32 bool flipU =
bool flipV =
bool flipW =
The Class for VXD Sensor Placement payload.
void setFlipW(bool flipW)
set whether or not the sensor should be flipped around the W coordinate
void setFlipU(bool flipU)
set whether or not the sensor should be flipped around the U coordinate
bool m_flipV
flip sensor along v?
bool getFlipV() const
return whether or not the sensor should be flipped around the V coordinate
bool m_flipU
flip sensor along u?
ClassDef(VXDGeoSensorPlacementPar, 5)
ClassDef, must be the last term before the closing {}.
int getSensorID() const
get the sensor id inside the ladder
void setSensorID(int sensorID)
set the sensor id inside the ladder
void setSensorTypeID(const std::string &sensorTypeID)
set the sensor type id, internal id only needed for construction
void setZ(double z)
set the z position of the sensor
const std::string & getSensorTypeID() const
get the sensor type id, internal id only needed for construction
std::string m_sensorTypeID
Type of the sensor to be used.
bool getFlipU() const
return whether or not the sensor should be flipped around the U coordinate
bool m_flipW
flip sensor along w?
void setFlipV(bool flipV)
set whether or not the sensor should be flipped around the V coordinate
double getZ() const
get the z position of the sensor
int m_sensorID
ID of the sensor inside the ladder.
bool getFlipW() const
return whether or not the sensor should be flipped around the W coordinate
VXDGeoSensorPlacementPar(int sensorID=0, const std::string &sensorTypeID="", double z=0, bool flipU=false, bool flipV=false, bool flipW=false)
double m_z
global z position of the center of the sensor
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.