Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <cdc/calibration/TimeWalkCalibrationAlgorithm.h>
9 #include <cdc/dbobjects/CDCTimeWalks.h>
10 #include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h>
11 #include <cdc/dataobjects/WireID.h>
13 #include <TF1.h>
14 #include <TFile.h>
15 #include <TDirectory.h>
16 #include <TROOT.h>
17 #include <TTree.h>
18 #include <TStopwatch.h>
20 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
21 #include <framework/database/IntervalOfValidity.h>
22 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
24 using namespace std;
25 using namespace Belle2;
26 using namespace CDC;
28 TimeWalkCalibrationAlgorithm::TimeWalkCalibrationAlgorithm() : CalibrationAlgorithm("CDCCalibrationCollector")
29 {
31  " -------------------------- Time Walk Calibration Algorithm -------------------------\n"
32  );
33 }
36 {
37  B2INFO("Creating and filling histograms");
41  double halfCSize[56];
42  for (int i = 0; i < 56; ++i) {
43  double R = cdcgeo.senseWireR(i);
44  double nW = cdcgeo.nWiresInLayer(i);
45  halfCSize[i] = M_PI * R / nW;
46  }
48  // Histogram for each board
49  for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i) {
50  m_h2[i] = new TH2D(Form("board_%d", i), Form("board_%d", i), 50, 0., 500, 60, -30, 30);
51  }
53  // Read data
55  auto tree = getObjectPtr<TTree>("tree");
57  Float_t x;
58  Float_t t_mea;
59  Float_t t_fit;
60  Float_t ndf;
61  Float_t Pval;
62  UShort_t adc;
63  UShort_t IWire;
64  UChar_t lay;
66  tree->SetBranchAddress("lay", &lay);
67  tree->SetBranchAddress("IWire", &IWire);
68  tree->SetBranchAddress("x_u", &x);
69  tree->SetBranchAddress("t", &t_mea);
70  tree->SetBranchAddress("t_fit", &t_fit);
71  tree->SetBranchAddress("ndf", &ndf);
72  tree->SetBranchAddress("Pval", &Pval);
73  tree->SetBranchAddress("adc", &adc);
75  /* Disable unused branch */
76  std::vector<TString> list_vars = {"lay", "IWire", "x_u", "t", "t_fit", "Pval", "ndf", "adc"};
77  tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
79  for (TString brname : list_vars) {
80  tree->SetBranchStatus(brname, 1);
81  }
83  const Long64_t nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
84  B2INFO("Number of entries: " << nEntries);
85  TStopwatch time;
86  time.Start();
87  for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
88  tree->GetEntry(i);
89  const double xmax = halfCSize[lay] - 0.12;
90  if ((fabs(x) < m_xmin) || (fabs(x) > xmax)
91  || (ndf < m_minNdf)
92  || (Pval < m_minPval)) continue; /*select good region*/
94  m_h2[cdcgeo.getBoardID(WireID(lay, IWire))]->Fill(adc, fabs(t_mea) - fabs(t_fit));
95  }
96  time.Stop();
97  B2INFO("Time to fill histograms: " << time.RealTime() << "s");
99 }
102 {
103  B2INFO("Start calibration");
104  gROOT->SetBatch(1);
106  const auto exprun = getRunList()[0];
107  B2INFO("ExpRun used for DB Geometry : " << exprun.first << " " << exprun.second);
108  updateDBObjPtrs(1, exprun.second, exprun.first);
109  B2INFO("Creating CDCGeometryPar object");
112  prepare();
113  createHisto();
115  TF1* fold = nullptr;
116  if (m_twParamMode == 0)
117  fold = new TF1("fold", "[0]/sqrt(x)", 0, 500);
118  else if (m_twParamMode == 1)
119  fold = new TF1("fold", "[0]*exp(-1*[1]*x)", 0, 500);
121  if (fold == nullptr) {
122  B2FATAL("Old fitting function is not defined.");
123  }
126  B2INFO("time walk formular: ");
