Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
TRGECLHitMC Class Reference

Example Detector. More...

#include <TRGECLHitMC.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRGECLHitMC:
Collaboration diagram for TRGECLHitMC:

Public Member Functions

void setEventId (int eventId)
 The method to set event id.
void setTCId (int cellId)
 The method to set cell id.
void setTCOutput (int noutput)
 The method to set # of output per TC.
void setSignalContribution (double signal_contribution)
 set Signal Contribtion
void setBKGContribution (double bkg_contribution)
 set beambackground contribution
void setCellId (int cell[3])
 set TC ID
void setTrackId (int track[3])
 set Track Id
void setPDG (int pdg[3])
 set PDG
void setMother (int mother[3])
 set Mother
void setGMother (int gmother[3])
 set Grand Mother
void setGGMother (int ggmother[3])
 set Grand Grand Mother
void setGGGMother (int gggmother[3])
 set Grand Grand grandMother
void setBackgroundTag (int back[3])
 set grand grand grand grand Mother
void setPX (double px[3])
 set momentum X
void setPY (double py[3])
 set momentum Y
void setPZ (double pz[3])
 set momentum Z
void setMCEnergy (double energy[3])
 set energy
void setContribution (double contribution[3])
 set contribution
void setEnergyDep (double edep)
 The method to set deposited energy.
void setTimeAve (double TimeAve)
 The method to set hit average time.
int getEventId () const
 The method to get event id.
int getCellId () const
 The method to get cell id.
double getEnergyDep () const
 The method to get deposited energy.
double getTimeAve () const
 The method to get hit average time.
 Empty constructor Recommended for ROOT IO.
 TRGECLHitMC (int eventId, int cellId, int noutput, double edep, double TimeAve, int background_tag_1, int background_tag_2, int background_tag_3, int bkg_contribution, int signal_contribution, int cellId_1, int cellId_2, int cellId_3, int contribution_1, int contribution_2, int contribution_3, int energy_1, int energy_2, int energy_3, int ggggmother_1, int ggggmother_2, int ggggmother_3, int gggmother_1, int gggmother_2, int gggmother_3, int ggmother_1, int ggmother_2, int ggmother_3, int gmother_1, int gmother_2, int gmother_3, int mother_1, int mother_2, int mother_3, int momentum_x_1, int momentum_x_2, int momentum_x_3, int momentum_y_1, int momentum_y_2, int momentum_y_3, int momentum_z_1, int momentum_z_2, int momentum_z_3, int pdg_1, int pdg_2, int pdg_3, int trackId_1, int trackId_2, int trackId_3)
 Useful Constructor.
 ClassDef (TRGECLHitMC, 1)
 the class title

Public Attributes

int m_eventId
 The cell id of this hit.
int m_cellId
 The cell id of this hit.
int m_noutput
 The # of output of TC.
double m_edep
 Deposited energy of this hit.
double m_TimeAve
 Hit average time.
int m_cellId_1
 1st contribution particle information More...
int m_background_tag_1
 beam background tag
int m_trackId_1
 track ID
int m_pdg_1
int m_mother_1
 Mother ID.
int m_gmother_1
 Grand mother ID.
int m_ggmother_1
 Grand Grand Mother ID.
int m_gggmother_1
 Grand Grand Grand Mother ID.
int m_ggggmother_1
 Grand grand grand grand Mother ID.
double m_momentum_x_1
 momentum x
double m_momentum_y_1
 momentum y
double m_momentum_z_1
 momentum z
double m_energy_1
double m_contribution_1
int m_cellId_2
 2nd contribution particle information More...
int m_background_tag_2
 beam background tag
int m_trackId_2
 track ID
int m_pdg_2
int m_mother_2
 Mother ID.
int m_gmother_2
 Grand mother ID.
int m_ggmother_2
 Grand Grand Mother ID.
int m_gggmother_2
 Grand Grand Grand Mother ID.
int m_ggggmother_2
 Grand grand grand grand Mother ID.
double m_momentum_x_2
 momentum x
double m_momentum_y_2
 momentum y
double m_momentum_z_2
 momentum z
double m_energy_2
double m_contribution_2
int m_cellId_3
 3rd contribution particle information More...
int m_background_tag_3
 beam background tag
int m_trackId_3
 track ID
int m_pdg_3
int m_mother_3
 Mother ID.
int m_gmother_3
 Grand mother ID.
int m_ggmother_3
 Grand Grand Mother ID.
int m_gggmother_3
 Grand Grand Grand Mother ID.
int m_ggggmother_3
 Grand grand grand grand Mother ID.
double m_momentum_x_3
 momentum x
double m_momentum_y_3
 momentum y
double m_momentum_z_3
 momentum z
double m_energy_3
double m_contribution_3
double m_signal_contribution
 signal contribution
double m_bkg_contribution
 beam background contribution

Detailed Description

Example Detector.

Definition at line 22 of file TRGECLHitMC.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cellId_1

int m_cellId_1

1st contribution particle information


Definition at line 45 of file TRGECLHitMC.h.

◆ m_cellId_2

int m_cellId_2

2nd contribution particle information


Definition at line 77 of file TRGECLHitMC.h.

◆ m_cellId_3

int m_cellId_3

3rd contribution particle information


Definition at line 109 of file TRGECLHitMC.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: