Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
TRGGRLInfo Class Reference

a class to store TRGGRL TSIM info More...

#include <TRGGRLInfo.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRGGRLInfo:
Collaboration diagram for TRGGRLInfo:

Public Member Functions

 TRGGRLInfo ()
int getN2Dfindertrk () const
 get the number of 2D tracks
int getN2Dfittertrk () const
 get the number of 2D fitter tracks
int getN3Dfittertrk () const
 get the number of 3D charged tracks
int getN3DfittertrkZ10 () const
 get the number of 3D charged tracks
int getN3DfittertrkZ25 () const
 get the number of 3D charged tracks
int getN3DfittertrkZ35 () const
 get the number of 3D charged tracks
int getNNNtrk () const
 get the number of NN charged tracks
int getNNNtrkZ20 () const
 get the number of NN charged tracks Z0<20cm
int getNNNtrkZ40 () const
 get the number of NN charged tracks Z0<40cm
int getNNNtrkSTT () const
 get the number of NN STT Z0<15cm, P>0.7GeV
int getN2Dmatchtrk () const
 get the number of 2D matched tracks
int getN3Dmatchtrk () const
 get the number of 3D matched tracks
int getNcluster () const
 get the number of 3D NN tracks More...
int getNhig300cluster () const
 get the number of eclclusters >300MeV
int getNhigh1GeVcluster () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNhigh1GeVcluster415 () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNhigh1GeVcluster2316 () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNhigh1GeVcluster117 () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNhigh2GeVcluster () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNhigh2GeVcluster414 () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNhigh2GeVcluster231516 () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNhigh2GeVcluster117 () const
 get the number of eclcluster >1GeV, exclude TCID 1,2,17
int getNneucluster () const
 get the number of eclclusters without associated tracks
int getNklmtrk () const
 get the number of klm tracks
int getNklmhit () const
 get the number of klm hits
int getBhabhaVeto () const
 get two track bhabha logic
int geteclBhabhaVeto () const
 get eclbhabha
int getPhiPairHigh () const
 get PhiPairHigh
int getPhiPairLow () const
 get PhiPairLow
int get3DPair () const
 3D pair
int getNSameHem1Trk () const
int getNOppHem1Trk () const
int getTrk_b2b_1to3 () const
 get Trk_b2b_1to3
int getTrk_b2b_1to5 () const
 get Trk_b2b_1to5
int getTrk_b2b_1to7 () const
 get Trk_b2b_1to7
int getTrk_b2b_1to9 () const
 get Trk_b2b_1to9
int getTrk_open90 () const
 get Trk_open90
int getTrk_open30 () const
 get Trk_open30
int getcluster_b2b_1to3 () const
 get cluster_b2b_1to3
int getcluster_b2b_1to5 () const
 get cluster_b2b_1to5
int getcluster_b2b_1to7 () const
 get cluster_b2b_1to7
int getcluster_b2b_1to9 () const
 get cluster_b2b_1to9
int getTrkcluster_b2b_1to3 () const
 get Trkcluster_b2b_1to3
int getTrkcluster_b2b_1to5 () const
 get Trkcluster_b2b_1to5
int getTrkcluster_b2b_1to7 () const
 get Trkcluster_b2b_1to7
int getTrkcluster_b2b_1to9 () const
 get Trkcluster_b2b_1to9
int geteed () const
 get eed: two matched & cluster b2b
int getfed () const
 get fed: one track & one matched & cluster b2b
int getfp () const
 get fp: one track & track-cluster b2b
int geteeb () const
 get eeb: two matched & track b2b
int getfep () const
 get fep: one track & one matched & track-cluster b2b
int getNshorttrk () const
 get the number of short tracks
int getNshorttrk_fwd () const
 get the number of fwd short tracks
int getNshorttrk_bwd () const
 get the number of bwd short tracks
int gets2s3 () const
 get s2s3: short-to-short b2b, 10 to 30 degress
int gets2s5 () const
 get s2s5: short-to-short b2b, 10 to 50 degress
int gets2so () const
 get s2so: short-to-short opening angle > 90 degrees
int gets2s30 () const
 get s2s30: short-to-short opening angle > 30 degrees
int gets2f3 () const
 get s2f3: short-to-full b2b, 10 to 30 degress
