Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* ECL headers. */
10 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLElementNumbers.h>
12 /* ROOT headers. */
13 #include <TFile.h>
14 #include <TString.h>
15 #include <TTree.h>
17 /* C++ headers. */
18 #include <cassert>
19 #include <cstdlib>
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <fstream>
23 using namespace std;
24 using namespace Belle2;
26 /*
27 Note photon shape calibrations are needed to compute hadron and diode templates.
28 Photon calibrations should be placed in file named params_gamma_shape.dat in same directiory as this script.
29 Format of params_gamma_shape.dat:
31 cellID PhotonScale 0 p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
33 where p0-p9 are 10 ShaperDSP shaper parameters for basf2 C++ implementation of ShaperDSP function.
35 - places photon parameters in ntuple
36 - produce photon array input for
37 - produce hadron and diode array input for
38 - computed hadron and diode shape parameters and organizes into temp ntuple
39 - organizes photon, hadron and diode templates into final ntuple to produce dbobject.
41 To run template calculation:
43 First "OutputDirectory" variable in files should be modified to a temp directory before running scripts.
44 recompile with "scons ecl"
46 1) execute eclComputePulseTemplates_Step0 0
47 2) for i=0 i<873 i++
48 3) execute eclComputePulseTemplates_Step1 i*10 (i+1)*10
49 4) basf2 i*10 (i+1)*10
50 5) execute eclComputePulseTemplates_Step3 i*10 (i+1)*10
51 6) execute eclComputePulseTemplates_Step0 1
52 7) execute eclWriteWaveformParametersLocalDB
53 Final step will create local db object.
54 */
57 struct crystalInfo {
58  vector<double> PhotonWaveformPars;
59  vector<double> HadronWaveformPars;
60  vector<double> DiodeWaveformPars;
61  double MaxResHadron;
62  double MaxValHadron;
63  double MaxResDiode;
64  double MaxValDiode;
65 };
67 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
68 {
69  //
70  TString OutputDirectory = ".";
71  if (OutputDirectory == "") {
72  std::cout << "Error set ouput directory" << std::endl;
73  return -1;
74  }
75  //
76  assert(argc == 2);
77  int Flag = atoi(argv[1]);
78  TString InputDirectory = OutputDirectory;
79  //
80  TString ParameterTreeOutputName = OutputDirectory + "PhotonWaveformParameters.root";
81  if (Flag == 1) ParameterTreeOutputName = "DigitWaveformParameters.root";
82  TFile* ParameterTreeOutputFile = new TFile(ParameterTreeOutputName, "RECREATE");
83  //
84  TTree* ParameterTree = new TTree("ParTree", "");
85  double PhotonWaveformPar[11];
86  double HadronWaveformPar[11];
87  double DiodeWaveformPar[11];
88  for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++) {
89  PhotonWaveformPar[k] = 0;
90  HadronWaveformPar[k] = 0;
91  DiodeWaveformPar[k] = 0;
92  }
93  double mHadronRes = 0;
94  double mDiodeRes = 0;
95  double mHadronMax = 0;
96  double mDiodeMax = 0;
97  ParameterTree->Branch("PhotonPar", &PhotonWaveformPar, "PhotonWaveformPar[11]/D");
98  ParameterTree->Branch("HadronPar", &HadronWaveformPar, "HadronWaveformPar[11]/D");
99  ParameterTree->Branch("DiodePar", &DiodeWaveformPar, "DiodeWaveformPar[11]/D");
100  ParameterTree->Branch("mHadronRes", &mHadronRes, "mHadronRes/D");
101  ParameterTree->Branch("mDiodeRes", &mDiodeRes, "mDiodeRes/D");
102  ParameterTree->Branch("mHadronMax", &mHadronMax, "mHadronMax/D");
103  ParameterTree->Branch("mDiodeMax", &mDiodeMax, "mDiodeMax/D");
104  //
105  std::vector<crystalInfo> cellIDcheck(ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals);
106  ifstream PhotonFile("/home/belle2/longos/WaveformFitting/ecl/tools/params_gamma_shape.dat");
107  if (PhotonFile.is_open()) {
108  std::vector<double> templine(12);
109  for (int k = 0; k < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; k++) {
110  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < templine.size(); j++) PhotonFile >> templine[j];
111  cellIDcheck[int(templine[0]) - 1].PhotonWaveformPars.resize(11);
