Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <ecl/modules/eclDQMInjection/eclDQMInjection.h>
12 /* ECL headers. */
13 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLDsp.h>
14 #include <ecl/utility/ECLDspUtilities.h>
16 /* Boost headers. */
17 #include <boost/format.hpp>
18 #include <boost/range/combine.hpp>
20 /* ROOT headers. */
21 #include <TDirectory.h>
23 /* C++ headers. */
24 #include <stdexcept>
26 using namespace std;
27 using namespace Belle2;
28 using namespace Belle2::ECL;
30 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
31 // Register the Module
32 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
35 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
36 // Implementation
37 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
39 ECLDQMInjectionModule::ECLDQMInjectionModule()
40  : HistoModule(),
41  m_calibrationThrApsd("ECL_FPGA_StoreWaveform")
42 {
43  //Set module properties
44  setDescription("Monitor Occupancy after Injection");
46  addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_histogramDirectoryName, "Name of the directory where histograms will be placed",
47  std::string("ECLINJ"));
48  addParam("ECLDigitsName", m_ECLDigitsName, "Name of ECL hits", std::string(""));
49  // BeamRevolutionCycle is set based on 'Timing distribution for the Belle II
50  // data acquisition system'. RF clock of 508 MHz is synchronized to
51  // beam-revolution cycle (5120 RF bunches in one cycle).
52  addParam("BeamRevolutionCycle", m_revolutionTime, "Beam revolution cycle in musec", 5120 / 508.);
53  addParam("ECLThresholdforVetoTuning", m_ECLThresholdforVetoTuning, "ECL Threshold for injection veto tuning, ADC channels", 400.);
54  addParam("DPHYTTYP", m_DPHYTTYP,
55  "Flag to control trigger of delayed bhabha events; 0 - select events by 'bha_delay' trigger bit, 1 - select by TTYP_DPHY", false);
57 }
60 {
61  TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
62  oldDir->mkdir(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str());// do not rely on return value, might be ZERO
63  oldDir->cd(m_histogramDirectoryName.c_str());//changing to the right directory
65  hHitsAfterInjLER = new TH1F("ECLHitsInjLER", "ECLHitsInjLER/Time;Time in #mus;Count/Time (5 #mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
66  hHitsAfterInjHER = new TH1F("ECLHitsInjHER", "ECLHitsInjHER/Time;Time in #mus;Count/Time (5 #mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
67  hEHitsAfterInjLER = new TH1F("ECLEHitsInjLER", "ECLEHitsInjLER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (5 #mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
68  hEHitsAfterInjHER = new TH1F("ECLEHitsInjHER", "ECLEHitsInjHER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (5 #mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
69  hBurstsAfterInjLER = new TH1F("ECLBurstsInjLER", "ECLBurstsInjLER/Time;Time in #mus;Count/Time (1 #mus bins)", 20000, 0, 20000);
70  hBurstsAfterInjHER = new TH1F("ECLBurstsInjHER", "ECLBurstsInjHER/Time;Time in #mus;Count/Time (1 #mus bins)", 20000, 0, 20000);
71  hEBurstsAfterInjLER = new TH1F("ECLEBurstsInjLER", "ECLEBurstsInjLER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (1 #mus bins)", 20000, 0,
72  20000);
73  hEBurstsAfterInjHER = new TH1F("ECLEBurstsInjHER", "ECLEBurstsInjHER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (1 #mus bins)", 20000, 0,
74  20000);
75  hVetoAfterInjLER = new TH2F("ECLVetoAfterInjLER",
76  "ECL Hits for LER veto tuning (E > 20 MeV);"
77  "Time since last injection in #mus;Time within beam cycle in #mus", 500, 0, 30000, 100, 0,
79  hVetoAfterInjHER = new TH2F("ECLVetoAfterInjHER",
80  "ECL Hits for HER veto tuning (E > 20 MeV);"
81  "Time since last injection in #mus;Time within beam cycle in #mus", 500, 0, 30000, 100, 0,
83  hOccAfterInjLER = new TH2F("ECLOccAfterInjLER",
84  "ECL Occupancy after LER injection (E > 1 MeV);Time since last injection in #mus;Occupancy (Nhits/8736) [%]",
85  100, 0, 20000, 98, 2, 100);
86  hOccAfterInjHER = new TH2F("ECLOccAfterInjHER",
87  "ECL Occupancy after HER injection (E > 1 MeV);Time since last injection in #mus;Occupancy (Nhits/8736) [%]",
88  100, 0, 20000, 98, 2, 100);
90  hInjkickTimeShift[0] = new TH2F("ECLInjkickTimeShiftLER",
91  "LER Injection peak position in ECL data;"
92  "Time within beam cycle [ADC ticks];"
93  "Inj peak position [ADC ticks]",
94  18, 0, 18, 16, 0, 16);
95  hInjkickTimeShift[1] = new TH2F("ECLInjkickTimeShiftHER",
96  "HER Injection peak position in ECL data;"
97  "Time within beam cycle [ADC ticks];"
98  "Inj peak position [ADC ticks]",
99  18, 0, 18, 16, 0, 16);
101  //== Fill h_ped_peak vector
103  m_ped_peak_range = {
104  1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 4, 6, 8, 10
105  };
106  int ped_peak_range_count = m_ped_peak_range.size() - 1;
108  static const std::string part_names[] = {"fwd", "bar", "bwd"};
109  static const std::string title_suffix[] = {
110  "in fwd endcap", "in barrel", "in bwd endcap"
111  };
113  for (int ler_her = 0; ler_her < 2; ler_her++) {
114  std::string ring_name = (ler_her == 0) ? "LER" : "HER";
115  for (int part = 0; part < 3; part++) {
116  std::string suffix = title_suffix[part];
117  for (int i = 0; i < ped_peak_range_count; i++) {
118  float min_time = m_ped_peak_range[i];
119  float max_time = m_ped_peak_range[i + 1];
120  std::string name, title;
121  name = str(boost::format("ped_peak_%s_%s_%d") %
122  ring_name % part_names[part] % i);
123  title = str(boost::format("Peak height %.1f-%.1f ms after %s inj %s") %
124  min_time % max_time % ring_name % suffix);
126  auto h = new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 300, 0.0, 0.3);
127  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Peak height in first 16 points [GeV]");
129  h_ped_peak.push_back(h);
130  }
131  }
132  }
134  // Initialize coefficients used by pedestalFit function
137  // cd back to root directory
138  oldDir->cd();
139 }
142 {
144  m_rawTTD.isOptional();
145  m_storeHits.isRequired(m_ECLDigitsName);
146  m_ECLTrigs.isOptional();
147  m_ECLDsps.isOptional();
148  m_l1Trigger.isOptional();
150  if (!mapper.initFromDB()) B2FATAL("ECL Display:: Can't initialize eclChannelMapper");
152  v_totalthrApsd.resize((m_calibrationThrApsd->getCalibVector()).size());
153  for (size_t i = 0; i < v_totalthrApsd.size(); i++) v_totalthrApsd[i] = (int)(m_calibrationThrApsd->getCalibVector())[i];
154 }
157 {
158  // Assume that everthing is non-yero ;-)
159  hHitsAfterInjLER->Reset();
160  hHitsAfterInjHER->Reset();
161  hEHitsAfterInjLER->Reset();
162  hEHitsAfterInjHER->Reset();
163  hBurstsAfterInjLER->Reset();
164  hBurstsAfterInjHER->Reset();
165  hEBurstsAfterInjLER->Reset();
166  hEBurstsAfterInjHER->Reset();
167  hVetoAfterInjLER->Reset();
168  hVetoAfterInjHER->Reset();
169  hOccAfterInjHER->Reset();
170  hOccAfterInjLER->Reset();
171 }
174 {
175  bool bhatrig = false;
177  if (m_l1Trigger.isValid() && m_DPHYTTYP) bhatrig = m_l1Trigger->getTimType() == TRGSummary::ETimingType::TTYP_DPHY;
178  else if (m_l1Trigger.isValid() && !m_DPHYTTYP) {
179  try { bhatrig = m_l1Trigger->testInput("bha_delay"); }
180  catch (const std::exception&) { bhatrig = false; }
181  }
183  if (m_eventmetadata.isValid() && m_eventmetadata->getErrorFlag() != 0x10) {
184  m_iEvent = m_eventmetadata->getEvent();
185  } else m_iEvent = -1;
187  int amps[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals] = {};
188  unsigned int ECLDigitsAboveThr = 0; // Threshold is set to 20 MeV
189  unsigned int ECLDigitsAboveThr1MeV = 0;
190  for (const auto& aECLDigit : m_storeHits) {
191  int amp = aECLDigit.getAmp();
192  amps[aECLDigit.getCellId() - 1] = amp;
193  if (amp > m_ECLThresholdforVetoTuning) ECLDigitsAboveThr += 1;
194  if (amp > 20) ECLDigitsAboveThr1MeV += 1;
195  }
197  int discarded_wfs = 0;
198  for (auto& aECLTrig : m_ECLTrigs) {
199  int crate = aECLTrig.getTrigId();
200  int suppress = aECLTrig.getBurstSuppressionMask();
201  int shaper_pos = 0;
202  while (suppress) {
203  shaper_pos ++;
204  bool shaper_bit = suppress & 1;
205  if (shaper_bit) {
206  if (m_iEvent % 1000 == 999 || (m_l1Trigger.isValid() && m_l1Trigger->getTimType() == TRGSummary::ETimingType::TTYP_RAND) ||
207  (m_l1Trigger.isValid() && bhatrig)) {
208  for (int channel_pos = 0; channel_pos < 16; channel_pos ++) {
209  if (mapper.getCellId(crate, shaper_pos, channel_pos) > 0) discarded_wfs += 1;
210  }
211  } else {
212  for (int channel_pos = 0; channel_pos < 16; channel_pos ++) {
213  int cid = mapper.getCellId(crate, shaper_pos, channel_pos);
214  if (cid > 0 && amps[cid - 1] >= (v_totalthrApsd[cid - 1] / 4 * 4)) discarded_wfs += 1;
215  }
216  }
217  }
218  suppress >>= 1;
219  }
220  }
222  for (auto& it : m_rawTTD) {
223  B2DEBUG(29, "TTD FTSW : " << hex << it.GetTTUtime(0) << " " << it.GetTTCtime(0) << " EvtNr " << it.GetEveNo(0) << " Type " <<
224  (it.GetTTCtimeTRGType(0) & 0xF) << " TimeSincePrev " << it.GetTimeSincePrevTrigger(0) << " TimeSinceInj " <<
225  it.GetTimeSinceLastInjection(0) << " IsHER " << it.GetIsHER(0) << " Bunch " << it.GetBunchNumber(0));
227  // get last injection time
228  auto difference = it.GetTimeSinceLastInjection(0);
229  // check time overflow, too long ago
230  if (difference == 0x7FFFFFFF) continue;
232  unsigned int all = m_storeHits.getEntries();
233  float diff2 = difference / 127.; // 127MHz clock ticks to us, inexact rounding
235  // Time within beam revolution (in 127 MHz ticks)
236  int time_within_cycle = difference % 1280;
237  // Time within beam revolution (in microseconds)
238  double time_in_cycle_us = time_within_cycle / 127.;
239  // Time within beam revolution (in ADC ticks)
240  //
241  int time_within_cycle_adc_ticks = (1280 - time_within_cycle) / 72;
243  int is_her = it.GetIsHER(0);
245  if (is_her < 0 || is_her > 1) continue;
247  if (is_her) {
248  hHitsAfterInjHER->Fill(diff2, all);
249  hEHitsAfterInjHER->Fill(diff2);
250  hBurstsAfterInjHER->Fill(diff2, discarded_wfs);
251  hEBurstsAfterInjHER->Fill(diff2);
252  hVetoAfterInjHER->Fill(diff2, time_in_cycle_us, ECLDigitsAboveThr);
253  if (all > 0) hOccAfterInjHER->Fill(diff2, ECLDigitsAboveThr1MeV * 100.0 / ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals);
254  } else {
255  hHitsAfterInjLER->Fill(diff2, all);
256  hEHitsAfterInjLER->Fill(diff2);
257  hBurstsAfterInjLER->Fill(diff2, discarded_wfs);
258  hEBurstsAfterInjLER->Fill(diff2);
259  hVetoAfterInjLER->Fill(diff2, time_in_cycle_us, ECLDigitsAboveThr);
260  if (all > 0) hOccAfterInjLER->Fill(diff2, ECLDigitsAboveThr1MeV * 100.0 / ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals);
261  }
263  //== Filling h_ped_peak histograms
264  int range_count = m_ped_peak_range.size() - 1;
265  if (diff2 < m_ped_peak_range[range_count] * 1000) {
266  //== Identify which histogram to fill (according to inj time range)
267  int range_id;
268  for (range_id = 0; range_id < range_count; range_id++) {
269  // Converting from ms to us
270  float min_time = m_ped_peak_range[range_id ] * 1000;
271  float max_time = m_ped_peak_range[range_id + 1] * 1000;
272  if (diff2 > min_time && diff2 < max_time) break;
273  }
274  //== Find pedestal peaks in all available waveforms
275  if (range_id < range_count) {
276  for (auto& aECLDsp : m_ECLDsps) {
277  auto result = ECLDspUtilities::pedestalFit(aECLDsp.getDspA());
279  //== Identify which histogram to fill (HER/LER,FWD/BAR/BWD)
280  int cid = aECLDsp.getCellId();
281  int part_id = 0; // forward endcap
282  if (ECLElementNumbers::isBarrel(cid)) part_id = 1; // barrel
283  if (ECLElementNumbers::isBackward(cid)) part_id = 2; // backward endcap
285  int hist_id = is_her * 3 * range_count + part_id * range_count + range_id;
286  // NOTE: We are using the approximate conversion to energy here.
287  // (20'000 ADC counts ~= 1 GeV)
288  h_ped_peak[hist_id]->Fill(result.amp / 2e4);
289  }
290  }
291  }
293  //== Filling hInjkickTimeShift histograms
295  if (diff2 < 10e3) {
296  for (auto& aECLDsp : m_ECLDsps) {
297  int adc[31];
298  aECLDsp.getDspA(adc);
299  // Do a naive estimate of inj peak position by
300  // searching for the maximum ADC sample in the
301  // pedestal part of the waveform.
302  int* ped_max = std::max_element(adc, adc + 16);
303  int* ped_min = std::min_element(adc, adc + 16);
304  // The waveform should have at least ~10 MeV peak amplitude
305  if (*ped_max - *ped_min < 200) continue;
306  int max_ped_id = ped_max - adc;
307  hInjkickTimeShift[is_her]->Fill(time_within_cycle_adc_ticks, max_ped_id);
308  }
309  }
312  break;
313  }
314 }
bool initFromDB()
Initialize channel mapper from the conditions database.
int getCellId(int iCrate, int iShaper, int iChannel)
Get CellId by given crate number, shaper position in the crate and DSP channel number in the shaper.
TH1F * hHitsAfterInjHER
Histogram Hits after HER injection.
TH2F * hVetoAfterInjLER
Histogram Veto tuning w/ ECL hits after LER injection.
TH2F * hInjkickTimeShift[2]
Histograms to determine injkick signal time offset for LER/HER injections.
TH1F * hEHitsAfterInjLER
Histogram for Nr Entries (=Triggrs) for normalization after LER injection.
void initialize() override final
initialize function
TH1F * hEHitsAfterInjHER
Histogram for Nr Entries (=Triggrs) for normalization after HER injection.
TH1F * hHitsAfterInjLER
Histogram Hits after LER injection.
Flag to select events triggered by delayed bhabha.
TH2F * hVetoAfterInjHER
Histogram Veto tuning w/ ECL hits after HER injection.
TH1F * hBurstsAfterInjLER
Histogram Bursts suppression after LER injection.
TH1F * hEBurstsAfterInjLER
Histogram Bursts suppression for normalization after LER injection.
StoreArray< ECLDsp > m_ECLDsps
Input array for ECL waveform data.
StoreObjPtr< TRGSummary > m_l1Trigger
StoreObjPtr TRGSummary
double m_revolutionTime
The beam revolution cycle time in .
StoreArray< RawFTSW > m_rawTTD
Input array for DAQ Status.
void defineHisto() override final
defineHisto function
int m_iEvent
Global event number.
void event() override final
event function
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
Name of the histogram directory in ROOT file.
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_storeHits
Input array for ECL Raw Hits.
std::string m_ECLDigitsName
The name of the StoreArray of ECLRawHits to be generated.
std::vector< float > m_ped_peak_range
Injection time range (in ms) for h_ped_peak histograms.
double m_ECLThresholdforVetoTuning
ECL threshold for injection veto tuning, ADC channels.
TH1F * hBurstsAfterInjHER
Histogram Bursts suppression after HER injection.
TH1F * hEBurstsAfterInjHER
Histogram Bursts suppression for normalization after HER injection.
void beginRun() override final
beginRun function
StoreArray< ECLTrig > m_ECLTrigs
Input array for ECL burst suppresions.
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_eventmetadata
StoreObjPtr EventMetaData.
std::vector< int > v_totalthrApsd
Vector to store psd wf amplitude threshold.
std::vector< TH1F * > h_ped_peak
Distribution of pedestal peak (peak in first 16 waveform samples) after HER/LER injection,...
DBObjPtr< ECLCrystalCalib > m_calibrationThrApsd
PSD waveform amplitude threshold.
TH2F * hOccAfterInjLER
Histogram Occupancy after LER injection.
TH2F * hOccAfterInjHER
Histogram Occupancy after HER injection.
ECLChannelMapper mapper
ECL channel mapper.
static ECLPedestalFit pedestalFit(std::vector< int > adc)
Fit pedestal part of the signal waveform (first 16 samples) This method will fit the first 16 samples...
static void initPedestalFit()
Load DSP coefficients used in the pedestal fit function.
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
bool isBackward(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in backward ECL.
bool isBarrel(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in barrel ECL.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.