
236  if (entAry[i]->getOmega() != 0)
237  h_pt->Fill(fabs(1. / entAry[i]->getOmega() * 0.3 * 1.5 * 0.01));
238  }
239  }
240  //Fill 2D histo
241  if (!(!entAry_2D || !entAry_2D.getEntries())) {
242  for (int i = 0; i < entAry_2D.getEntries(); i++) {
243  h_phi_2D->Fill(entAry_2D[i]->getPhi0());
244  if (entAry_2D[i]->getOmega() != 0)
245  h_pt_2D->Fill(fabs(1. / entAry_2D[i]->getOmega() * 0.3 * 1.5 * 0.01));
246  }
247  }
248  //Fill stereo TSF histo
249  if (!(!entAry_TSF || !entAry_TSF.getEntries())) {
250  for (int i = 0; i < entAry_TSF.getEntries(); i++) {
251  int sl = entAry_TSF[i]->getISuperLayer();
252  int id = entAry_TSF[i]->getSegmentID();
253  int pr = entAry_TSF[i]->getPriorityPosition();
254  int lr = entAry_TSF[i]->getLeftRight();
255  int rt = entAry_TSF[i]->priorityTime();
256  int validity = lr * 4 + pr;
257  if (lr == 0 || pr == 0) continue;
258  if (sl == 1) {
259  h_ID_TSF1->Fill(id);
260  h_rt_TSF1->Fill(rt);
261  h_validity_TSF1->Fill(validity);
262  } else if (sl == 3) {
263  h_ID_TSF3->Fill(id);
264  h_rt_TSF3->Fill(rt);
265  h_validity_TSF3->Fill(validity);
266  } else if (sl == 5) {
267  h_ID_TSF5->Fill(id);
268  h_rt_TSF5->Fill(rt);
269  h_validity_TSF5->Fill(validity);
270  } else if (sl == 7) {
271  h_ID_TSF7->Fill(id);
272  h_rt_TSF7->Fill(rt);
273  h_validity_TSF7->Fill(validity);
274  }
277  }
278  }
280  oldDir->cd();
282 }
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
TH1D * h_rt_TSF3
TSF3 priority time of T3D in each module.
TH1D * h_validity_TSF5
TSF5 validity of T3D in each module.
int m_T3DMOD
T3D module number.
unsigned _exp
experiment number
virtual void initialize() override
TH1D * h_rt_TSF7
TSF7 priority time of T3D in each module.
TH1D * h_pt
pt of T3D in each module
TDirectory * oldDir
TDirectories for DQM histograms.
virtual void event() override
TH1D * h_ID_TSF5
TSF5 ID of T3D in each module.
TH1D * h_rt_TSF1
TSF1 priority time of T3D in each module.
TH1D * h_pt_2D
pt (from 2D) of T3D in each module
virtual void endRun() override
End Run.
StoreArray< CDCTriggerTrack > entAry_2D
2D data store
TH1D * h_phi
phi of T3D in each module
TH1D * h_validity_TSF7
TSF7 validity of T3D in each module.
virtual void beginRun() override
begin Run
StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHit > entAry_TSF
Stereo TSF data store.
TH1D * h_validity_TSF3
TSF3 validity of T3D in each module.
TH1D * h_rt_TSF5
TSF5 priority time of T3D in each module.
TH1D * h_ID_TSF1
TSF1 ID of T3D in each module.
StoreArray< CDCTriggerTrack > entAry
3D data store
TDirectory * dirDQM
TDirectories for DQM histograms.
TH1D * h_dz
dz of T3D in each module
TH1D * h_validity_TSF1
TSF1 validity of T3D in each module.
std::string m_postScriptName
name of ps file
TH1D * h_tanlambda
tanlambda of T3D in each module
TH1D * h_ID_TSF7
TSF7 ID of T3D in each module.
virtual void defineHisto() override
Define Histogram.
bool m_generatePostscript
flag to save ps file
TH1D * h_phi_2D
phi (from 2D) of T3D in each module
TH1D * h_ID_TSF3
TSF3 ID of T3D in each module.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.