Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <analysis/modules/VariablesToNtuple/VariablesToNtupleModule.h>
11 // analysis
12 #include <analysis/dataobjects/ParticleList.h>
13 #include <analysis/VariableManager/Manager.h>
14 #include <analysis/VariableManager/Utility.h>
15 #include <analysis/dataobjects/StringWrapper.h>
17 // framework
18 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
19 #include <framework/pcore/ProcHandler.h>
20 #include <framework/core/ModuleParam.templateDetails.h>
21 #include <framework/core/Environment.h>
23 // framework - root utilities
24 #include <framework/utilities/MakeROOTCompatible.h>
25 #include <framework/utilities/RootFileCreationManager.h>
27 #include <cmath>
29 using namespace std;
30 using namespace Belle2;
32 // Register module in the framework
33 REG_MODULE(VariablesToNtuple);
36 VariablesToNtupleModule::VariablesToNtupleModule() :
37  Module(), m_tree("", DataStore::c_Persistent)
38 {
39  //Set module properties
40  setDescription("Calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a TNtuple. The TNtuple is candidate-based, meaning that the variables of each candidate are saved into separate rows.");
43  vector<string> emptylist;
44  addParam("particleList", m_particleList,
45  "Name of particle list with reconstructed particles. If no list is provided the variables are saved once per event (only possible for event-type variables)",
46  std::string(""));
47  addParam("variables", m_variables,
48  "List of variables (or collections) to save. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector.",
49  emptylist);
51  addParam("fileName", m_fileName, "Name of ROOT file for output. Can be overridden using the -o argument of basf2.",
52  string("VariablesToNtuple.root"));
53  addParam("treeName", m_treeName, "Name of the NTuple in the saved file.", string("ntuple"));
54  addParam("basketSize", m_basketsize, "Size of baskets in Output NTuple in bytes.", 1600);
56  std::tuple<std::string, std::map<int, unsigned int>> default_sampling{"", {}};
57  addParam("sampling", m_sampling,
58  "Tuple of variable name and a map of integer values and inverse sampling rate. E.g. (signal, {1: 0, 0:10}) selects all signal candidates and every 10th background candidate.",
59  default_sampling);
61  addParam("signalSideParticleList", m_signalSideParticleList,
62  "Name of signal-side particle list to store the index of the signal-side particle when one calls the module in a for_each loop over the RestOfEvent",
63  std::string(""));
65  addParam("fileNameSuffix", m_fileNameSuffix, "The suffix of the output ROOT file to be appended before ``.root``.",
66  string(""));
68 }
71 {
72  m_eventMetaData.isRequired();
73  if (not m_particleList.empty())
76  // Initializing the output root file
78  // override the output file name with what's been provided with the -o option
79  const std::string& outputFileArgument = Environment::Instance().getOutputFileOverride();
80  if (!outputFileArgument.empty())
81  m_fileName = outputFileArgument;
83  if (!m_fileNameSuffix.empty())
84  m_fileName = m_fileName.insert(m_fileName.rfind(".root"), m_fileNameSuffix);
86  if (m_fileName.empty()) {
87  B2FATAL("Output root file name is not set. Please set a valid root output file name (\"fileName\" module parameter).");
88  }
89  // See if there is already a file in which case add a new tree to it ...
90  // otherwise create a new file (all handled by framework)
92  if (!m_file) {
93  B2ERROR("Could not create file \"" << m_fileName <<
94  "\". Please set a valid root output file name (\"fileName\" module parameter).");
95  return;
96  }
98  TDirectory::TContext directoryGuard(m_file.get());
100  // check if TTree with that name already exists
101  if (m_file->Get(m_treeName.c_str())) {
102  B2FATAL("Tree with the name \"" << m_treeName
103  << "\" already exists in the file \"" << m_fileName << "\"\n"
104  << "\nYou probably want to either set the output fileName or the treeName to something else:\n\n"
105  << " from modularAnalysis import variablesToNtuple\n"
106  << " variablesToNtuple('pi+:all', ['p'], treename='pions', filename='variablesToNtuple.root')\n"
107  << " variablesToNtuple('gamma:all', ['p'], treename='photons', filename='variablesToNtuple.root') # two trees, same file\n"
108  << "\n == Or ==\n"
109  << " from modularAnalysis import variablesToNtuple\n"
110  << " variablesToNtuple('pi+:all', ['p'], filename='pions.root')\n"
111  << " variablesToNtuple('gamma:all', ['p'], filename='photons.root') # two files\n"
112  );
113  return;
114  }
116  // set up tree and register it in the datastore
117  m_tree.registerInDataStore(m_fileName + m_treeName, DataStore::c_DontWriteOut);
118  m_tree.construct(m_treeName.c_str(), "");
119  m_tree->get().SetCacheSize(100000);
121  // declare counter branches - pass through variable list, remove counters added by user
122  m_tree->get().Branch("__experiment__", &m_experiment, "__experiment__/I");
123  m_tree->get().Branch("__run__", &m_run, "__run__/I");
124  m_tree->get().Branch("__event__", &m_event, "__event__/i");
125  m_tree->get().Branch("__production__", &m_production, "__production__/I");
126  if (not m_particleList.empty()) {
127  m_tree->get().Branch("__candidate__", &m_candidate, "__candidate__/I");
128  m_tree->get().Branch("__ncandidates__", &m_ncandidates, "__ncandidates__/I");
129  }
131  if (not m_signalSideParticleList.empty()) {
133  m_tree->get().Branch("__signalSideCandidate__", &m_signalSideCandidate, "__signalSideCandidate__/I");
134  m_tree->get().Branch("__nSignalSideCandidates__", &m_nSignalSideCandidates, "__nSignalSideCandidates__/I");
135  if (not m_roe.isOptional("RestOfEvent")) {
136  B2WARNING("The signalSideParticleList is set outside of a for_each loop over the RestOfEvent. "
137  << "__signalSideCandidates__ and __nSignalSideCandidate__ will be always -1 and 0, respectively.");
138  }
139  }
141  if (m_stringWrapper.isOptional("MCDecayString"))
142  m_tree->get().Branch("__MCDecayString__", &m_MCDecayString);
144  for (const auto& variable : m_variables)
145  if (Variable::isCounterVariable(variable)) {
146  B2WARNING("The counter '" << variable
147  << "' is handled automatically by VariablesToNtuple, you don't need to add it.");
148  }
150  // declare branches and get the variable strings
152  // remove duplicates from list of variables but keep the previous order
153  unordered_set<string> seen;
154  auto newEnd = remove_if(m_variables.begin(), m_variables.end(), [&seen](const string & varStr) {
155  if (seen.find(varStr) != std::end(seen)) return true;
156  seen.insert(varStr);
157  return false;
158  });
159  m_variables.erase(newEnd, m_variables.end());
161  m_branchAddressesDouble.resize(m_variables.size() + 1);
162  m_branchAddressesInt.resize(m_variables.size() + 1);
163  m_tree->get().Branch("__weight__", &m_branchAddressesDouble[0], "__weight__/D");
164  size_t enumerate = 1;
165  for (const string& varStr : m_variables) {
166  string branchName = MakeROOTCompatible::makeROOTCompatible(varStr);
168  // Check for deprecated variables
171  // also collection function pointers
173  if (!var) {
174  B2ERROR("Variable '" << varStr << "' is not available in Variable::Manager!");
175  } else {
176  if (m_particleList.empty() && var->description.find("[Eventbased]") == string::npos) {
177  B2ERROR("Variable '" << varStr << "' is not an event-based variable, "
178  "but you are using VariablesToNtuple without a decay string, i.e. in the event-wise mode.\n"
179  "If you have created an event-based alias you can wrap your alias with `eventCached` to "
180  "declare it as event based, which avoids this error.\n\n"
181  "vm.addAlias('myAliasName', 'eventCached(myAlias)')");
182  continue;
183  }
184  if (var->variabletype == Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_double) {
185  m_tree->get().Branch(branchName.c_str(), &m_branchAddressesDouble[enumerate], (branchName + "/D").c_str());
186  } else if (var->variabletype == Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_int) {
187  m_tree->get().Branch(branchName.c_str(), &m_branchAddressesInt[enumerate], (branchName + "/I").c_str());
188  } else if (var->variabletype == Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_bool) {
189  m_tree->get().Branch(branchName.c_str(), &m_branchAddressesInt[enumerate], (branchName + "/O").c_str());
190  }
191  m_functions.push_back(std::make_pair(var->function, var->variabletype));
192  }
193  enumerate++;
194  }
195  m_tree->get().SetBasketSize("*", m_basketsize);
197  m_sampling_name = std::get<0>(m_sampling);
198  m_sampling_rates = std::get<1>(m_sampling);
200  if (m_sampling_name != "") {
202  if (m_sampling_variable == nullptr) {
203  B2FATAL("Couldn't find sample variable " << m_sampling_name << " via the Variable::Manager. Check the name!");
204  }
205  for (const auto& pair : m_sampling_rates)
206  m_sampling_counts[pair.first] = 0;
