120 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
128 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
136 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
144 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
152 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
160 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
168 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
361 for (
int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
int s_etot
Total Energy of this hit.
int getICNOver() const
The mothod to get ICN overflow bit.
int s_b2bhabhav
3D Bhabha for veto bit of this hit.
int s_icn
ICN of this hit.
int s_b1_type
2D Bhabha Type of this hit.
void setCLF1GeV(int cl_1gev[6])
The mothod to set 1GeV Flag.
int s_time_type
Timing Type of this hit.
int s_mumu
mumu bit of this hit.
void setNCL(int ncl)
The mothod to set Number of Cluster.
int get3DBhabhaS() const
The mothod to get 3D Bhabha selection bit.
void setECLBST(int ecl_bst)
The mothod to set ECL Burst.
const int * getCL1GeV() const
The mothod to get 1GeV Flag.
int s_b2bhabhas
3D Bhabha for selection bit of this hit.
ClassDef(TRGECLUnpackerSumStore, 4)
the class title
const int * getCL2GeV() const
The mothod to get 2GeV Flag.
int s_bg_veto
BG Veto bit of this hit.
void setCLPhi(int cl_phi[6])
The mothod to set Cluster Phi.
int get2DBhabha() const
The mothod to get 2D Bhabha bit.
int get3DBhabhaV() const
The mothod to get 3D Bhabha veto bit.
void setPhysics(int physics)
The mothod to set Physics bit.
int getEtotType() const
The mothod to get Total Energy Type.
const int * getCLTheta() const
The method to get Cluster Theta.
void setTimeType(int time_type)
The mothod to set Timing Type.
int getEtot() const
The mothod to get Total Energy.
int s_cl_phi[6]
Cluster Phi of this hit.
void setPrescale(int prescale)
The mothod to set prescale bit.
int getMumu() const
The mothod to get mumu bit.
int s_cl_theta[6]
Cluster Theta of this hit.
int s_time
Timing of this hit.
int s_sum_win
The summary window of this hit.
int s_ncl
Number of Cluster of this hit.
void set3DBhabhaV(int b2bhabhav)
The mothod to set 3D Bhabha veto bit.
void setLowMulti(int low_multi)
The mothod to set Lowmilti bit.
int s_cl_bha[6]
Cluster Bhabha Flag of this hit.
int s_physics
Physics bit of this hit.
int s_prescale
prescale bit of this hit.
int s_cl_1gev[6]
Cluster CM 1GeV Flag of this hit.
void setTime(int time)
The mothod to set Timing.
const int * getCLEnergy() const
The mothod to get Cluster energy.
int getLowMulti() const
The mothod to get Lowmilti bit.
int s_cl_energy[6]
Cluster energy of this hit.
void set2DBhabha(int b1bhabha)
The mothod to set 2D Bhabha bit.
void setCLF2GeV(int cl_2gev[6])
The mothod to set 2GeV Flag.
int getPhysics() const
The mothod to get Physics bit.
int s_ecl_bst
The case of ECL Burst of this hit.
void setCLFBha(int cl_bha[6])
The mothod to set Bha Flag.
void setCLEnergy(int cl_energy[6])
The mothod to set Cluster energy.
void setEtot(int etot)
The mothod to set Total Energy.
int s_cl_2gev[6]
Cluster CM 2GeV Flag of this hit.
int getPrescale() const
The mothod to get prescale bit.
int getBG() const
The mothod to get BG Veto bit.
int getEventId() const
The method to get event id.
void setEtotType(int etot_type)
The mothod to set Total Energy Type.
int s_b1bhabha
2D Bhabha bit of this hit.
int s_sum_revo
The summary revoclk of this hit.
const int * getCLBha() const
The mothod to get Bhabha Flag.
int getTimeType() const
The mothod to get Timing Type.
int getBhabhaType() const
The mothod to get 2D Bhabha Type.
void setSumNum(int sum_win)
The mothod to set the sumamry window.
int getSumRevo() const
The mothod to get the sumamry revoclk.
void setMumu(int mumu)
The mothod to set mumu bit.
const int * getCLTime() const
The mothod to get Cluster time.
int s_low_multi
Lowmilti bit of this hit.
int s_eventId
The evt id of this hit.
void setICN(int icn)
The mothod to set ICN.
void set3DBhabhaS(int b2bhabhas)
The mothod to set 3D Bhabha selection bit.
int getTime() const
The mothod to get Timing.
void setCLTheta(int cl_theta[6])
The method to set Cluster Theta.
void setEventId(int eventId)
The method to set event id.
int s_etot_type
Total Energy Type of this hit.
void setCLTime(int cl_time[6])
The mothod to set Cluster time.
void setSumRevo(int sum_revo)
The mothod to set the sumamry revoclk.
void setICNOver(int icn_over)
The mothod to set ICN overflow bit.
const int * getCLPhi() const
The mothod to get Cluster Phi.
int getICN() const
The mothod to get ICN.
int s_icn_over
ICN overflow bit of this hit.
void setBhabhaType(int b1_type)
The mothod to set 2D Bhabha Type.
TRGECLUnpackerSumStore(int eventId, int cl_theta[6], int cl_phi[6], int cl_time[6], int cl_energy[6], int cl_1gev[6], int cl_2gev[6], int cl_bha[6], int ncl, int icn, int icn_over, int low_multi, int b2bhabhav, int b2bhabhas, int mumu, int prescale, int b1bhabha, int b1_type, int physics, int bg_veto, int etot, int etot_type, int ecl_bst, int time, int time_type)
Useful Constructor.
int getSumNum() const
The mothod to get the sumamry window.
int s_cl_time[6]
Cluster time of this hit.
void setBG(int bg_veto)
The mothod to set BG Veto bit.
int getNCL() const
The mothod to get Number of Cluster.
int getECLBST() const
The mothod to get ECL Burst.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.