35 void setCuts(
const bool status,
const float cutPt,
const float cutFirst,
const float cutSecond)
The payload containing the cuts for 2 mva based filters to decide whether a RecoTrack should be flipp...
Default constructor.
float getFirstCut() const
get the first cuts value
ClassDef(TrackFlippingCuts, 4)
ClassDef, necessary for ROOT.
float getSecondCut() const
get the second cuts value
float m_cutPt
The cuts on Transverse Momentum to do flip&refit.
void setCuts(const bool status, const float cutPt, const float cutFirst, const float cutSecond)
Set the cuts for the two filters.
float getPtCut() const
get the Pt cut for flip&refit
bool m_status
whether to switch on or off the flip&refit.
bool getOnOffInfo() const
get the info about turnning on/off the flip&refit
float m_cutFirst
The cuts for the 1st filter.
float m_cutSecond
The cuts for the 2nd filter.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.