int gets2f5 () const
 get s2f5: short-to-full b2b, 10 to 50 degress
int gets2fo () const
 get s2fo: short-to-full opening angle > 90 degrees
int gets2f30 () const
 get s2f30: short-to-full opening angle > 30 degrees
int getbwdsb () const
 get bwdsb: short track matched to bhabha cluster in bwd endcap
int getbwdnb () const
 get bwdnb: neutral bhabha cluster in bwd endcap
int getfwdsb () const
 get fwdsb: short track matched to bhabha cluster in fwd endcap
int getfwdnb () const
 get fwdnb: neutral bhabha cluster in fwd endcap
int getbrlfb () const
 get brlfb: full track matched to bhabha cluster in barrel
int getbrlnb () const
 get brlnb: neutral bhabha cluster in barrel
int getNsecl () const
 get the number of ecl matched short tracks
int getNsecl_fwd () const
 get the number of ecl matched fwd short tracks
int getNsecl_bwd () const
 get the number of ecl matched bwd short tracks
int getNsklm () const
 get the number of klm matched short tracks
int getNsklm_fwd () const
 get the number of klm matched fwd short tracks
int getNsklm_bwd () const
 get the number of klm matched bwd short tracks
int getNinnertrk () const
 get the number of inner tracks
int geti2fo () const
 get i2fo: inner-to-full opening angle > 90 degrees
int geti2io () const
 get i2io: inner-to-inner opening angle > 90 degrees
int getNiecl () const
 get the number of ecl matched inner tracks
int getNiklm () const
 get the number of klm matched inner tracks
int getNeecleklm () const
 get the number of klm matched ecl clusters at the endcap
bool getInputBits (int i) const
 get GDL input bit
bool getTauNN () const
 get the the tau neuro net result
void setN2Dfindertrk (int N2Dfindertrk)
 set the number of 2D tracks
void setN2Dfittertrk (int N2Dfittertrk)
 set the number of 2D fitter tracks
void setN3Dfittertrk (int N3Dfittertrk)
 set the number of 3D charged tracks
void setN3DfittertrkZ10 (int N3DfittertrkZ10)
 set the number of 3D charged tracks
void setN3DfittertrkZ25 (int N3DfittertrkZ25)
 set the number of 3D charged tracks
void setN3DfittertrkZ35 (int N3DfittertrkZ35)
 set the number of 3D charged tracks
void setNNNtrk (int NNNtrk)
 set the number of NN charged tracks
void setNNNtrkZ20 (int NNNtrkZ20)
 get the number of NN charged tracks Z0<20cm
void setNNNtrkZ40 (int NNNtrkZ40)
 get the number of NN charged tracks Z0<40cm
void setNNNtrkSTT (int NNNtrkSTT)
 get the number of NN charged STT Z0<15sm, P>0.7GeV
void setN2Dmatchtrk (int N2Dmatchtrk)
 set the number of 2D matched tracks
void setN3Dmatchtrk (int N3Dmatchtrk)
 set the number of 3D matched tracks
void setNcluster (int Ncluster)
 set the number of clusters
void setNhigh300cluster (int N300clusterh)
 set the number of cluster >300 MeV
void setNhigh1GeVcluster (int Nhigh1GeVcluster)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNhigh1GeVcluster415 (int Nhigh1GeVcluster415)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNhigh1GeVcluster2316 (int Nhigh1GeVcluster2316)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNhigh1GeVcluster117 (int Nhigh1GeVcluster117)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNhigh2GeVcluster (int Nhigh2GeVcluster)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNhigh2GeVcluster414 (int Nhigh2GeVcluster414)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNhigh2GeVcluster231516 (int Nhigh2GeVcluster231516)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNhigh2GeVcluster117 (int Nhigh2GeVcluster117)
 set the number of cluster >1 GeV exclude TCID 1,2,17
void setNneucluster (int Nneucluster)
 set the number of cluster w/o associated tracks
void setNklmtrk (int Nklm_track)
 set the number of klm tracks
void setNklmhit (int Nklm_hit)
 set the number of klm hits
void setBhabhaVeto (int bha)
 set the value of bhabha
void seteclBhabhaVeto (int eclbha)
 set the value of sbhabha
void setPairHigh (int PhiPairHigh)
 set PairHigh
void setPairLow (int PhiPairLow)
