Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <analysis/modules/TauDecayMarker/TauDecayMarkerModule.h>
11 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
12 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
14 #include <iostream>
16 using namespace std;
17 using namespace Belle2;
19 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
20 // Register the Module
21 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
22 REG_MODULE(TauDecayMarker);
24 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
25 // Implementation
26 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
28 TauDecayMarkerModule::TauDecayMarkerModule() : Module(), tauPair(false), numOfTauPlus(0), numOfTauMinus(0), idOfTauPlus(-1),
29  idOfTauMinus(-1), m_pmode(-2), m_mmode(-2), m_pprong(0), m_mprong(0)
30 {
31  // Set module properties
32  setDescription("Module to identify generated tau pair decays, using MCParticle information. Each tau lepton decay channel "
33  "is numbered following the order in the default KKMC decay table. Using this module, "
34  "the channel number will be stored in the variables `tauPlusMCMode`, and `tauMinusMCMode`. "
35  "Further details and usage can be found at `TauDecayMCModes`. ");
36  //Parameter definition
37  addParam("printDecayInfo", m_printDecayInfo, "Print information of the tau pair decay from MC.", false);
38 }
41 {
42  m_tauDecay.registerInDataStore();
44 }
47 {
48  if (!m_tauDecay) m_tauDecay.create();
51  if (tauPair) {
52  m_pmode = getDecayChannelOfTau(+1) % 100;
53  m_mmode = getDecayChannelOfTau(-1) % 100;
58  if (m_printDecayInfo) {
59  B2INFO("Decay ID: " << m_pmode << " (tau+), " << m_mmode << " (tau-)." <<
60  " Topology: " << m_pprong << "-" << m_mprong << " prong");
61  }
63  } else {
64  m_pmode = -1;
65  m_mmode = -1;
66  }
68  m_tauDecay->addTauPlusIdMode(m_pmode);
69  m_tauDecay->addTauMinusIdMode(m_mmode);
71  m_tauDecay->addTauPlusMcProng(m_pprong);
72  m_tauDecay->addTauMinusMcProng(m_mprong);
74 }
77 {
78  numOfTauPlus = 0;
79  numOfTauMinus = 0;
80  idOfTauPlus = 0;
81  idOfTauMinus = 0;
82  for (int i = 0; i < m_MCParticles.getEntries(); i++) {
83  MCParticle& p = *m_MCParticles[i];
85  if (p.getStatus() == 1 && p.getPDG() == 15) {
86  numOfTauMinus++;
87  idOfTauMinus = p.getIndex();
88  }
89  if (p.getStatus() == 1 && p.getPDG() == -15) {
90  numOfTauPlus++;
91  idOfTauPlus = p.getIndex();
92  }
93  }
94  if (numOfTauPlus == 1 && numOfTauMinus == 1) {
95  tauPair = true;
96  } else tauPair = false;
97 }
99 int TauDecayMarkerModule::getNumDaughterOfTau(int s, int id, int sign)
100 {
101  if (s == 0 || !tauPair) return -1;
102  int tauid = idOfTauMinus;
103  if (s > 0) tauid = idOfTauPlus;
104  int ret = 0;
105  const MCParticle& p = *m_MCParticles[tauid - 1];
107  if (id == 0) {
108  for (int i = p.getFirstDaughter(); i <= p.getLastDaughter(); ++i) {
109  MCParticle& d = *m_MCParticles[i - 1];
110  if (abs(d.getPDG()) == 24)
111  ret += d.getLastDaughter() - d.getFirstDaughter() + 1;
112  else ret++;
113  }
114  } else {
115  for (int i = p.getFirstDaughter(); i <= p.getLastDaughter(); ++i) {
116  MCParticle& d = *m_MCParticles[i - 1];
117  int pdg = d.getPDG();
118  if (pdg == id || (sign == 0 && abs(pdg) == abs(id))) ret++;
119  if (abs(pdg) == 24) {
120  for (int j = d.getFirstDaughter(); j <= d.getLastDaughter(); ++j) {
121  MCParticle& e = *m_MCParticles[j - 1];
122  int pdg2 = e.getPDG();
123  if (pdg2 == id ||
124  (sign == 0)) ret++;
125  }
126  }
127  }
128  }
129  return ret;
130 }
133 {
134  if (s == 0 || !tauPair) return -1;
135  int tauid = idOfTauMinus;
136  if (s > 0) tauid = idOfTauPlus;
137  int ret = 0;
138  const MCParticle& p = *m_MCParticles[tauid - 1];
140  if (id == 0) {
141  for (int i = p.getFirstDaughter(); i <= p.getLastDaughter(); ++i) {
142  MCParticle& d = *m_MCParticles[i - 1];
143  if (abs(d.getPDG()) == 24) {
144  for (int j = d.getFirstDaughter(); j <= d.getLastDaughter(); ++j) {
145  MCParticle& e = *m_MCParticles[j - 1];
146  if (e.getPDG() != Const::photon.getPDGCode()) ret++;
147  }
148  } else if (d.getPDG() != Const::photon.getPDGCode()) ret++;
149  }
150  } else {
151  for (int i = p.getFirstDaughter(); i <= p.getLastDaughter(); ++i) {
152  MCParticle& d = *m_MCParticles[i - 1];
153  int pdg = d.getPDG();
154  if (abs(pdg) == 24) {
155  for (int j = d.getFirstDaughter(); j <= d.getLastDaughter(); ++j) {
156  MCParticle& e = *m_MCParticles[j - 1];
157  int pdg2 = e.getPDG();
158  if (pdg2 == id ||
159  (sign == 0 && abs(pdg2) == abs(id))) ret++;
160  }
161  } else if (pdg == id || (sign == 0 && abs(pdg) == abs(id))) ret++;
162  }
163  }
164  return ret;
165 }
168 {
169  int ret = 0;
170  if (tauPair && s != 0) {
171  if (
172  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-12), 1) == 1 &&
173  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (11), 1) == 1 &&
174  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
175  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
176  ) ret = 1 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
177  else if (
178  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-14), 1) == 1 &&
179  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (13), 1) == 1 &&
180  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
181  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
182  ) ret = 2 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
183  else if (
184  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
185  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
186  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 2
187  ) ret = 3 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 2) * 1000;
188  else if (
189  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-213), 1) == 1 &&
190  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
191  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 2
192  ) ret = 4 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 2) * 1000;
193  else if (
194  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-20213), 1) == 1 &&
195  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
196  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 2
197  ) ret = 5 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 2) * 1000;
198  else if (
199  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
200  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
201  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 2
202  ) ret = 6 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 2) * 1000;
203  else if (
204  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-323), 1) == 1 &&
205  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
206  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 2
207  ) ret = 7 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 2) * 1000;
208  else if (
209  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
210  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
211  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
212  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
213  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
214  ) ret = 8 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
215  else if (
216  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
217  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 3 &&
218  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
219  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
220  ) ret = 9 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
221  else if (
222  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
223  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
224  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
225  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
226  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 6
227  ) ret = 10 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 6) * 1000;
228  else if (
229  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 3 &&
230  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
231  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 2 &&
232  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 6
233  ) ret = 11 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 6) * 1000;
234  else if (
235  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 3 &&
236  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
237  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
238  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 2 &&
239  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 7
240  ) ret = 12 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 7) * 1000;
241  else if (
242  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
243  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 3 &&
244  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
245  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
246  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 7
247  ) ret = 13 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 7) * 1000;
248  else if (
249  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
250  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
251  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
252  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (321), 1) == 1 &&
253  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
254  ) ret = 14 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
255  else if (
