Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
TRGClock Class Reference

A class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second. More...

#include <Clock.h>

Collaboration diagram for TRGClock:

Public Member Functions

 TRGClock (const std::string &name, double offset, double frequency)
 Constructor. "offset" is in unit of ns. "frequency" is in unit of MHz.
 TRGClock (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &, unsigned multiplicationFactor, unsigned divisionFactor=1)
 Constructor with clock source.
virtual ~TRGClock ()
const std::string & name (void) const
 returns name.
int position (double timing) const
 returns clock position.
int positionInSourceClock (double timing) const
 returns clock position in the source clock.
double absoluteTime (int clockPosition) const
 returns absolute time of clock position
double overShoot (double timing) const
 returns over shoot.
int unit (double period) const
 returns min # of clocks to cover given time period.
double offset (void) const
 returns offset of the clock zero position in nano second.
double frequency (void) const
 returns frequency in MHz.
double phase (double timing) const
 returns phase of given timing in degree (0 to 360).
const TRGSignalVectorclockCounter (void) const
 returns the clock counter.
void dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const
 dumps contents. More...
int min (void) const
 returns min. clock point.
int max (void) const
 returns max. clock point.
double minTiming (void) const
 returns min. timing.
double maxTiming (void) const
 returns max. timing.
TRGTime minTRGTime (bool edge) const
 returns min. TRGtime with clock.
TRGTime maxTRGTime (bool edge) const
 returns max. TRGtime with clock.

Private Attributes

const std::string _name
const TRGClock_source
 Clock source.
const unsigned _multi
 Multiplication factor.
const unsigned _div
 Division factor.
const double _offset
 Clock offset in nano second.
const double _frequency
 Frequency in MHz.
const double _cycle
 Clock cycle in nano second.
int _min
 Clock min. count.
int _max
 Clock max. count.
 Clock counter.

Detailed Description

A class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second.

Definition at line 38 of file Clock.h.

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