11 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
12 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
13 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
14 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
15 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
17 #include <analysis/dataobjects/TauPairDecay.h>
44 virtual void event()
109 16, -16, 14, -14, 12, -12,
110 11, -11, 13, -13, -211, 211, -321, 321, -2212, 2212,
111 111, 310, 130, 221, 223, 331, 333,
113 -323, 323, 313, -313,
115 -9000211, 9000211, 9000111, -10211, 10211, 10111,
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Module to classify tau decay events according to a mapping given by the user or with a default mappin...
std::vector< int > vec_numu
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_em
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_omega
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_k0s
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
Int_t m_mprong
Prong of the decay channel of tau-.
std::vector< int > vec_b1p
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_f1
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
int numOfTauPlus
Number of tau+ in the event.
Int_t m_pprong
Prong of the decay channel of tau+.
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_event_metadata
event number
void IdentifyTauPair()
Identifies if the event is a generated tau pair.
std::vector< int > vec_apro
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
double getEgstar(const std::vector< int > &vec_radgam, const MCParticle &mc)
Energy of the radiative photon in tau rest frame.
std::vector< int > vec_pi0
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_alpha
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_radgam_taum
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
StoreArray< MCParticle > MCParticles
StoreArray of MCParticles.
std::vector< int > vec_anue
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_nue
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
virtual void initialize() override
Initializes the module.
std::vector< int > vec_a0p_980
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::string m_file_plus
Alternative mapping for tau+.
std::vector< int > vec_a0m_1450
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
virtual void event() override
Method is called for each event.
bool m_isEtaPizPizPizFromTauMinus
Flag for eta->pi0pi0pi0 decays from tau-.
double m_pegstar
Energy of radiative photon from tau+.
std::vector< int > vec_lmb_br
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
Int_t m_mmode
ID of the decay channel of tau-.
void AnalyzeTauPairEvent()
Analyze a generated tau pair event.
bool m_isOmegaPimPipFromTauMinus
Flag for omega->pi-pi+ decays from tau-.
int getRecursiveMotherCharge(const MCParticle *mc)
Identifies particles coming from tau decays.
std::vector< int > vec_phi
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
static constexpr int Neutrinos[3]
PDG codes of neutrinos in final state particles in generation: {nu_e, nu_mu, mu_tau}.
int m_taum_no
number of tau- unclassified events
std::string m_tauminusdecaymode
Variable name for the decay mode of the tau-.
std::vector< int > vec_a1p
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
bool m_isOmegaPimPipFromTauPlus
Flag for omega->pi-pi+ decays from tau+.
bool tauPair
Boolean variable used to identify tau event.
int TauolaBelle2DecayMode(const std::string &s, int chg)
Classifies the decays of the event and assigns a decay mode.
int idOfTauMinus
Index of the generated tau-.
std::vector< int > vec_lambda
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_anut
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_f0
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_mum
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
Int_t m_pmode
ID of the decay channel of tau+.
static constexpr int OrderedList[46]
PDG codes of ORDERED particles.
int numOfTauMinus
Number of tau- in the event.
std::vector< int > vec_nut
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_kstar0_br
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_radgam_taup
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_a00_1450
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_kstar0
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_a0m_980
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_a00_980
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
int getProngOfDecay(const MCParticle &mc)
Identifies the number of charged final state particles in the decay.
std::vector< int > vec_a1m
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
int idOfTauPlus
Index of the generated tau+.
StoreObjPtr< TauPairDecay > m_tauDecay
pointer to tau pair decay objects
std::vector< int > vec_rhop
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::string m_printmode
Parameter passed by the user to indicated the informationt to be printed.
std::vector< int > vec_pro
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
bool m_isEtaPizPizPizFromTauPlus
Flag for eta->pi0pi0pi0 decays from tau+.
std::string m_tauplusdecaymode
Variable name for the decay mode of the tau+.
std::vector< int > vec_pim
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_mup
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_pip
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_kstarp
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_kstarm
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_etapr
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
double m_megstar
Energy of radiative photon from tau-.
std::vector< int > vec_ep
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
std::vector< int > vec_k0l
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
static constexpr int finalStatePDGs[5]
PDG codes accepted as charged final state particles in generation: {e, mu, pi, K, p}.
std::vector< int > vec_eta
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_km
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_anumu
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_dau_tauplus
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_rhom
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_gam
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::string m_file_minus
Alternative mapping for tau-.
int m_taup_no
number of tau+ unclassified events
std::vector< int > vec_dau_tauminus
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_kp
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_b1m
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::vector< int > vec_rho0
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
std::map< std::string, int > mode_decay_minus
Mapping for tau- decays.
std::map< std::string, int > mode_decay_plus
Mapping for tau+ decays.
std::vector< int > vec_a0p_1450
Variable name of the vector where particles identified in the event are stored.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.