256  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-10313), 1) == 1 &&
257  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
258  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (10313), 1) == 1 &&
259  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
260  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
261  ) ret = 15 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
262  else if (
264  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 2 ||
265  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 2) &&
266  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
267  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
268  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
269  ) ret = 15 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000
270  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
271  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
272  else if (
273  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
274  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (10313), 1) == 1 &&
275  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
276  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
277  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
278  ) ret = 16 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
279  else if (
281  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
282  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
283  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
284  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
285  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
286  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
287  ) ret = 16 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000
288  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
289  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
290  else if (
291  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
292  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
293  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
294  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
295  ) ret = 17 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
296  else if (
297  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
298  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
299  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
300  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
301  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
302  ) ret = 18 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
303  else if (
304  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-10313), 1) == 1 &&
305  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
306  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
307  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
308  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
309  ) ret = 19 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
310  else if (
312  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
313  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
314  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
315  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
316  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
317  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
318  ) ret = 19 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000
319  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
320  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
321  else if (
322  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
323  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
324  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
325  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 221, 1) == 1 &&
326  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
327  ) ret = 20 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
328  else if (
329  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
330  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
331  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
332  getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 22, 1) >= 1 &&
333  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
334  ) ret = 21 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
335  else if (
336  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
337  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (10313), 1) == 1 &&
338  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
339  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
340  ) ret = 22 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
341  else if (
343  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
344  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
345  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
346  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
347  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
348  ) ret = 22 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000
349  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
350  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
351  else if (
352  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
353  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 4 &&
354  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
355  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 6
356  ) ret = 23 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 6) * 1000;
357  else if (
358  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
359  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
360  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
361  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 223, 1) == 1 &&
362  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 4
363  ) ret = 24 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 4) * 1000;
364  else if (
365  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
366  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
367  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
368  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 221, 1) == 1 &&
369  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
370  ) ret = 25 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
371  else if (
372  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
373  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
374  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
375  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 221, 1) == 1 &&
376  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
377  ) ret = 26 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
378  else if (
379  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
380  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
381  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 221, 1) == 1 &&
382  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
383  ) ret = 27 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
384  else if (
385  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-323), 1) == 1 &&
386  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
387  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 221, 1) == 1 &&
388  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
389  ) ret = 28 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
390  else if (
391  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
392  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
393  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
394  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
395  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
396  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
397  ) ret = 29 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
398  else if (
399  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
400  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 3 &&
401  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
402  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
403  ) ret = 30 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
404  else if (
405  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
406  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (10313), 1) == 1 &&
407  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
408  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
409  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
410  ) ret = 31 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
411  else if (
413  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
414  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
415  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
416  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
417  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
418  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
419  ) ret = 31 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000
420  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
421  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
422  else if (
423  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-10313), 1) == 1 &&
424  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
425  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
426  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
427  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
428  ) ret = 32 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