207  } else {
208  m_sampling_variable = nullptr;
209  }
210 }
214 {
215  if (m_sampling_variable == nullptr)
216  return 1.0;
218  long target = 0;
219  if (m_sampling_variable->variabletype == Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_double) {
220  target = std::lround(std::get<double>(m_sampling_variable->function(particle)));
221  } else if (m_sampling_variable->variabletype == Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_int) {
222  target = std::lround(std::get<int>(m_sampling_variable->function(particle)));
223  } else if (m_sampling_variable->variabletype == Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_bool) {
224  target = std::lround(std::get<bool>(m_sampling_variable->function(particle)));
225  }
226  if (m_sampling_rates.find(target) != m_sampling_rates.end() and m_sampling_rates[target] > 0) {
227  m_sampling_counts[target]++;
228  if (m_sampling_counts[target] % m_sampling_rates[target] != 0)
229  return 0;
230  else {
231  m_sampling_counts[target] = 0;
232  return m_sampling_rates[target];
233  }
234  }
235  return 1.0;
236 }
239 {
240  m_event = m_eventMetaData->getEvent();
241  m_run = m_eventMetaData->getRun();
242  m_experiment = m_eventMetaData->getExperiment();
243  m_production = m_eventMetaData->getProduction();
245  if (m_stringWrapper.isValid())
246  m_MCDecayString = m_stringWrapper->getString();
247  else
248  m_MCDecayString = "";
250  if (not m_signalSideParticleList.empty()) {
251  if (m_roe.isValid()) {
253  auto signal = m_roe->getRelatedFrom<Particle>();
254  m_signalSideCandidate = signaSideParticleList->getIndex(signal);
255  m_nSignalSideCandidates = signaSideParticleList->getListSize();
256  } else {
259  }
260  }
262  if (m_particleList.empty()) {
264  if (m_branchAddressesDouble[0] > 0) {
265  for (unsigned int iVar = 0; iVar < m_variables.size(); iVar++) {
266  auto var_result = std::get<0>(m_functions[iVar])(nullptr);
267  auto var_type = std::get<1>(m_functions[iVar]);
268  if (std::holds_alternative<double>(var_result)) {
269  if (var_type != Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_double)
270  B2WARNING("Wrong registered data type for variable '" + m_variables[iVar] +
271  "'. Expected Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_double. Exported data for this variable might be incorrect.");
272  m_branchAddressesDouble[iVar + 1] = std::get<double>(var_result);
273  } else if (std::holds_alternative<int>(var_result)) {
274  if (var_type != Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_int)
275  B2WARNING("Wrong registered data type for variable '" + m_variables[iVar] +
276  "'. Expected Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_int. Exported data for this variable might be incorrect.");
277  m_branchAddressesInt[iVar + 1] = std::get<int>(var_result);
278  } else if (std::holds_alternative<bool>(var_result)) {
279  if (var_type != Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_bool)
280  B2WARNING("Wrong registered data type for variable '" + m_variables[iVar] +
281  "'. Expected Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_bool. Exported data for this variable might be incorrect.");
282  m_branchAddressesInt[iVar + 1] = std::get<bool>(var_result);
283  }
284  }
285  m_tree->get().Fill();
286  }
288  } else {
290  m_ncandidates = particlelist->getListSize();
291  for (unsigned int iPart = 0; iPart < m_ncandidates; iPart++) {
292  m_candidate = iPart;
293  const Particle* particle = particlelist->getParticle(iPart);
295  if (m_branchAddressesDouble[0] > 0) {
296  for (unsigned int iVar = 0; iVar < m_variables.size(); iVar++) {
297  auto var_result = std::get<0>(m_functions[iVar])(particle);
298  auto var_type = std::get<1>(m_functions[iVar]);
299  if (std::holds_alternative<double>(var_result)) {
300  if (var_type != Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_double)
301  B2WARNING("Wrong registered data type for variable '" + m_variables[iVar] +
302  "'. Expected Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_double. Exported data for this variable might be incorrect.");
303  m_branchAddressesDouble[iVar + 1] = std::get<double>(var_result);
304  } else if (std::holds_alternative<int>(var_result)) {
305  if (var_type != Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_int)
306  B2WARNING("Wrong registered data type for variable '" + m_variables[iVar] +
307  "'. Expected Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_int. Exported data for this variable might be incorrect.");
308  m_branchAddressesInt[iVar + 1] = std::get<int>(var_result);
309  } else if (std::holds_alternative<bool>(var_result)) {
310  if (var_type != Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_bool)
311  B2WARNING("Wrong registered data type for variable '" + m_variables[iVar] +
312  "'. Expected Variable::Manager::VariableDataType::c_bool. Exported data for this variable might be incorrect.");
313  m_branchAddressesInt[iVar + 1] = std::get<bool>(var_result);
314  }
315  }
316  m_tree->get().Fill();
317  }
318  }
319  }
320 }
323 {
325  B2INFO("Writing NTuple " << m_treeName);
326  TDirectory::TContext directoryGuard(m_file.get());
327  m_tree->write(m_file.get());
329  const bool writeError = m_file->TestBit(TFile::kWriteError);
330  m_file.reset();
331  if (writeError) {
332  B2FATAL("A write error occurred while saving '" << m_fileName << "', please check if enough disk space is available.");
333  }
334  }
335 }
In the store you can park objects that have to be accessed by various modules.
Definition: DataStore.h:51
@ c_DontWriteOut
Object/array should be NOT saved by output modules.
Definition: DataStore.h:71
const std::string & getOutputFileOverride() const
Return overriden output file name, or "" if none was set.
Definition: Environment.h:115
static Environment & Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the Environment instance.
static std::string makeROOTCompatible(std::string str)
Remove special characters that ROOT dislikes in branch names, e.g.
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
@ c_TerminateInAllProcesses
When using parallel processing, call this module's terminate() function in all processes().
Definition: Module.h:83
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
static bool isOutputProcess()
Return true if the process is an output process.
static bool parallelProcessingUsed()
Returns true if multiple processes have been spawned, false in single-core mode.
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
std::vector< std::string > resolveCollections(const std::vector< std::string > &variables)
Resolve Collection Returns variable names corresponding to the given collection or if it is not a col...
const Var * getVariable(std::string name)
Get the variable belonging to the given key.
static Manager & Instance()
get singleton instance.
void checkDeprecatedVariable(const std::string &name)
Check if a variable is deprecated.
StoreObjPtr< RestOfEvent > m_roe
ROE object.
std::vector< std::string > m_variables
List of variables to save.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialises the module.
std::map< int, unsigned int > m_sampling_rates
Inverse sampling rates.
virtual void event() override
Method called for each event.
unsigned int m_ncandidates
total n candidates
virtual void terminate() override
Write TTree to file, and close file if necessary.
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_eventMetaData
the event information
std::map< int, unsigned long int > m_sampling_counts
Current number of samples with this value.
std::string m_fileName
Name of ROOT file for output.
std::vector< std::pair< Variable::Manager::FunctionPtr, Variable::Manager::VariableDataType > > m_functions
List of pairs of function pointers and respective data type corresponding to given variables.
std::tuple< std::string, std::map< int, unsigned int > > m_sampling
Tuple of variable name and a map of integer values and inverse sampling rate.
std::vector< int > m_branchAddressesInt
Branch addresses of variables of type int (or bool)
int m_basketsize
Size of TBaskets in the output ROOT file in bytes.
int m_production
production ID (to distinguish MC samples)
unsigned int m_nSignalSideCandidates
total n signal-side candidates
StoreObjPtr< StringWrapper > m_stringWrapper
string wrapper storing the MCDecayString
std::string m_particleList
Name of particle list with reconstructed particles.
StoreObjPtr< RootMergeable< TTree > > m_tree
The ROOT TNtuple for output.
std::shared_ptr< TFile > m_file
ROOT file for output.
std::vector< double > m_branchAddressesDouble
Branch addresses of variables of type double.
std::string m_sampling_name
Variable name of sampling variable.
float getInverseSamplingRateWeight(const Particle *particle)
Calculate inverse sampling rate weight.
std::string m_treeName
Name of the TTree.
std::string m_signalSideParticleList
Name of signal-side particle list
const Variable::Manager::Var * m_sampling_variable
Variable Pointer to target variable.
int m_signalSideCandidate
signal-side candidate counter
std::string m_fileNameSuffix
Suffix to be appended to the output file name.
std::string m_MCDecayString
MC decay string to be filled.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
std::shared_ptr< TFile > getFile(std::string, bool ignoreErrors=false)
Get a file with a specific name, if is does not exist it will be created.
static RootFileCreationManager & getInstance()
Interface for the FileManager.
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
VariableDataType variabletype
data type of variable
Definition: Manager.h:133
A variable returning a floating-point value for a given Particle.
Definition: Manager.h:146
FunctionPtr function
Pointer to function.
Definition: Manager.h:147