 set PairLow
void set3DPair (int n3DPair)
 set 3DPair
void setNSameHem1Trk (int SameHem1Trk)
 set NSameHem1Trk
void setNOppHem1Trk (int OppHem1Trk)
 set NOppHem1Trk
void setTrk_b2b_1to3 (int Trk_b2b_1to3)
 set the value of Trk_b2b_1to3
void setTrk_b2b_1to5 (int Trk_b2b_1to5)
 set the value of Trk_b2b_1to5
void setTrk_b2b_1to7 (int Trk_b2b_1to7)
 set the value of Trk_b2b_1to7
void setTrk_b2b_1to9 (int Trk_b2b_1to9)
 set the value of Trk_b2b_1to9
void setTrk_open90 (int Trk_open90)
 set the value of Trk_open90
void setTrk_open30 (int Trk_open30)
 set the value of Trk_open30
void setcluster_b2b_1to3 (int cluster_b2b_1to3)
 set the value of cluster_b2b_1to3
void setcluster_b2b_1to5 (int cluster_b2b_1to5)
 set the value of cluster_b2b_1to5
void setcluster_b2b_1to7 (int cluster_b2b_1to7)
 set the value of cluster_b2b_1to7
void setcluster_b2b_1to9 (int cluster_b2b_1to9)
 set the value of cluster_b2b_1to9
void setTrkcluster_b2b_1to3 (int Trkcluster_b2b_1to3)
 set the value of Trkcluster_b2b_1to3
void setTrkcluster_b2b_1to5 (int Trkcluster_b2b_1to5)
 set the value of Trkcluster_b2b_1to5
void setTrkcluster_b2b_1to7 (int Trkcluster_b2b_1to7)
 set the value of Trkcluster_b2b_1to7
void setTrkcluster_b2b_1to9 (int Trkcluster_b2b_1to9)
 set the value of Trkcluster_b2b_1to9
void seteed (int eed)
 set eed: two matched & cluster b2b
void setfed (int fed)
 set fed: one track & one matched & cluster b2b
void setfp (int fp)
 set fp: one track & track-cluster b2b
void seteeb (int eeb)
 set eeb: two matched & track b2b
void setfep (int fep)
 set fep: one track & one matched & track-cluster b2b
void setNshorttrk (int Nshorttrk)
 set the number of short tracks
void setNshorttrk_fwd (int Nshorttrk_fwd)
 set the number of fwd short tracks
void setNshorttrk_bwd (int Nshorttrk_bwd)
 set the number of bwd short tracks
void sets2s3 (int s2s3)
 set s2s3: short-to-short b2b, 10 to 30 degress
void sets2s5 (int s2s5)
 set s2s5: short-to-short b2b, 10 to 50 degress
void sets2so (int s2so)
 set s2so: short-to-short opening angle > 90 degrees
void sets2s30 (int s2s30)
 set s2s30: short-to-short opening angle > 30 degrees
void sets2f3 (int s2f3)
 set s2f3: short-to-full b2b, 10 to 30 degress
void sets2f5 (int s2f5)
 set s2f5: short-to-full b2b, 10 to 50 degress
void sets2fo (int s2fo)
 set s2fo: short-to-full opening angle > 90 degrees
void sets2f30 (int s2f30)
 set s2f30: short-to-full opening angle > 30 degrees
void setbwdsb (int bwdsb)
 set bwdsb: short track matched to bhabha cluster in bwd endcap
void setbwdnb (int bwdnb)
 set bwdnb: neutral bhabha cluster in bwd endcap
void setfwdsb (int fwdsb)
 set fwdsb: short track matched to bhabha cluster in fwd endcap
void setfwdnb (int fwdnb)
 set fwdnb: neutral bhabha cluster in fwd endcap
void setbrlfb (int brlfb)
 set brlfb: full track matched to bhabha cluster in barrel
void setbrlnb (int brlnb)
 set brlnb: neutral bhabha cluster in barrel
void setNsecl (int Nsecl)
 set the number of ecl matched short tracks
void setNsecl_fwd (int Nsecl_fwd)
 set the number of ecl matched fwd short tracks
void setNsecl_bwd (int Nsecl_bwd)
 set the number of ecl matched bwd short tracks
void setNsklm (int Nsklm)
 set the number of klm matched short tracks
void setNsklm_fwd (int Nsklm_fwd)
 set the number of klm matched fwd short tracks
void setNsklm_bwd (int Nsklm_bwd)
 set the number of klm matched bwd short tracks
void setNinnertrk (int Ninnertrk)
 set the number of inner tracks
void seti2fo (int i2fo)
 set i2fo: inner-to-full opening angle > 90 degrees
void seti2io (int i2io)
 set i2io: inner-to-inner opening angle > 90 degrees
void setNiecl (int Niecl)
 set the number of ecl matched inner tracks
void setNiklm (int Niklm)
 set the number of klm matched inner tracks
void setNeecleklm (int Nieecleklm)
 set GDL input bit
void setInputBits (int i, bool bit)
 set GDL input bit
void setTauNN (bool istau)
 set tau neuro net result