429  else if (
431  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
432  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
433  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
434  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
435  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
436  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
437  ) ret = 32 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000
438  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
439  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
440  else if (
441  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
442  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
443  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
444  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
445  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (321), 1) == 1 &&
446  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
447  ) ret = 33 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
448  else if (
449  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-10313), 1) == 1 &&
450  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
451  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (10313), 1) == 1 &&
452  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
453  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
454  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
455  ) ret = 34 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
456  else if (
458  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 2 ||
459  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 2) &&
460  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
461  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 1 &&
462  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
463  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
464  ) ret = 34 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000
465  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
466  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
467  else if (
468  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
469  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
470  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
471  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 223, 1) == 1 &&
472  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
473  ) ret = 35 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
474  else if (
475  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
476  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
477  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
478  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 223, 1) == 1 &&
479  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
480  ) ret = 36 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
481  else if (
482  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-11), 1) == 1 &&
483  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-12), 1) == 1 &&
484  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (11), 1) == 2 &&
485  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
486  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
487  ) ret = 37 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
488  else if (
489  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
490  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
491  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 20223, 1) == 1 &&
492  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
493  ) ret = 38 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
494  else if (
495  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
496  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
497  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 223, 1) == 1 &&
498  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 3
499  ) ret = 39 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 3) * 1000;
500  else if (
501  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
502  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
503  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (10313), 1) == 1 &&
504  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
505  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
506  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
507  ) ret = 40 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
508  else if (
510  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
511  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
512  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 1 &&
513  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
514  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
515  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (211), 1) == 1 &&
516  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
517  ) ret = 40 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000
518  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
519  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
520  else if (
521  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
522  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (10313), 1) == 1 &&
523  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
524  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
525  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
526  ) ret = 41 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
527  else if (
529  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
530  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
531  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-321), 1) == 1 &&
532  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 111, 1) == 2 &&
533  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
534  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
535  ) ret = 41 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000
536  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
537  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
538  else if (
539  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-10313), 1) == 1 &&
540  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
541  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
542  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (321), 1) == 1 &&
543  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
544  ) ret = 42 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000;
545  else if (
547  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) == 1 ||
548  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 311, 0) == 1) &&
549  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (-211), 1) == 2 &&
550  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (16), 1) == 1 &&
551  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, -s * (321), 1) == 1 &&
552  getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 0, 1) == 5
553  ) ret = 42 + (getNumDaughterOfTau(s, 0, 1) - 5) * 1000
554  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 310, 0) * 10000
555  + getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(s, 130, 0) * 100000;
557  }
558  return ret;
559 }
563 {
564  int ret = 0;
565  const vector<MCParticle*> daughters = p.getDaughters();
566  if (daughters.empty()) return ret;
567  for (MCParticle* d : daughters) {
568  if (!d->hasStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)) continue;
569  // TODO: Improve how to identify a final state particle.
570  bool isChargedFinalState = find(begin(finalStatePDGs),
571  end(finalStatePDGs),
572  abs(d->getPDG())) != end(finalStatePDGs);
573  if (isChargedFinalState) ret++;
574  else ret += getProngOfDecay(*d);
575  }
576  return ret;
577 }
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:464
static const ParticleType photon
photon particle
Definition: Const.h:664
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Int_t m_mprong
Prong of the decay channel of negative tau.
const int finalStatePDGs[5]
PDG codes accepted as charged final state particles in generation: {e, mu, pi, K, p}.
int numOfTauPlus
Number of positive tau leptons in the event.
Int_t m_pprong
Prong of the decay channel of positive tau.
void IdentifyTauPair()
Identifies if the event is a generated tau pair.
virtual void initialize() override
Initializes the module.
virtual void event() override
Method is called for each event.
int getNumDaughterOfTau(int s=0, int id=0, int sign=0)
Count the number of daughers of the generated tau.
Int_t m_mmode
ID of the decay channel of negative tau.
int getNumDaughterOfTauExceptGamma(int s=0, int id=0, int sign=0)
Count the number of daughers of the generated tau except gammas.
bool tauPair
True if the generated event is a tau pair event.
int idOfTauMinus
Index of the generated negative tau.
Int_t m_pmode
ID of the decay channel of positive tau.
int numOfTauMinus
Number of negative tau leptons in the event.
int getProngOfDecay(const MCParticle &mc)
Get the prong of the generated tau decay.
int idOfTauPlus
Index of the generated positive tau.
StoreObjPtr< TauPairDecay > m_tauDecay
pointer to tau pair decay objects
int getDecayChannelOfTau(int s=0)
Gets the id of the decay channel.
bool m_printDecayInfo
If true, prints ID and prong of each tau lepton in the event.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_MCParticles
StoreArray of MCParticles.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.