127  [](TF1 * f) { auto title = f->GetTitle(); B2INFO("Expression : " << title);}(fold);
128  // B2INFO("New time walk mode : " << m_twParamMode_new << " with " << m_nTwParams_new << " parameters");
130  for (int ib = 1; ib < 300; ++ib) {
131  m_flag[ib] = 1;
132  B2DEBUG(21, "Board ID:" << ib);
133  m_h2[ib]->SetDirectory(0);
135  // Ignore if histogram has low stat. (<500 entries)
136  if (m_h2[ib]->GetEntries() < 500) {
137  m_flag[ib] = 0;
138  continue;
139  }
140  m_h2[ib]->FitSlicesY(0, 1, -1, 10);
141  TString name = m_h2[ib]->GetName();
142  TString hm_name = name + "_1";
143  m_h1[ib] = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get(hm_name);
144  if (!m_h1[ib]) {m_flag[ib] = 0; continue;}
145  m_h1[ib]->SetDirectory(0);
146  if (m_h1[ib]->GetEntries() < 5) {
147  m_flag[ib] = 0;
148  B2WARNING("Low statistic, number of points after slice fit: " << m_h1[ib]->GetEntries());
149  continue;
150  }
152  // Add previous correction to this
153  for (int p = 0; p < m_nTwParams; ++p) {
154  fold->SetParameter(p, m_tw_old[ib][p]);
155  }
158  if (m_twParamMode == 0) {
159  TF1* func = new TF1("func", "[0]+[1]/sqrt(x)", 0, 500);
160  func->SetParameters(-4, 28);
161  m_h1[ib]->Fit("func", "MQ", "", 20, 150);
162  } else if (m_twParamMode == 1) {
163  m_h1[ib]->Add(fold);
165  } else {
166  B2FATAL("Mode " << m_twParamMode << " is not available, please check again");
167  }
169  // Read fitted parameters
170  TF1* f1 = m_h1[ib]->GetFunction("func");
171  if (!f1) { m_flag[ib] = 0; continue;}
172  m_constTerm[ib] = f1->GetParameter(0);
173  for (int i = 1; i <= m_nTwParams; ++i) {
174  m_tw_new[ib][i - 1] = f1->GetParameter(i);
175  }
178  B2DEBUG(21, "Prob of fitting:" << f1->GetProb());
179  B2DEBUG(21, "Fitting Param 0-1:" << f1->GetParameter(0) << " - " << f1->GetParameter(1));
181  }
183  //Write histogram to file
184  if (m_storeHisto) {
185  storeHist();
186  }
188  write();
189  updateT0();
191  return checkConvergence();
192 }
195 {
196  B2INFO("Storing histogram");
197  B2DEBUG(21, "Store 1D histogram");
198  TFile* fhist = new TFile(m_histName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
199  auto hNDF = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("hNDF");
200  auto hPval = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("hPval");
201  auto hEvtT0 = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("hEventT0");
202  //store NDF, P-val. EventT0 histogram for monitoring during calibration
203  if (hNDF && hPval && hEvtT0) {
204  hEvtT0->Write();
205  hPval->Write();
206  hNDF->Write();
207  }
209  TDirectory* old = gDirectory;
210  TDirectory* h1D = old->mkdir("h1D");
211  TDirectory* h2D = old->mkdir("h2D");
212  h1D->cd();
213  for (int ib = 1; ib < 300; ++ib) {
214  if (!m_h1[ib] || m_flag[ib] != 1) continue;
215  if (m_h1[ib]->GetEntries() < 5) continue;
216  m_h1[ib]->SetMinimum(-5);
217  m_h1[ib]->SetMaximum(15);
218  m_h1[ib]->Write();
219  }
221  B2DEBUG(21, "Store 2D histogram");
222  h2D->cd();
223  for (int ib = 1; ib < 300; ++ib) {
224  if (m_h2[ib] == nullptr) continue;
225  if (m_h2[ib]->GetEntries() < 5) continue;
226  m_h2[ib]->Write();
228  }
230  fhist->Close();
231  B2INFO("Hitograms were stored");
232 }
235 {
236  TH1F* hDtw = new TH1F("hDtw", "", 100, -1, 1);
237  for (int ib = 0; ib < 300; ++ib) {
238  float dtw = (m_tw_new[ib][0] - m_tw_old[ib][0]) / m_tw_old[ib][0];
239  if (std::isnan(dtw) == 0) {
