71 double width = 0,
double length = 0,
bool height = 0,
const std::string& material =
The Class for VXD Radiation Sensor parameters.
bool m_insideEnvelope
For PXD they need to be outside the envelope volume, for SVD they are inside the detector.
double getWidth() const
get the width
const std::vector< VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPositionPar > & getPositions() const
get the positions of radiation sensors
VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPar(const std::string &subdetector="", bool insideEnvelope=false, double width=0, double length=0, bool height=0, const std::string &material="")
double getHeight() const
get the height
ClassDef(VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPar, 5)
ClassDef, must be the last term before the closing {}.
std::string m_material
Material name.
void setMaterial(const std::string &material)
set the name of the material
const std::string & getSubDetector() const
get the name of the subdetector
void addPosition(const VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPositionPar &position)
add radiation sensor position
double m_width
Dimension of the sensor in mm.
void setLength(double length)
set the length
bool getInsideEnvelope() const
return whether radiation sensor are inside envelope volume
void setHeight(double height)
set the height
void setWidth(double width)
set the width
double m_length
Dimension of the sensor in mm.
const std::string & getMaterial() const
get the name of the material
void setInsideEnvelope(bool insideEnvelope)
set whether radiation sensor are inside envelope volume
double m_height
Dimension of the sensor in um.
void setSubDetector(const std::string &subdetector)
set the name of the subdetector
double getLength() const
get the length
std::vector< VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPositionPar > m_positions
Position of radiation sensors.
std::string m_subdetector
one of "PXD" or "SVD"
The Class for VXD Radiation Sensor Position parameters.
void addSensor(int id, double phi)
add sensor with individual id
double m_radius
Common radial position of the sensor centers in mm.
void setTheta(double theta)
set the common angle to the z axis, 0 is parallel to z in deg
void setRadius(double radius)
set the common radial position of the sensor centers
ClassDef(VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPositionPar, 5)
ClassDef, must be the last term before the closing {}.
void setZ(double z)
set the common z position of the sensor centers
VXDGeoRadiationSensorsPositionPar(double z=0, double radius=0, double theta=0)
double m_theta
Common angle to the z axis, 0 is parallel to z in deg.
double getZ() const
get the common z position of the sensor centers
const std::map< int, double > & getSensors() const
get the vector storing ids of individual sensors
double getRadius() const
get the common radial position of the sensor centers
double m_z
Common z position of the sensor centers in mm.
std::map< int, double > m_sensors
Individual radiations sensors.
double getTheta() const
get the common angle to the z axis, 0 is parallel to z in deg
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.