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (TRGGRLInfo, 7)
 ! The Class title

Private Attributes

int m_n_2dfinder_track
 #2D finder tracks
int m_n_2dfitter_track
 #2D fitter tracks
int m_n_3dfitter_track
 #3D fitter tracks
int m_n_3dfitter_track_Z10
 #3D fitter tracks
int m_n_3dfitter_track_Z25
 #3D fitter tracks
int m_n_3dfitter_track_Z35
 #3D fitter tracks
int m_n_NN_track
 #NN tracks
int m_n_NN_track_Z20
 #NN tracks Z0<20cm
int m_n_NN_track_Z40
 #NN tracks Z0<40cm
int m_n_NN_track_STT
 #NN tracks Z0<15cm,P>0.7GeV
int m_n_2dmatch_track
 #2D matched finder tracks
int m_n_3dmatch_track
 #3D matched NN tracks
int m_n_cluster
 #3D NN tracks More...
int m_n_neutral_cluster
int m_n_high_300_cluster
int m_n_high_1000_cluster
int m_n_high_1000_cluster415
int m_n_high_1000_cluster2316
int m_n_high_1000_cluster117
int m_n_high_2000_cluster
int m_n_high_2000_cluster414
int m_n_high_2000_cluster231516
int m_n_high_2000_cluster117
int m_n_high_2000_endcap_cluster
int m_nbbc
int m_nbbtc
int m_n_klm_track
int m_n_klm_hit
int m_bhabhaveto
 two track Bhabha veto, bahbah:1, non-bhabha:0
int m_eclbhabhaveto
 ecl Bhabha veto (only ecl information is used), eclbahbah:1, non-eclbhabha:0
int m_n_PhiPairHigh
 number of PhiPairHigh
int m_n_PhiPairLow
 number of PhiPairLow
int m_n_3DPair
 number of 3DPair
int m_n_SameHem1Trk
 number of SameHem+1Trk
int m_n_OppHem1Trk
 number of OppHem+1Trk
int m_Trk_b2b_1to3
int m_Trk_b2b_1to5
int m_Trk_b2b_1to7
int m_Trk_b2b_1to9
int m_Trk_open90
int m_Trk_open30
int m_cluster_b2b_1to3
int m_cluster_b2b_1to5
int m_cluster_b2b_1to7
int m_cluster_b2b_1to9
int m_Trkcluster_b2b_1to3
int m_Trkcluster_b2b_1to5
int m_Trkcluster_b2b_1to7
int m_Trkcluster_b2b_1to9
int m_eed
 eed: two matched & cluster b2b
int m_fed
 fed: one track & one matched & cluster b2b
int m_fp
 fp: one track & track-cluster b2b
int m_eeb
 eeb: two matched & track b2b
int m_fep
 fep: one track & one matched & track-cluster b2b
int m_n_st
 the number of short tracks
int m_n_st_fwd
 the number of fwd short tracks
int m_n_st_bwd
 the number of bwd short tracks
int m_s2s3
 s2s3: short-to-short b2b, 10 to 30 degress
int m_s2s5
 s2s5: short-to-short b2b, 10 to 50 degress
int m_s2so
 s2so: short-to-short opening angle > 90 degrees
int m_s2s30
 s2s30: short-to-short opening angle > 30 degrees
int m_s2f3
 s2f3: short-to-full b2b, 10 to 30 degress
int m_s2f5
 s2f5: short-to-full b2b, 10 to 50 degress
int m_s2fo
 s2fo: short-to-full opening angle > 90 degrees
int m_s2f30
 s2f30: short-to-full opening angle > 30 degrees
int m_bwdsb
 bwdsb: short track matched to bhabha cluster in bwd endcap
int m_bwdnb
 bwdnb: neutral bhabha cluster in bwd endcap
int m_fwdsb
 fwdsb: short track matched to bhabha cluster in fwd endcap
int m_fwdnb
 fwdnb: neutral bhabha cluster in fwd endcap
int m_brlfb
 brlfb: full track matched to bhabha cluster in barrel
int m_brlnb
 brlnb: neutral bhabha cluster in barrel
int m_n_secl
 the number of ecl matched short tracks
int m_n_secl_fwd
 the number of ecl matched fwd short tracks
int m_n_secl_bwd
 the number of ecl matched bwd short tracks
int m_n_sklm
 the number of klm matched short tracks
int m_n_sklm_fwd
 the number of klm matched fwd short tracks
int m_n_sklm_bwd
 the number of klm matched bwd short tracks
int m_n_it
 the number of inner tracks
int m_i2fo
 i2fo: inner-to-full opening angle > 90 degrees
int m_i2io
 i2io: inner-to-inner opening angle > 90 degrees
int m_n_iecl
 the number of ecl matched inner tracks
int m_n_iklm
 the number of klm matched inner tracks
int m_n_eecleklm
 the number of klm matched ecl clusters at endcap
std::vector< bool > m_InputBits = std::vector<bool>(320, false)
 GDL input bits.
bool m_tauNeuro
 if the events satisfied tau neuro net selection

