Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean Class Reference

A class to represent a Hough parameter plane. More...

#include <HoughPlaneBoolean.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean:
Collaboration diagram for TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean:

Public Member Functions

 TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean (const std::string &name, const TRGCDCHoughTransformation &transformation, unsigned nX, float xMin, float xMax, unsigned nY, float yMin, float yMax)
virtual ~TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean ()
 TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean (TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean &)=delete
 Copy constructor, deleted.
TRGCDCHoughPlaneBooleanoperator= (TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean &)=delete
 Assignement operator, delete.
unsigned entry (unsigned id) const override
 returns entry in a cell.
unsigned entry (unsigned x, unsigned y) const override
 returns count of a cell.
int maxEntry (void) const override
 returns max. count in a plane.
const std::vector< unsigned > & patternId (unsigned cellId) const
 returns pattern ID which activates specified cell.
unsigned setEntry (unsigned serialId, unsigned n) override
 Sets entry.
void clear (void) override
 clear all entries.
void vote (float rx, float ry, int weight=1) override
void vote (float rx, float ry, float charge, int weight=1)
 Votes with charge decision.
void vote (unsigned patternId, int weight)
 Votes using registered pattern.
void voteUsedInTrasan (float rx, float ry, float charge, int weight=1)
 Votes with charge decision.
void registerPattern (unsigned id) override
 registers a pattern..
void preparePatterns (unsigned nPatterns)
 allocate memory for patterns.
std::string name (void) const
 returns name.
const TRGCDCHoughTransformationtransformation (void) const
 returns Hough transformation object.
float charge (void) const
 returns charge for this plane.
float charge (float charge)
 sets and returns charge for this plane.
unsigned nX (void) const
 returns # of x bins.
float xMin (void) const
 returns min. of x.
float xMin (float newXMin)
 sets and returns min. of x.
float xMax (void) const
 returns max. of x.
float xMax (float newXMax)
 sets and returns max. of x.
float xSize (void) const
 returns size of x bin.
unsigned nY (void) const
 return # of y bins.
float yMin (void) const
 returns min. of y.
float yMin (float newYMin)
 sets and returns min. of y.
float yMax (void) const
 returns max. of y.
float yMax (float newYMax)
 sets and returns max. of y.
float ySize (void) const
 returns size of y bin.
int maxEntryInRegion (unsigned id) const
 returns max. count in region.
unsigned serialId (unsigned x, unsigned y) const
 returns serial ID for position (x, y).
unsigned serialId (const TRGPoint2D &p) const
 returns serial ID for position p.
void id (unsigned serialId, unsigned &x, unsigned &y) const
 returns x and y for serialID.
TRGPoint2D position (unsigned x, unsigned y) const
 returns position in Hough plain for a cell (x, y)..
unsigned neighbor (unsigned serialID, unsigned direction) const
 returns neighbor cell.
std::vector< unsigned > neighbors (unsigned serialID, unsigned windowSize=1) const
 returns neighbors.
const std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > * > & regions (void) const
 returns regions.
void locationInPlane (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, unsigned &nFound, unsigned &iX0, unsigned &iY0, unsigned &iX1, unsigned &iY1) const
 returns cell positions in the region.
virtual void dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const
 dumps debug information.
virtual void vote (float rx, float ry, int charge, int weight=1)
virtual void vote (float xOffset, int weight=1)
 Votes using a pattern.
void setRegion (std::vector< unsigned > *)
 Sets region.
void clearRegions (void)
 Clears regions.

Protected Member Functions

void add (unsigned cellId, int weight) override
 Add to a cell.

Private Attributes

unsigned _n
 nX * nY / 32 + 1
unsigned *const _cell
unsigned _nPatterns
 number of patterns
unsigned ** _patterns
unsigned * _nActive
 number of active cells
std::vector< unsigned > * _reverse
 Pattern ID's for each cell.
const std::string _name
const TRGCDCHoughTransformation_trans
 Hough transformation.
float _charge
 Track charge for this plane.
const unsigned _nX
 # of x bins.
float _xMin
 x min.
float _xMax
 x max.
float _xSize
 Size of x bin.
const unsigned _nY
 # of y bins.
float _yMin
 y min.
float _yMax
 y max.
float _ySize
 Size of y bin.
const TRGArea2D _area
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > * > _regions


class TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti2

Detailed Description

A class to represent a Hough parameter plane.

Definition at line 31 of file HoughPlaneBoolean.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: