Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
SVDKalmanStepper Class Reference

Kalman stepper implementation for the SVD CKF. More...

#include <SVDKalmanStepper.h>

Collaboration diagram for SVDKalmanStepper:

Public Member Functions

double kalmanStep (genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &measuredStateOnPlane, const CKFToSVDState &state)
 Do a kalman step of the mSoP to the measurement in the state. Returns the chi2.
double calculateResidual (genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &measuredStateOnPlane, const CKFToSVDState &state)
 Calculate the residual between the mSoP and the measurement in the state.

Private Attributes

KalmanStepper< 1 > m_kalmanStepper
 Implementation using the general kalman stepper.

Detailed Description

Kalman stepper implementation for the SVD CKF.

Definition at line 24 of file SVDKalmanStepper.h.

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