Detailed Description

a class to store TRGGRL TSIM info

Definition at line 19 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getNcluster()

int getNcluster ( ) const

get the number of 3D NN tracks

get the number of eclcluster

Definition at line 139 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

139 {return m_n_cluster;}
int m_n_cluster
#3D NN tracks
Definition: TRGGRLInfo.h:472

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_n_cluster

int m_n_cluster

#3D NN tracks

ecl clusers (default energy threshold ~100Mev)

Definition at line 472 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_1000_cluster

int m_n_high_1000_cluster

ecl clusers with energy threshold 1GeV, TC ID 1,2,17 is exlcuded for dedicated single photon trigger

Definition at line 478 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_1000_cluster117

int m_n_high_1000_cluster117

ecl clusers with energy threshold 1GeV

Definition at line 484 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_1000_cluster2316

int m_n_high_1000_cluster2316

ecl clusers with energy threshold 1GeV

Definition at line 482 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_1000_cluster415

int m_n_high_1000_cluster415

ecl clusers with energy threshold 1GeV

Definition at line 480 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_2000_cluster

int m_n_high_2000_cluster

ecl clusers with energy threshold 2GeV

Definition at line 486 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_2000_cluster117

int m_n_high_2000_cluster117

ecl clusers with energy threshold 2GeV

Definition at line 492 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_2000_cluster231516

int m_n_high_2000_cluster231516

ecl clusers with energy threshold 2GeV

Definition at line 490 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_2000_cluster414

int m_n_high_2000_cluster414

ecl clusers with energy threshold 2GeV

Definition at line 488 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_2000_endcap_cluster

int m_n_high_2000_endcap_cluster

ecl clusers with energy threshold 2GeV in TC ID 1 and 17

Definition at line 494 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_high_300_cluster

int m_n_high_300_cluster

ecl clusers with energy threshold 300Mev

Definition at line 476 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_klm_hit

int m_n_klm_hit

klm hit

Definition at line 502 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_klm_track

int m_n_klm_track

klm track

Definition at line 500 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_n_neutral_cluster

int m_n_neutral_cluster

ecl clusers without associated track

Definition at line 474 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_nbbc

int m_nbbc

back to back ecl cluser pairs

Definition at line 496 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

◆ m_nbbtc

int m_nbbtc

back to back cdc track and ecl clsuter

Definition at line 498 of file TRGGRLInfo.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: