Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #pragma once
10 #include <fstream>
11 #include <string>
13 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
14 #include <tracking/trackFindingVXD/environment/VXDTFFilters.h>
16 namespace Belle2 {
23  namespace SecMapHelper {
26 // // // // /** overloaded print-version for typical activeSector-networks without CACell-stuff */
27 // // // // template<class HitType>
28 // // // // void printStaticSectorRelations(const VXDTFFilters<HitType>& filters, std::string configName, unsigned int nHitCombinations = 2, bool print2File = true, bool suppressDeadSectors = true)
29 // // // // {
30 // // // // if (nHitCombinations <2 or nHitCombinations > 4)
31 // // // // B2FATAL("printStaticSectorRelations: input-parameter wrong ("
32 // // // // << nHitCombinations
33 // // // // << ", allowed only 2-4), skipping print-function!")
34 // // // //
35 // // // // std::string fullOut = "digraph G {\n";
36 // // // // fullOut += "ranksep=\"0.2\" edge[labelfontsize=\"8\" fontsize=\"8\" arrowsize=\"0.9\"] nodesep=\"0.2\" node[shape=\"box\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" fontsize=\"10\"]";
37 // // // // // rankdir="LR" ranksep="0.2" edge[labelfontsize="8" fontsize="8" labeldistance="0.8" arrowsize="0.9" labelangle="-30" dir="none"] nodesep="0.2" node[width="0" height="0" fontsize="10"]
38 // // // // for (auto* entry : network) { // write vertices:
39 // // // //
40 // // // // std::stringstream outStream;
41 // // // // outStream << entry->getEntry();
42 // // // // fullOut += std::to_string(entry->getIndex()) +
43 // // // // " [label=\"" +
44 // // // // outStream.str() +
45 // // // // // " State: " +
46 // // // // // std::to_string(entry->getMetaInfo().getState()) +
47 // // // // // " isSeed: " +
48 // // // // // std::to_string(entry->getMetaInfo().isSeed()) +
49 // // // // "\"];\n";
50 // // // // }
51 // // // // for (auto* entry : network) { // write edges:
52 // // // // for (auto* nb : entry->getInnerNodes()) {
53 // // // // std::string arrowStyle = "";
54 // // // // fullOut += std::to_string(entry->getIndex()) + " -> " + std::to_string(nb->getIndex()) + arrowStyle + ";\n";
55 // // // // }
56 // // // // }
57 // // // // fullOut += "labelloc=\"t\";\nlabel=\"" + fName + "\";\n";
58 // // // // fullOut += "}\n";
59 // // // //
60 // // // // std::ofstream ofs;
61 // // // // + ".gv", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
62 // // // // ofs << fullOut;
63 // // // // ofs.close();
64 // // // // };
74  template<class HitType>
75  void printStaticSectorRelations(const VXDTFFilters<HitType>& filters, const std::string& configName,
76  unsigned int nHitCombinations = 2, bool print2File = true, bool suppressDeadSectors = true)
77  {
78  if (nHitCombinations <2 or nHitCombinations > 4)
79  B2FATAL("printStaticSectorRelations: input-parameter wrong ("
80  << nHitCombinations
81  << ", allowed only 2-4), skipping print-function!");
83  std::string secIDCombis = "## printed " + std::to_string(nHitCombinations) + "-sector-combi-output of secMap: " + configName +
84  "\n{";
85  for (const auto* staticSector : filters.getStaticSectors()) {
86  if (staticSector == nullptr) continue;
87  std::string mainSecID = staticSector->getFullSecID().getFullSecString();
89  if (nHitCombinations == 2) {
90  const auto& innerSectors = staticSector->getInner2spSecIDs();
91  if (innerSectors.empty()) {
92  if (suppressDeadSectors == false) { secIDCombis += "\"" + mainSecID + "\",\n"; }
93  } else {
94  for (const auto& innerID : innerSectors) {
95  secIDCombis += "\"" + mainSecID + "\" -> \"" + innerID.getFullSecString() + "\",\n";
96  }
97  }
99  } else if (nHitCombinations == 3) {
100  // TODO discuss: do we want to treat the nodes as sectors or as sector-pairs in this case? more correct would be sector-pair...)
101  const auto& innerSectors = staticSector->getInner3spSecIDs();
102  if (innerSectors.empty()) {
103  if (suppressDeadSectors == false) { secIDCombis += "\"" + mainSecID + "\",\n"; }
104  } else {
105  for (const auto& innerIDpair : innerSectors) {
106  secIDCombis += "\"" + mainSecID + "\" -> \"" + innerIDpair.first.getFullSecString() + "\",\n";
107  secIDCombis += "\"" + innerIDpair.first.getFullSecString() + "\" -> \"" + innerIDpair.second.getFullSecString() + "\",\n";
108  }
109  }
111  } else if (nHitCombinations == 4) {
112  // TODO discuss: do we want to treat the nodes as sectors or as sector-pairs in this case? more correct would be sector-pair...)
113  const auto& innerSectors = staticSector->getInner4spSecIDs();
114  if (innerSectors.empty()) {
115  if (suppressDeadSectors == false) { secIDCombis += "\"" + mainSecID + "\",\n"; }
116  } else {
117  for (const auto& innerIDtriplet : innerSectors) {
118  secIDCombis += "\"" + mainSecID + "\" -> \"" + std::get<0>(innerIDtriplet).getFullSecString() + "\",\n";
119  secIDCombis += "\"" + std::get<0>(innerIDtriplet).getFullSecString() + "\" -> \"" + std::get<1>
120  (innerIDtriplet).getFullSecString() + "\",\n";
121  secIDCombis += "\"" + std::get<1>(innerIDtriplet).getFullSecString() + "\" -> \"" + std::get<2>
122  (innerIDtriplet).getFullSecString() + "\",\n";
123  }
124  }
126  }
127  }
129  secIDCombis += "};";
131  if (print2File == true) {
132  B2DEBUG(29, "Printing static sector relations to file " << configName << "4Mathematica.txt...\n");
133  std::ofstream ofs;
134 + "4Mathematica.txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
135  ofs << secIDCombis;
136  ofs.close();
137  }
138  }
140  } // SecMapHelper namespace
142 } //Belle2 namespace
Class that contains all the static sectors to which the filters are attached.
Definition: VXDTFFilters.h:63
const std::vector< staticSector_t * > & getStaticSectors() const
JKL: intended for some checks only - returns CompactIDsMap storing the static sectors.
Definition: VXDTFFilters.h:286
void printStaticSectorRelations(const VXDTFFilters< HitType > &filters, const std::string &configName, unsigned int nHitCombinations=2, bool print2File=true, bool suppressDeadSectors=true)
TODO dot-compatible version of printStaticSectorRelations:
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.