Belle II Software
Example Detector. More...
#include <TRGECLHitMC.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | setEventId (int eventId) |
The method to set event id. | |
void | setTCId (int cellId) |
The method to set cell id. | |
void | setTCOutput (int noutput) |
The method to set # of output per TC. | |
void | setSignalContribution (double signal_contribution) |
set Signal Contribtion | |
void | setBKGContribution (double bkg_contribution) |
set beambackground contribution | |
void | setCellId (int cell[3]) |
set TC ID | |
void | setTrackId (int track[3]) |
set Track Id | |
void | setPDG (int pdg[3]) |
set PDG | |
void | setMother (int mother[3]) |
set Mother | |
void | setGMother (int gmother[3]) |
set Grand Mother | |
void | setGGMother (int ggmother[3]) |
set Grand Grand Mother | |
void | setGGGMother (int gggmother[3]) |
set Grand Grand grandMother | |
void | setBackgroundTag (int back[3]) |
set grand grand grand grand Mother | |
void | setPX (double px[3]) |
set momentum X | |
void | setPY (double py[3]) |
set momentum Y | |
void | setPZ (double pz[3]) |
set momentum Z | |
void | setMCEnergy (double energy[3]) |
set energy | |
void | setContribution (double contribution[3]) |
set contribution | |
void | setEnergyDep (double edep) |
The method to set deposited energy. | |
void | setTimeAve (double TimeAve) |
The method to set hit average time. | |
int | getEventId () const |
The method to get event id. | |
int | getCellId () const |
The method to get cell id. | |
double | getEnergyDep () const |
The method to get deposited energy. | |
double | getTimeAve () const |
The method to get hit average time. | |
TRGECLHitMC () | |
Empty constructor Recommended for ROOT IO. | |
TRGECLHitMC (int eventId, int cellId, int noutput, double edep, double TimeAve, int background_tag_1, int background_tag_2, int background_tag_3, int bkg_contribution, int signal_contribution, int cellId_1, int cellId_2, int cellId_3, int contribution_1, int contribution_2, int contribution_3, int energy_1, int energy_2, int energy_3, int ggggmother_1, int ggggmother_2, int ggggmother_3, int gggmother_1, int gggmother_2, int gggmother_3, int ggmother_1, int ggmother_2, int ggmother_3, int gmother_1, int gmother_2, int gmother_3, int mother_1, int mother_2, int mother_3, int momentum_x_1, int momentum_x_2, int momentum_x_3, int momentum_y_1, int momentum_y_2, int momentum_y_3, int momentum_z_1, int momentum_z_2, int momentum_z_3, int pdg_1, int pdg_2, int pdg_3, int trackId_1, int trackId_2, int trackId_3) | |
Useful Constructor. | |
ClassDef (TRGECLHitMC, 1) | |
the class title | |
Public Attributes | |
int | m_eventId |
The cell id of this hit. | |
int | m_cellId |
The cell id of this hit. | |
int | m_noutput |
The # of output of TC. | |
double | m_edep |
Deposited energy of this hit. | |
double | m_TimeAve |
Hit average time. | |
int | m_cellId_1 |
1st contribution particle information More... | |
int | m_background_tag_1 |
beam background tag | |
int | m_trackId_1 |
track ID | |
int | m_pdg_1 |
PDF. | |
int | m_mother_1 |
Mother ID. | |
int | m_gmother_1 |
Grand mother ID. | |
int | m_ggmother_1 |
Grand Grand Mother ID. | |
int | m_gggmother_1 |
Grand Grand Grand Mother ID. | |
int | m_ggggmother_1 |
Grand grand grand grand Mother ID. | |
double | m_momentum_x_1 |
momentum x | |
double | m_momentum_y_1 |
momentum y | |
double | m_momentum_z_1 |
momentum z | |
double | m_energy_1 |
energy | |
double | m_contribution_1 |
contribution | |
int | m_cellId_2 |
2nd contribution particle information More... | |
int | m_background_tag_2 |
beam background tag | |
int | m_trackId_2 |
track ID | |
int | m_pdg_2 |
PDF. | |
int | m_mother_2 |
Mother ID. | |
int | m_gmother_2 |
Grand mother ID. | |
int | m_ggmother_2 |
Grand Grand Mother ID. | |
int | m_gggmother_2 |
Grand Grand Grand Mother ID. | |
int | m_ggggmother_2 |
Grand grand grand grand Mother ID. | |
double | m_momentum_x_2 |
momentum x | |
double | m_momentum_y_2 |
momentum y | |
double | m_momentum_z_2 |
momentum z | |
double | m_energy_2 |
energy | |
double | m_contribution_2 |
contribution | |
int | m_cellId_3 |
3rd contribution particle information More... | |
int | m_background_tag_3 |
beam background tag | |
int | m_trackId_3 |
track ID | |
int | m_pdg_3 |
PDF. | |
int | m_mother_3 |
Mother ID. | |
int | m_gmother_3 |
Grand mother ID. | |
int | m_ggmother_3 |
Grand Grand Mother ID. | |
int | m_gggmother_3 |
Grand Grand Grand Mother ID. | |
int | m_ggggmother_3 |
Grand grand grand grand Mother ID. | |
double | m_momentum_x_3 |
momentum x | |
double | m_momentum_y_3 |
momentum y | |
double | m_momentum_z_3 |
momentum z | |
double | m_energy_3 |
energy | |
double | m_contribution_3 |
contribution | |
double | m_signal_contribution |
signal contribution | |
double | m_bkg_contribution |
beam background contribution | |
Example Detector.
Definition at line 22 of file TRGECLHitMC.h.
int m_cellId_1 |
int m_cellId_2 |
int m_cellId_3 |