112  cellIDcheck[int(templine[0]) - 1].PhotonWaveformPars[0] = templine[1];
113  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) cellIDcheck[int(templine[0]) - 1].PhotonWaveformPars[j + 1] = templine[j + 2];
114  std::cout << int(templine[0]) << " " << templine[1] << endl;
115  }
116  PhotonFile.close();
117  } else {
118  std::cout << "ERROR cannont open photon param file." << endl;
119  return -1;
120  }
121  if (Flag == 0) {
122  for (unsigned int f = 0; f < cellIDcheck.size(); f++) {
123  for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++) PhotonWaveformPar[k] = cellIDcheck[f].PhotonWaveformPars[k];
124  ParameterTree->Fill();
125  }
126  } else if (Flag == 1) {
127  int batch = 10;
128  for (int k = 0; k < 874; k++) {
129  int low = k * batch;
130  int high = (k + 1) * batch;
131  //std::cout<<k<<std::endl;
132  TFile* TempFile = new TFile(InputDirectory + Form("HadronPars_Low%d_High%d.root", low, high), "READ");
133  TTree* TempTree = (TTree*) TempFile->Get("HadronWaveformInfo");
134  double tHadronShapePars_A[11];
135  double tDiodeShapePars_A[11];
136  double tMaxResidualHadron_A;
137  double tMaxResidualDiode_A;
138  double tMaxValDiode_A;
139  double tMaxValHadron_A;
140  TempTree->SetBranchAddress("TempHadronPar11_A", &tHadronShapePars_A);
141  TempTree->SetBranchAddress("TempDiodePar11_A", &tDiodeShapePars_A);
142  TempTree->SetBranchAddress("MaxResHadron_A", &tMaxResidualHadron_A);
143  TempTree->SetBranchAddress("MaxResDiode_A", &tMaxResidualDiode_A);
144  TempTree->SetBranchAddress("MaxValDiode_A", &tMaxValDiode_A);
145  TempTree->SetBranchAddress("MaxValHadron_A", &tMaxValHadron_A);
146  //
147  for (int j = 0; j < batch; j++) {
148  int tCellID = (k * batch) + j;
149  if (tCellID >= ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals)continue;
150  TempTree->GetEntry(j);
151  cellIDcheck[tCellID].HadronWaveformPars.resize(11);
152  cellIDcheck[tCellID].DiodeWaveformPars.resize(11);
153  for (int p = 0; p < 11; p++) {
154  if (tHadronShapePars_A[p] > 100 || tHadronShapePars_A[p] < -100) {
155  std::cout << "Warning large parameter for: " << tCellID << " " << tHadronShapePars_A[p] << std::endl;
156  for (int h = 0; h < 11; h++)std::cout << tHadronShapePars_A[h] << " , ";
157  std::cout << std::endl;
158  }
159  cellIDcheck[tCellID].HadronWaveformPars[p] = tHadronShapePars_A[p];
160  }
161  //std::cout<<tCellID<<std::endl;
162  //for(int h=0;h<11;h++ )std::cout<<tHadronShapePars_A[h]<<" , ";
163  //std::cout<<std::endl;
164  cellIDcheck[tCellID].MaxResHadron = tMaxResidualHadron_A;
165  cellIDcheck[tCellID].MaxValHadron = tMaxValHadron_A;
166  for (int p = 0; p < 11; p++) cellIDcheck[tCellID].DiodeWaveformPars[p] = tDiodeShapePars_A[p];
167  cellIDcheck[tCellID].MaxResDiode = tMaxResidualDiode_A;
168  cellIDcheck[tCellID].MaxValDiode = tMaxValDiode_A;
169  }
170  TempFile->Close();
171  }
172  //
173  for (unsigned int f = 0; f < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; f++) {
174  for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++) {
175  PhotonWaveformPar[k] = cellIDcheck[f].PhotonWaveformPars[k];
176  HadronWaveformPar[k] = cellIDcheck[f].HadronWaveformPars[k];
177  DiodeWaveformPar[k] = cellIDcheck[f].DiodeWaveformPars[k];
178  }
179  mHadronRes = cellIDcheck[f].MaxResHadron;
180  mDiodeRes = cellIDcheck[f].MaxResDiode;
181  mHadronMax = cellIDcheck[f].MaxValHadron;
182  mDiodeMax = cellIDcheck[f].MaxValDiode;
183  ParameterTree->Fill();
184  }
185  }
186  //
187  ParameterTreeOutputFile->cd();
188  ParameterTree->Write();
189  ParameterTreeOutputFile->Write();
190  ParameterTreeOutputFile->Close();
191  //
192  //
193  return 0;
194 }
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
a struct to hold relavent Crystal information
vector< double > PhotonWaveformPars
photon waveform parameters
vector< double > HadronWaveformPars
hadron waveform parameters
vector< double > DiodeWaveformPars
diode waveform parameters
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Run all tests.