240  hDtw->Fill(dtw);
241  }
242  }
244  B2INFO(hDtw->GetRMS());
246  if (hDtw->GetRMS() < 0.02) {
247  return c_OK;
248  } else {
249  return c_Iterate;
250  }
251  delete hDtw;
252 }
255 {
256  B2INFO("Save to the local DB");
257  CDCTimeWalks* dbTw = new CDCTimeWalks();
258  int nfailure = 0;
261  for (int ib = 0; ib < 300; ++ib) {
262  if (m_flag[ib] != 1) {
263  nfailure += 1;
264  }
265  if (m_twParamMode == 0) {
266  const int num = static_cast<int>(m_tw_old[ib].size());
267  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
268  m_tw_new[ib][i] += m_tw_old[ib][i];
269  }
270  }
272  dbTw->setTimeWalkParams(ib, m_tw_new[ib]);
273  }
275  if (m_textOutput == true) {
277  B2RESULT("Time-walk coeff. table has been written to " << m_outputTWFileName.c_str());
278  }
280  saveCalibration(dbTw, "CDCTimeWalks");
281  B2RESULT("Failure to calibrate time-walk for " << nfailure << " board");
283 }
286 {
287  B2INFO("Prepare calibration");
290  m_twParamMode = dbTw->getTwParamMode();
292  if (!(m_twParamMode == 0 || m_twParamMode == 1)) {
293  B2FATAL("Mode " << m_twParamMode << " haven't implemented yet.");
294  }
296  B2INFO("tw param mode " << m_twParamMode);
297  const int nEntries = dbTw->getEntries();
298  for (int ib = 0; ib < nEntries; ++ib) {
299  m_tw_old[ib] = dbTw->getTimeWalkParams(ib);
300  m_tw_new[ib].resize(m_nTwParams, 0.0);
301  }
302 }
305 {
306  B2INFO("Add constant term into T0 database");
308  CDCTimeZeros* tz = new CDCTimeZeros();
309  double T0;
310  for (int ilay = 0; ilay < 56; ++ilay) {
311  const unsigned int nW = cdcgeo.nWiresInLayer(ilay);
312  for (unsigned int iwire = 0; iwire < nW; ++iwire) {
313  WireID wireid(ilay, iwire);
314  int bID = cdcgeo.getBoardID(wireid);
315  T0 = cdcgeo.getT0(wireid);
316  if (m_flag[bID] == 1) {
317  tz->setT0(wireid, T0 - m_constTerm[bID]);
318  } else {
319  tz->setT0(wireid, T0);
320  }
321  }
322  }
323  if (m_textOutput == true) {
325  }
326  saveCalibration(tz, "CDCTimeZeros");
327 }
330 {
331  h1->SetDirectory(0);
332  int max = h1->GetMaximumBin();
333  double maxX = h1->GetBinCenter(max);
334  double maxY = h1->GetBinContent(max);
335  B2DEBUG(21, "Max: id - x - y : " << max << " " << maxX << " " << maxY);
337  //search for p0
338  double p0 = -1;
339  h1->Fit("pol0", "MQE", "", maxX + 125, 500);
340  if (h1->GetFunction("pol0")) {
341  p0 = h1->GetFunction("pol0")->GetParameter(0);
342  }
343  //create histo = old-p0;
344  // fit with expo function to find intial parameters
345  TH1D* hshift = new TH1D("hshift", "shift", h1->GetNbinsX(), 0, 500);
346  hshift->SetDirectory(0);
347  for (int i = 0; i <= h1->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
348  hshift->SetBinContent(i, h1->GetBinContent(i) - p0);
349  }
350  hshift->Fit("expo", "MQE", "", 0, 400);
351  double p1 = maxY + p0;
352  double p2 = -0.04;
353  if (hshift->GetFunction("expo")) {
354  p1 = exp(hshift->GetFunction("expo")->GetParameter(0));
355  p2 = hshift->GetFunction("expo")->GetParameter(1);
356  }
358  // fit with function
359  TF1* func = new TF1("func", "[0]+ [1]*exp(-1*[2]*x)", 0, 500);
360  func->SetParameters(p0, p1, -1 * p2);
361  func->SetParLimits(0, -5, 5);
362  func->SetParLimits(1, -5, 500);
363  func->SetParLimits(2, -0.01, 0.1);
364  h1->Fit("func", "MQE", "", 10, 400);
365 }
double R
typedef autogenerated by FFTW
Database object for time-walk.
Definition: CDCTimeWalks.h:25
void outputToFile(std::string fileName) const
Output the contents in text file format.
Definition: CDCTimeWalks.h:134
void setTwParamMode(unsigned short mode)
Set tw parameterization mode mode=0: tw (in ns) = p0/sqrt(FADCsum); mode=1: tw( in ns) = p0*exp(-p1*F...
Definition: CDCTimeWalks.h:38
void setTimeWalkParams(unsigned short boardID, const std::vector< float > &params)
Set the time-walk coefficients in the list.
Definition: CDCTimeWalks.h:48
Database object for timing offset (t0).
Definition: CDCTimeZeros.h:26
void outputToFile(std::string fileName) const
Output the contents in text file format.
Definition: CDCTimeZeros.h:123
void setT0(unsigned short iCLayer, unsigned short iWire, float t0)
Set t0 in the list.
Definition: CDCTimeZeros.h:40
The Class for CDC Geometry Parameters.
unsigned short getBoardID(const WireID &wID) const
Returns frontend board id. corresponding to the wire id.
float getT0(const WireID &wireID) const
Returns t0 parameter of the specified sense wire.
unsigned nWiresInLayer(int layerId) const
Returns wire numbers in a layer.
static CDCGeometryPar & Instance(const CDCGeometry *=nullptr)
Static method to get a reference to the CDCGeometryPar instance.
double senseWireR(int layerId) const
Returns radius of sense wire in each layer.
double m_xmin
minimum value cut of drift length.
std::string m_outputT0FileName
t0 file name after calibration.
TH2D * m_h2[300]
2D histogram of residual vs ADC for each board.
unsigned short m_twParamMode
=0 for P0/Sqrt(ADC); =1 for P0*Exp(-P1*ADC).
double m_constTerm[300]
const term in fitting, it will be added to T0 instead tw
double m_minNdf
minimum number of degree of freedom required for track.
unsigned short m_flag[300]
flag for fit status
double m_minPval
minimum number of Prob(chi2) of fitted track.
void updateT0()
update constant term to t0 database.
std::vector< float > m_tw_old[300]
tw list before calibration.
DBObjPtr< CDCGeometry > m_cdcGeo
Geometry of CDC.
std::string m_outputTWFileName
tw file name after calibration.
std::vector< float > m_tw_new[300]
tw list after calibration.
TH1D * m_h1[300]
Mean of residual as function of ADC of each board.
Base class for calibration algorithms.
void saveCalibration(TClonesArray *data, const std::string &name)
Store DBArray payload with given name with default IOV.
void updateDBObjPtrs(const unsigned int event, const int run, const int experiment)
Updates any DBObjPtrs by calling update(event) for DBStore.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Set algorithm description (in constructor)
The result of calibration.
@ c_OK
Finished successfuly =0 in Python.
@ c_Iterate
Needs iteration =1 in Python.
const std::vector< Calibration::ExpRun > & getRunList() const
Get the list of runs for which calibration is called.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC.
Definition: WireID.h:34
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.