12 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
13 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
14 #include <framework/database/DBArray.h>
16 #include "trg/ecl/dataobjects/TRGECLHit.h"
17 #include "trg/ecl/dataobjects/TRGECLTrg.h"
18 #include "trg/ecl/dataobjects/TRGECLCluster.h"
19 #include "trg/ecl/dbobjects/TRGECLETMPara.h"
49 virtual void event()
52 virtual void endRun()
60 std::string
Class for accessing arrays of objects in the database.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
double m_taub2b3CLELowCut
taub2b3 cluster energy low cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)
int _Clustering
Clustering option.
double _ECLBurstThreshold
ECL Burst Bit Threshold.
double m_taub2bEtotCut
taub2b total energy (TC theta ID =1-17) (GeV)
double m_taub2b3CLEHighCut
taub2b3 cluster energy high cut in lab for all clusters (GeV)
std::string _configFilename
int _ConditionDB
Flag to use Condition DB.
int _debugLevel
int _ClusterLimit
Cluster Limit.
std::vector< double > m_EventTimingQualityThresholds
Energy threshold(low, high) of event timing quality flag (GeV)
std::vector< int > m_taub2bAngleCut
taub2b 2 cluster angle cut (degree) (dphi low, dphi high, theta_sum low, theta_sum high)
DBArray< TRGECLETMPara > m_ETMPara
ETN Parameters.
double _mumuThreshold
mumu bit Energy Threshold
StoreArray< TRGECLTrg > m_TRGECLTrg
output for TRGECLTrg
std::vector< int > m_3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion
Theta region (low, high) of 3D Bhabha Veto InTrack.
int m_hitNum
The current number of created hits in an event.
std::string m_eclTCHitOutColName
Output array name for TC.
int m_hitTCNum
TC Hit number.
int _n300MeVCluster
The number of Cluster exceeding 300 MeV.
int _SelectEvent
Event selection.
std::vector< double > _TotalEnergy
Total Energy Theshold (low, high, lum)
std::vector< double > _mumuAngle
mumu bit Angle
std::vector< double > m_3DBhabhaAddAngleCut
Angle selection of additional Bhabha veto in CM frame.
std::vector< double > _3DBhabhaVetoThreshold
3D Veto Bhabha Energy Threshold
double m_taub2b2EtotCut
taub2b2 total energy cut (GeV)
double _TimeWindow
Trigger decision time window.
std::vector< double > _LowMultiThreshold
Low Multiplicity Threshold.
int m_nEvent
Event number.
int _EventTiming
Eventtiming option.
int _Bhabha
Bhabha option.
std::vector< double > _3DBhabhaSelectionAngle
3D Selection Bhabha Energy Angle
std::vector< double > _2DBhabhaThresholdBWD
2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
StoreArray< TRGECLCluster > m_TRGECLCluster
output for TRGECLCluster
double m_taub2bClusterECut2
taub2b Cluster energy selection (GeV)
std::vector< int > m_taub2b2AngleCut
taub2b2 two Cluster angle cut (degree)
double m_taub2b3EtotCut
taub2b3 total energy cut in lab (GeV)
std::vector< double > _3DBhabhaSelectionThreshold
3D Selection Bhabha Energy Threshold
std::string m_inColName
A pointer to a TRGECL TrgEcl* _ecl; */.
std::string m_eclHitOutColName
Output array name for Xtal.
double m_taub2b3CLEb2bCut
taub2b3 cluster energy cut in lab for one of b2b clusters (GeV)
StoreArray< TRGECLHit > m_TRGECLHit
output for TRGECLHit
double m_taub2bClusterECut1
taub2b Cluster energy selection (GeV)
double _OverlapWindow
Trigger decision overlap window in oder to avoid boundary effect.
double m_taub2b2CLECut
taub2b2 cluster energy cut (GeV)
std::vector< double > _2DBhabhaThresholdFWD
2D Bhabha Energy Threshold
std::vector< double > _3DBhabhaVetoAngle
3D Veto Bhabha Energy Angle
double m_taub2b2CLEEndcapCut
taub2b2 cluster energy cut for endcap cluster (GeV)
std::vector< int > m_taub2b3AngleCut
taub2b3 two Cluster angle cut in cms (degree)
virtual ~TRGECLModule()
virtual void initialize() override
Initilizes TRGECLModule.
virtual void event() override
Called event by event.
virtual void endRun() override
Called when run ended.
virtual void terminate() override
Called when processing ended.
virtual void beginRun() override
Called when new run started.
std::string version(void) const
returns version of TRGECLModule.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.